Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/1192

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1174 SIXTY—FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Crrs. 39, 40. 1919. D(§‘,’j§*“ °‘Y“dS°¤d rmanro WORKS, BUREAU or YARDS AND DOCKS. Public works. T'3i¤i¤8°**mP$· For naval training camps, $257,885. B¤S¤¤¤»M=¤¤ Navy yard, Boston, Massachusetts: For water-front improvements, $570 000. W=¤hi¤g°°¤»D-C- Navv ard, Wash' ton, District of Columbia: For the ac uisition f ddity all d $]l1(I0 000 q o a ron . an , . °¤¤¤==¤*<>¤·S·C- Nayy yard, Charleston, South Carolina: For new superstructure for pier numbered 314, $17,000. New 0¤¤·¤¤·L¤ Navy yard, New Orleans, Louisiana: For floating crane, $30,000. Mm ¤’·1¤¤d·°¤r Navy yard, Mare Island, California: For revolving crane, $40,000; for structural shop and auxiliary improvements, $250,000; in all, 3290,000. N*’·‘”“A°°d°mY· Naval Academy: For addition to Isherwood Hall, $15,000.

 L°*"°S“°““¤€ Naval training station, Great Lakes, Illinois: For additional land,

$400,000. ,,,§§f$P“**' °°”$¤'¤°· Hospital construction: For hospitals and medical supply depots, _ $1,008 742. H“°d“°€°PP*'-*m°°S· For handling appliances at navy yards, $25,000. _ Total, appropriations to be covered mto the Treasury, public works, Bureau of ards and Docks, $2,713,627. m§'j{g_§§ugf&S°P¤¤°$ BUREAU or SUPPLIES AND ACCOUNTS. F¤¤‘·°*¤· For fuel and transportation, $23,096,000. E,§,,‘*,§§“,,,,gf" S‘°“'“ BUREAU or s·rEAu ENorNEERrNo. ,,,§§,§,,lQ°'k* mm For machinery plant, New York Navy Yard, $1,420.33. M°'i“° °°“’S· MARINE corrrs. R"°*§,"°S"*"’u°“‘ For reserve supplies, Marine Co naval appropriation Act ap-

` 731 péoved July 1_, 1918, $7,000,000
Eiwided, That the Secretary of

rmarér or equal ar rs authorrzed and directed to transfer to the Secretary o the §{§§§f‘;u,§§;‘§‘,Bd‘}‘mY Navy for the use of the Marine Corps without payment therefor, such reserve stock of clothing, arms, and equipment, and other necessary military supplies, inventoried at the cost to the Army and not to exceeél m the aggrggate $7,000,000, as the same from time to time _. ma e re uisition . M““°°°m°°°' liyor maintenance, Quartermastefs Department, Marine Corps, $20,000,000 Pav. · ‘ For pay Marine Corps, $14 191,975.96. sem. C°rp° R°` For expenses, Marine Corps, Reserve, $25,000. _ C Total, appropriations to be covered into the Treasury, Marine o $41,216,975.96. hSl'?i’>Tal appropriations to be covered into the Treasury, Naval Estab- ' ment, $334 $61,866.98. Total authoiiaations repealed, Naval Establishment, $$1,000,000. _ Total appropriations and authorizations recovered, Naval Estab- Tme mms ACL lrslément, $365,361_,866.98. u d Eo. 5. That this Act hereafter may be referred to as the Secou DeHc1ency Appropriation Act, 1919." Approved, February 25, 1919. F 25,149. CHAP. 40.——A.n A t Maki ' f h 'd d th j§¤'Y`i?¥¤¤¤i A pensions of the Uaaeri sma’?%?€§§°é?3?.i“§2§.‘I.E.Yi§.§"3l.‘§§‘§3Yi§3.§i“§’¤d“2?.r Bag; (Public, No. 278.} p111'P08€‘S· P __ _ B { _ Be it ejmcted by the Senate and Houozof Representatives of the Uniiéd ¤.,,§']`°'°°° pp wm" States oj America an Congress assemb , That the following sums aw