Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/1184

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1166 SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. SSSS. III. os. 39. 1919. ,u§d§"¤* °'¤°’g°¤°Y NAVAL EMERGENCY FUND. ,,g§Q§,Qgi¤°“’°° °** For the payment of obligations incurred prior to November 11, 1918, under the naval emergency fund, including the same objects specified for this p1u·pose in the deficiency appropriation Act a - roved October 6, 1917, and the naval appropriation Acts for tllie Escal years 1918 and 1919, $33,000,000 m§1¤}f°¤¤ °‘ N°*’*¤¤· BUREAU or NAVIGATION. T=¤¤¤P°*’*°*i°¤· Transportation: For travel allowance of enlisted men discharged on account of expiration of enlistment, and so forth, including the same objects specified under this head in the several Acts carrying appropriations thereunder for the fiscal years 1917 and 1918, $630,235.04. &‘f,°,f,,°f,;, obligations Qutiits on first enlistment: Theappropriation for outfits on first

¤“g¤}>u¤;_g°¤¤ ¢¤¤°¤* enlistment for_tl1e fiscal year 1919 is made available for the payment

' of obligations mcurred for outfits on first enlistment during the fiscal years 1917 and 1918. °°““°g°"‘· Contin ent: For ferriage, continuous-service certiicates, and so forth, in§uding the same objects specified imder this head in the naval appropriation Act for the fiscal {par 1919, $5,000.

 =’*¤¤°¤S· Nava traministation, California: or mamtenance of naval train-

· ing station, Yer a Buena Island, California, including the same objects specijied under this head in the naval appropriation Act for the fiscal (year 1918 and in the urgent deficiency appropriation Act approve June 15, 1917, $22,066.25. R1¤¤¤¤ ¤¤¤¤¤- Naval training station, Rhode Island: For maintenance of naval training station, Coasters Harbor Island, Rhode Island, including the same ob`ects specified under this head in the naval appropriation Act for the iiscal year 1919, $411,899. ereauns. . Naval training station, Great Lakes: For maintenance of naval t tation, Great Lakes, including the same objects specified under t head in the naval appropriation Act for the fiscal year 1919, $457,000. S¤i¤¢H¤*°¤¤- Naval training station, Saint Helena: For maintenance of naval traininlg stations at Saint Helena and at naval operating base, Virginia, abor and material, general care, repairs and improvements: schoolbooks, and all other incidental expenses, fiscal years 1917 and 1918, $4,978.35. Dggéu <>*Y¤*°=¤¤¤ BUREAU or YARDS AND DOCKB. “¤*¤*°¤*°°°- _ Maintenance: For general maintenance of yards and docks, including the same objects specified under this head in the naval appropnation Act for the fiscal year 1919, $6,000,000. “°¤°“*¤°°°- Contingent: For contingent expenses and minor extensions and improvements of public works at navy yards and stations, $100,000.

  • ’“*‘“° "°'*s· PUBLIC womzs, BUREAU or YARDS AND DOCKS.

,m§,§,‘Q;§,“{,’g_C°¤¤·· Submarine base, New London, Connecticut: For the further dé- velopment of the submarine base at New London, Connecticut, including the same objtects specined under this head in the naval ap- _ prgpriation Act fort c fiscal year 1919 $474,407.64. W“‘“°€‘°°» D· C· avy yard, Washington, District of Columbia: For yard improvements, $500,000. wfkwl H¤"*°’· He d N];1v:.l8%(;ition, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii: For completion of dry _ oc ,_S.7 , 0. §g,jj},;}$‘·¥1’}Y- Buildings and grounds, Naval Academy: For extension of Ballcroft Hall, $750,000.