Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/122

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SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 26. 1917. 103 or crews of such vessels, are unable in any trade to secure adequate war-risk insurance on reasonable terms. "The Bureau of War Risk Insurance, subject to the general .,;IYi‘}2f*,E,,°§,y°g?i§°€Ql_}°?,°j direction of the Secretary of the Treasury, shall, as soon as prac- °*°W· ticable, make provisions for the insurance by the United States, as further provided in section three a, of masters, officers, and crews of American merchant vessels against loss of life or personal injury by the risks of war, and for compensation during detention following mQ,§{{}g°””““d"m¤ capture by enemies of the Un1ted States whenever it shall appear ` to the Secretary that in any trade the need for such insurance exists/’ Sec. 3. That there is hereby addedto such Act a new section, to be known as section two a, to read as follows: "Sec. 2a. That the Bureau of War Risk Insurance,· with the S°f§°*§§‘f°'{,'}° ,{!,{m‘{,°g approval of the Secretary of the Treasury, is hereb authorized to ¤¤ti¤¤¤- ’ make provisions for the reinsurance by the United States of vessels of foreign friendly flags or their cargoes, or both, when such vessels or their cargoes are insured by] the Govemment of any country which R ms A _ is at war with an enemy of the United States; and, further, to rein- vess;1svl:i.tl1a11iel]iiBr(l(¢:i1\it sure with the Governments of any countries which are at war with an °"““°”“· enemy of the United States American vessels and their cargoes." rm, p. sev. Sec. 4. That section three of such Act is hereby amended to read ,,,Y,,'{},;,,f’· P· ’“• as follows: "Sec. 3. That the Bureau of War Risk Insurance, with the Pvlicpg md premiapproval of the Secretary of the Treasury, is hereby authorized to uliilxa °m°d‘ adopt and publish forms of war-risk policies and to fix reasonable rates of premium for thelpolicies which it is authorized to issue under this Act, which rates sh be subject to such change to each ort and for each class as the Secretary shall End may be` by the circumstances. All lperoceeds of the aforesai premium and from ?r¤¤¤;11¤agI¤m pm salvaglp which have en or are hereafter received shall be covered mum v°‘°‘ into the Treasury of the United States to the credit of the Bureau of War Risk Insurance, and in addition to all other appropriations made under this Act are hereby permanently appropriate for the! Rwpproprum fw purpose of paying losses and return premiums accruing under this °°°°°“’°°°‘ ct." . Sec. 5. That there is hereby added to such Act a new section, to be known as section three a, to read as follows: ° "Sx·:c. 3a. That whenever it shall appear to the Secretary of the owaemiimmma- Treas that the effecting of such insurance is desirable in the iF,;Z£2j’°‘°‘“"°'°“°' natior`:37 interest in the case of vessels engaged in ani trade, the owner of every American merchant vessel engaged in suc trade shall insure the master, officers, and crew of such vessel against loss of life or personal injury from war risks as well as for compensation during detention by an enemy of the United States followin%capture. "Such insurance shall be effected either with the ureau of War umemmmmw. Risk Insurance or in insurance companies, and on terms satisfactory to the Secretary of the Treasury. "Such insurance shall provide, and the Bureau of War Risk roses mumm. Insurance is authorized to write policies so providing- "(a) In case of death, permanent disability which prevents the msfggeifilé. rgcrmment person injured from performing any and every kind of duty per- mam,. y' ° °’ P"` taining to his occu ation, or the loss of both hands, both arms, both feet, both legs, or liioth eyes, or any two thereof, for the payment of Cumpmumormm an amount equivalent to one yea1·’ s earnings, or to twelve times the monthly ear of the insured, as fixe in the articles for the voyage (hereiniiiter referred to as the principal sum), but in no case Lama. shall such amount be more than $5,000 or less than $1,500; " (b) In case of any of the following losses, for the payment of the %§¤1 <¤¤¤i1i¤¤¤- percentage of the principal sum indicated in the following tables: ‘ ‘fOne and, fifty per centum; "One arm, sixty- ve per centum;