Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/1373

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l 11 INDEX. Admwlcsiom and Dues, Tax on, 1918—Contd. Page- Aeroplanes, Postal Ser·vioe—Co11tinued. P¤z¤- no tax levied, if proceeds for benefit of appropriation for purchase of, and opera.- United States armed forces . . .. 1121 tion; Alaska. included .. 1194 agric ultural fairs, etc ... 1121 delivery by War Department to Postmaster chargegdfor seats and tables included as 1 -1 o _ General of, not suitable for Army 753 IDLSIOHB . 129 use ’ ..,.. ; L .;. . .. price, etc., to be printed on tickets ... 1121 equipment and supgies to be purchased penalty for violations ...,. .. 1121 · · · from War or lavy Department no tax levied on dues, etc., exceeding $10 a longer required for service thereof, year, of social, etc., clubs .. 1121 before purchasing elsewhere . 1194 exemption of fraternal lodges, etc ... 1121 reports of other purchases to Congress. . . 1194 collection by receivers of dues; returns puces allowed for new or used ... 1194 and ayments ..,.r. 1121 proceeds to be covered into the Treasury 1194 Adulterated Igods, Drugs, ctc., unmediate delivery on request .. 1194 approprzation for expenses preventing sale 9 credited tp War or Navy Department 194 o . 92 appropriations. . . . 1 Adulterated Insecticides, - accounts of expenses to be kept sepaappropriation for preventing sale, etc., of- . 1004 rately . 1194 Advertising, D. C., §0stage rates on mail carried by .. 548 apfropmation for general . 924 A davits ·i·n Land Cases, or notices of taxes in arrears 924 may be made during the wm- before comdeiiciency appropriation for general ...,... 350 manding officer . ,..,,..,.. 391 Ad·mLsc¤ry_Board, Insrtrance, _ Africa, Nqrtitem, authonzed to assist War Rxsk Insurance appropriation for interpreters and guards Bureau ... 399 at consulates in . 529, 1334 duties defined . 399 African Slave Trade, Internaubvuzl Bureau far compensatwn; limit 399 Repressing, — — · Advisor-y Tax Board, Interml Revenue, appropriation forsunml contribution. - 524, 1330 creation and composition of; duration, Agate Bay_, Minn. . . . . . 9- · ·S3131‘1€8,6X ; etc, ,,., , ,,,.,., _ 1141 nppropmation impmvemQnt.‘pf*·9bnr- t questmnstobesu mittedto,asmincpme,‘ _ bor .. 9 t ..»;;.;`3.-;·.;4»—257;9()9;·1283 warprofits, orexcedpmiitstnxlaws. 1141 oigcncnks, Euaetive . j·· · 0Hice in Washington; accormting, etc.14 . . 1141 coordination of functions, etée, df, author powersancldutiesconfened 9 »...QL:-·..» 1141 ‘ " "i$6ddK11'iDg`m8°WW .. . 556 Amie A&Ph}:;¢6·*» fggmlf (W 8*8***1 t , Agents, Irtterjnal {Revenue, 7 , , » Arm » a prepnntxcn or . . 78, 1234

  • PPY°Ig'£u°¤ for Pumhagr immubcmmv 848 allowed leaves of absence for 30 days .. 1141

Aerial Machines, Arm (see also Aviation Sec- Awmmgfg War Suppl"`, (see War Con` tion. Signs! Army), . C * ‘?"?‘?‘ deficiency appropriation for mr expenses; A9'““~"’·l}“"“Z Acmnmi O'? Army L¤'¤#¥» ]imj;_ ________ _ _________________ 187, 356 deficxenoy aggprgudrmuon for; receipts irom Am,;ogrm;5ga;,b»n8, _ sn es 0 p ucts ... 1028 appropriation for establishing, etc., under Yesmcmn OI! PON? B‘¤·¥‘d¤¤¤ ¤¤¤P°¤d°d» 1919 1028 Weather Bureau in aid of aero- Agricultural Associations, etc., uautws .. . 43, 976 second class mail rates on publications ot, Aerzmautic Engineering, increased, ggc _,___________________ 328 appropriation for standardizing apparatus, Agricultural Department (see Department of A etcs, used ir;. . . . 808, 1260 Agriculture). ermuzuttg tation, .ana ope, g,,..‘·m , _ · “PtP'°R¤°·*}°“ f9¤· ¢<>¤¤&¤¤¢¤9¤· vw ---·---· 179 Ammégaoarié ii: ’§‘$;3t from internal reve~ A“_m?;z;§h1P°9 °·c°8¤’°n“v °tc· ···········~ 180 nue tant; c0nd1tions. . ,,,.,,,.. 1121 ¤m>r¤1>yi¤¤i¤¤ for vri¤¤i¤s bibiivznphv 9* · 649 oxzuagiprigxm my renvirflf? .’ 1%;:, Am·99¢·99· Mlm! . Amzmmz defic1encyR;.>pmpnst1nn for, 1919 . 1027 appmprgatgtm for expense, of 1047 Aerzmauiiqs, _ atirmal Advisory Commizteefor, A . uu I . S . ````'’’ "` approprumou for expenses of invootiga. 9"“`“ git m‘°I"* (W “l·’° um, em. ..,,,,__,___,,,_ no 99 9*9e¤9¤¤ S9¤¤¤9» D91>9¤» deficienqy appropriation for. .,,._,,,,, 832 Hiult °f E*€n°“1“”'°)· completion of research laboratory author- °pPmPm¤°“ 99 g°“°“*1 “xP°°°°°* Slate ized from s proprintion for _.,.,. 369 “H°m‘°“t’S ······· : ······· z ········· 998 rent allowance, Emu ot ocrmtn, in- · 9’~*g>¤I=;9£;·0*;9n¢9 6999999 F·¤v9¤¤¤9¤9 Sw- 998 Ae,-mmufh M;g»,;,;a,Q,; ````°'```````'``''` *62 for `gcgemfive agricultural extension 999 ratin of, etc., in S1gnnl° Go .,,_,_ _ ____ . Y ·,· -·; ·-·----~-········· · -···- inciswod pay for mg1m1€£»°. .. gg *9* d¤9¤9¤m9¤¤9k;9rk 9* -;. ---·- - ---- _ - · 999 Aeroplanes (see also Aircmft Production), f°r °t’m°“S· Alas * gawam Pom" Emo: agency established for entue control of _ Gmmv 3·“d_V`“gm I¤k»¤d¤ ~--··-—·-~ 999 production, etc., of ..,,,,,,______ __ _ 557 Agrwultural Extenswn Work, Cooperating, Aeroplangil érmy {see Aviation Section, Sig- Sppwpfiativu fo1‘ Sdminbtmtive expenses, 999 OYPB · Ag·nH ltuml Food Produc Airgplancq, Service; ul _ Product? Fuel, etlglfue also Food PY°P¤* _ °¥' 6XP€¤m€¤ mil] t¤¤8· a riation or investjgg ‘ prgd ‘ P°'*’m°¤ by; ---·-·-·-··-········- 747 Ppmpdktdbution, etc. . ..., moz for purchase, mmntenznce, etc .. 747 market manipulation ;¤c1ud€d_ ______ 1002