Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/1200

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1182 SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 49. 1919. February Q6, 1919- CHAP. 49.-An Act To fix the salaries of the clerks of the United States district lS‘ 3°’9‘] courts and to provide for their office expenses, and for other purposes. {rutile, N0. zzz.] . Be it enacted the Senate and House 0 Representatives of the United giiiiggsgmriisiigii States of Amerigz. in Congress assembled? That on and after the first °°,‘{;,°S;,,u,me,,,_ day of uly, nineteen hundred and eighteen, all clerks of United States v0liae,p.iosv,ame¤c- district courts shall be appointed by the judge for the district, or the °d' senior judge if there be more than one judge in the district, subject Fm Gm ,0,,,, pm to the approval of the senior circuit (judge for the circuit in which the intothia Trévsury. district is situated, and all fees an emoluments authorized by law to be paid to the clerks of the United States district courts, except the clerks of the district courts of Alaska, shall be charged as heretofore and shall be collected, as far as possible, and paid into the Treasury of the United States in such manner and at such times as hereinafter provided; and such clerks shall be paid, in lieu of the fees and emoluments now allowed by law, an annual salary as hereinafter {}Q'§'{;{§" sms, ex. rovided: Provided, That this section shall not be construed to re uire P *1 mnt- or authorize fees to be charged or collected from the United States. §{1g’*;;, 839 P ,58 Sec. 2. That the clerk of the United States district court for each mesaéa ' ’ of the judicial districts of the United States except the clerks of the district courts of Alaska, shall be paid, in lieu oi) the fees, salaries, and per centum now allowed by law, an annual salary to be fixed by the Attorney General at not less than $2 ,500 nor more than $5,000, based in each instance upon the amount of business transacted by the pourt and the fees ai;] the emoluments received by the clerks in teour earsast rece` . ,,,,‘§}'§x°Q§”,,‘§§§Y' "’"°]’ Sec. 3?T That whgn anyilg clerk of a district court is necessarily absent from his official residence on any official business he shall be allowed his actual traveling expenses only and his necessary and actual gxpenses for lodging and subsistence, the latter not to exceed , $4 er ay. ,,,;i§{Et§°?“d°l°"”1 Sino. 4. That when, in the opinion of the Attorney General, the ed"°'~*°»P·*°“’·“m°¤d· public interest requires it he may, on the recommendation of the ` clerk of a district court, which recommendation shall state facts (as distinguished from conclusions) showing necessity for the same, allow such clerk to employ necessary deputies and clerical assistants, upon compensation to_be fixed by the_Att0rney General from time to time Au I t I angvpaid as hereinafter provided. . ,,,c_,,§’§",Q,'§§,°;,,'?' ”"°’ en any such deputy or clerical assistant is necessarily absent from the place of his regular employment on official business he shall be allowed his actual traveling ex cnses only and his necessary and gctual pixpenses for lodging and subsistence, the latter not to exceed l 3 mer ay. Ommxpmm Sino. 5. That the necessaq office ex enses of the clerks of the disj;)rictheoXrts of t-lg Unitpd ctates shall be allowed when authorized tm _ y the ttorney enera . miizsimy wm my Sec. 6. That the salaries of the clerks, deputy clerks, and clerical assistants to the clerks of the district courts shall be paid monthly Emma mmm by the marshals of the respective districts. payable by marshal. ISec. 7. That the expense accounts of clerks of the United StateS district courts, when made out and verified, and the expense accounts of their deputy clerks and clerical assistants, when made out and certified as correct by the clerk of such court, covering the necessary expenses incurred by such clerk, deiiuty clerk, or clerical assistants when necessarily absent from the p ace of regular emplo ment on official business, shall be plaid by the marshal, who shall include 0,,,% m,€,,s€s,,,,,e them in his accounts with the United States. Paid by ¤>¤¤¤¤r Sec. 8: That the necessary office expenses of the clerk of the United States district court, as allowed and authorized by the Attorney General, shall be paid by the marshal and included in his accounts with the United States.