Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/1056

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1038 SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 201. 1918. mg°g;g§•';f¤°**‘ *"*°*‘ GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. MVK °‘°bS°¤°°· Leaves of absence: To enable the Public Printer to comgly with the provisions of law granting leave to employees of the overnment rinting Office, fiscal year 1918, $2,694.50. mgmting md bm- rmsmc ramrmo AND Bmnme. Agg‘°g’“° ‘““°““°‘ For public rinting, public binding and for paper for public rintin and binding, including the same obfjiacts specified under thisliiead ig the sundry civil appropriation Act or the fiscal year 1919 $350,000. §;X{m*;;¤g@l;*c¤m*· _ The allotment of the Navy Department for printing and binding for 4»¢¤,p. mo. the fiscal year 1919, contained in the sundry civil appropriation Act PP P » is increased from $300,000 to $400,000. C£Li1gsgf¤@tS’C0u!t°I JUDGMENTS, COURT OF CLAIMS, Payment. For the pagment of the judgients rendered by the Court of Claims, reported to ongress during e present session in House Document _ Numbered Thirteen hundred and thirty-two, namely: °I”sm°`°“°“‘ gnger Ellie Iyar Dlgpartment, $68,003.50; n er e avy e artment $72 619.45; Under the Interior Department, $843,440.34; Under the Department of Justice, $4,544.80; glndleir the Post Office Department, $12,954.47; a $501 562.56. Avv·•*¤· thNon%,of fthe jucagrploiiltsil containededin this Act shall be paid until eng to appea s ave expir . Ti¤¤¤f¤¤i¤M*· Sec. 2. That this Act hereafter may be referred to as the "First Deficiency Appropriation Act, 1919." .xuama¤1a1mi. AUDITED (]LA]){S_ Chim? •=¤¤*¤¤d W Sec. 3. '1`hat for the payment of the following. claims certihed °°°°°°mg °m°°”` to be due by the several accounting officers of the Treasury Depart- VN is P no ment under appropriations the balances of which have been exhausted ' ’ ° or earned to the surplus fund under the provisions of section five of the Act of June 20, 1874, and under appropriations heretofore treated as permanent, being for the service o the fiscal year 1916 and V prior years, unless otherwise stated, and which have een certified °" 23* *"2°" to Congress under section two of the Act of July 7, 1884, as fully set forth m House Document Numbered Thirteen hundred and thrity· three, reported to Congress at its present session, there is appropriated as follows: · onams Annownn BY THE Amnrron ron mn rnnasnnr Dn1>An·rMnN·r. A§d°§§{.°g,§‘,ll‘?§$,§i,ul§§ For collecting the revenue from customs, $2.07. D°P°"¤¤¤¤· For paper money laundering machines, 1917, $109.96. _ For freight, transportation, and so forth, Public Health Service, $284.52. For miscellaneous expenses, Intemal-Revenue Service, $12. For refunding internal-revenue collections, $20. For refunding taxes illegally collected, $451,-496.72. For redemption of stamps, $5,997.97. $8§%1£)3}§!5y`II1BDl3 of judgments against internal-revenue officers, Blior gl1owa(n}c;;>5· drawback, $516.50. or oast u _ $429.77. For pay of crews, miscellaneous expenses, and so forth, Life- Saving Service, $375.50.