Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/1271

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SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. C11. 86. 1919. 1253 shall be used to increase the salary of any clerk in any class entitled · thereto b not less than $100 above the salary fixed by law for such class. Tile Postmaster General shall assign to the several bureaus, m·*,f§$f'“"“ ‘° l"" offices, and divisions of the Post Office Department such number of ' the employees herein authorized as may be necessary to perform the work required therein; and he shall submit a statement showing such assignments and the number employed at the various salaries m the annual Book of Estimates following the estimates for salaries in the Post Office Department. Ormcs, Fmsr ASSISTANT Posmasrm Gmumn.: First Assistant mQ¤1¢;•¤* Postmaster General, $5,000; chief clerk, $2,500; division of post- mi. office service—superintendent $4,000, assistant:·;pm1ntendent $3,000, °' clerk in charge $2,250, two assistant superinte ents at $2,000 each; division of postmasters’ appointments——superintendent $3,000, two assistant superintendents at $2,000 each; superintendent, division of dead letters, $2,500; chief, division of correspondence, $2,000; in all, $32,250. Ormcn Sncomi Assisram Posrmisrnn Gmmn.u.:· Second As- ,0, mwgggggéég sislpant P&ztmaster General, $5,0010; chggfclerk, $2,500;·division of cams. ts I r `wa justments—superin` ten ent ,000, assistant superb ten- d,°"l’°',,,,, “‘°““"l"‘,,,,,_ ° dent §2,250; division of foreign mails——supe1intendent¤··$3,0()0, m' assistant superintendent $2,000; division of railway mailservies-*-v general superintendent $4,000, assistant general superintendent . $3,500; chief clerk, $2,000; in all, $27,250. · Ormcm Tmmi Assrsranr Posmnisrnn Gmrnnanz Third Assistant ,,,2,,P‘{°P°,f,'f,{,‘,2A?; Postmaster General, $5,000; chief clerk, $2,500; division of postal °¤¤¤l; M savings-director $4,800, assistant director $3,000, chief clerk $2,500, clerk m charge of administrative section, and clerk in charge of audit section, at $2,000 each; superintendents of ·divisions—stamps $2,750, iinance (who shall give bond ·in such amount as the Postmaster General may determine for thszfaithful discharge of his duties) $2,250, classification $2,750, registered $2,500, money orders $2,750; chief clerk, division of money orders, $2,250; in all, $37,050. Ormcn Fouirrn Assrsraiwr Posrmasmn GENERAL: Fourth Assist- s,s‘,’,§§§° §{,§`@;§,°; ant Postmaster General, $5,000; chief clerk, $2,500; division of rural Gg¤·r¤~\- M d H , mails——su rintendent $3,000, chief clerk $2,000; division of equip- aiviil$i1:¤¢2.°° ° ment andm supplies-esuperintendent $3,000, chief clerk $2,000; tolipgrapher, $2,400; in all, $19,900. etal salaries, $1,775,590. Courmemwr nxrmzsns, Posr Onion Dmramunmz For stationery §°$,{}§{§',f,§,';§§f§°”“ and blank books, index and guide cards, folders, and binding devices, including purchase of free penalty envelopes, $25,000. For fuel and repairs to heating, lighting, ice, and power plant, in- H°°°‘"‘*°""’ ""‘“°‘ cluding repairs to elevators, purchase and exchange of tools, and electrical supplies, and removal of ashes, $60,000. For telegraphing, $5,000. T°l°gmphmg’ °°°` For painting, $2,000. _ For purchase, exchange, hire, and maintenance of horses and horse- v°h‘°l°“‘ drawn passenger-carrying vehicles and repair of vehicles, including , motor trucks and hamess, $3,200. For rent of stables, $500. _ um For miscellaneous items, including purchase, exchange, and repair mr °°°"' of typewriters, adding machines, and other labor-saving devices; street car fares not exceeding $300; plumbing; floor coverings; postage stamps for correspondence addressed abroad which is not exemapt under article 11 of the Rome convention of the Universal Post Union, $35,000, of which sum not exceeding $6,000 may be expended for telephone service, and not exceeding $1,500 may be expended for law books, books of reference, railway guides, city directories, books necessary to conduct the business of the department; and repairs to department buildings.