Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/1180

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1162 sixrY-F1FTH CONGRESS. siSS. III. cu. 39. 1919. wise appropriated, to su l deficiencies in a propriations for the iiscal yielir gnding June 3(lZp1g)719, and prior Hscal) years, and for other purposes, namely: nasmcmzcorumbia. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. C°¤*l¤¤°¤*°*P°¤=’·°¤- CONTINGENT AND ivrrscELLANEoUs EXPENSES. District B¤i*d1¤8· District Building: For fuel, light, power, repairs, laundry, me- F“°l’°*°‘ chanics, and labor, not to exceed $2,500, and miscellaneous supplies, $12,000. Sewers. SEWERS. P¤¤¤x>i¤S=¤Wi¢¤- For operation and maintenance of the sewage pumping service, including repairs to boilers, machinery, and pumpgg stations, and em loyment of mechanics, laborers, and two watc en, purchase of coal, oils, waste, and other supplies, and for maintenance of motor trucks, $30,000. S¤’¤{¤ srnnmrs. 0i¤v¤>¤¤S¤¤iSv<>¤¤L For the disposal of city `refuse, including the same objects and under the same limitations specihed for this urpose in the District of Columbia appropriation Act for the fiscalp year 1919, $220,000: _{_°S'{’,';r"g;,,,,,ct,0,,_ Promkied, That not more than $70,000 of this sum shall be expended for the collection and disposal of ashes. P“"“°S°*‘°°“'·· PUBLIC SCHOOLS. ,,,g°“‘“"““Y ‘°'°'”s» For payment of necessary expenses connected with the organization and conducting of community forums and civic centers in school buildings, including equi ment, fixtures, and supplies for ` ting and equip the buildin , ayment of janitor service, h ping (ss 1> secretaries, teachers, organizers, an clerks, including the purchase of one motor vehicle for use of the central office for strictly official business not exceedin $1,200, and maintenance of same, and employees of the day scliools may also be employees of the community forums and civic centers, $6,000. F"° D°¥’“"’“°“*· rum DEPARTMENT. . mQ‘§§jf‘°”“‘ “PP°"“‘ Permanent improvements: For additional for one aerial hook and ' ladder truck, motor driven, $1,000; For additional for two tractors, motor driven, $4,000; . For additional for three fire engines, motor driven, $6,000; For additional for four combination chemical and hose wagons, motor driven, $1,800; In all, $12,800. H°°“** d°¤°”¤*°¤*· rmarxrrr naranrmmvr. d,;l,Z,;°§?§{'§$ Sp”°d°‘ For enforcement of the various provisions of law to prevent the spread of contagious diseases in the District of Columbia, including t e same objects s ecided under this head in the District of Colum- ‘ bia appropriation got for the fiscal vear 1919, and including also rent and repairs of a building or buildings for temporary emergency hospita , equipment, maintenance, and operation of same, temporary services and such other items as in the jud ment of the commission- _ ers may be necessary to prevent the spread of epidemic influenza m {fgflflffgw Swim the District of Columbia, $30,000: Prorvided, That the COIl1HllSSlOH€rs auqwea. may accept voluntary services in connection with the spread of contagious diseases in the District of Columbia.