Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/1386

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INDEX. Xv Army—Continued. P¤·¤¢~ Army—-Continued. Pm. appropriation for post hospitals, coust:ruc— appropriation for manufacture, etc., of tion, repairs, etc . 58, 864 arms . . .. .. . . 63, 870 allotments to designated hospitals; re- amount for purchases 63 striction -- _ ---·---..-.. 58, b64 tools, cm, for manufacture by private alterations, additions, temporary bos· parties 63 pitals, etc . . ... 864 contracts authorized .. 870 {or quarters for hospital stewards ... 58, 864 civilian employees paid for working for shooting galleries and mn$s ... 58, 864 dllflllg leaves of absence days .. 870 puachaie, etc., ergnge at nncouver, 58 fm repairing and preserving ordnance ’as ., mod1ii' stores .-..- 63, 870 for Army War College . _58, 864 for ordnance stores, etc 63, 870 for rent of buildings for, in District of for Infantry, etc., equipments; .. . . 63,870 f Columbia. 58, 864 amount for purchases of stores ... .- 63 or payment o amage , target contracts th ed f add`ti nal practice, ctc ...·. - ... 59, 864 stores, . . . - 870 for h§Oi?i of persons killed on 8 5 for aunuxlriile contests, trophy, medals, exicau er. .. 6 etc .,,,,, , ,__,,,, 63, 870 for addition to Gettysburg Park . 59 details M temporary instructors 64 for tmstruction expenses, vocational5 865 medals of hosor, distinguished service rammg.. ... 9 cmsses,an edalstobe warded; selection of regiments to receive , conditions"? f ... 870 instruction, at posts 59 for bronze medals to be awarded for War for filiniequipment for correspondenceu 60 with Spain and Mexican border (301350 'datjgu of specified titles into service ,,.,,,,,..,,,,,_,,,,_,,.,.,, 873 "Generg) appropriations, Quarter- 865 for aumic Tnaacliine rilles, etc .. 64, 372 master rps" · .. co n au orized . . 7. for Medical Department; Buppiies, em. , 60, 865 f¤¤ ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤5=¤‘¤ ·-----·-·----···· 64, 873 mosquito destruction, Canal Zone... 60,865 c°m§¤}c*·€ °·\Wh°¤¤°d ··-··- ;··»_ ---·---- 873 motor ambulances; selection, etc 60, 865 ***]*1**-**}**2-1 °¥'dm·¤°° °bl1E$¤°¤¤ $*1* preventing spread of epidemics . 60, 866 tb°m°‘l ·····-· : · · · 1 ··-······· 2 ···· 873 cg`,-glian cmp Gyms, etc __________ V _ 60, 866 for automatic machine rules for National tygnggorting gupplies, etc ,,,,_,,, , , , 61, 866 · Gwd- · · · ······ · ···· · · · -····•··· · 64 Hot Harings, Ark., hospital .. 61, 866 for °-n¤*mc§`“;h·g*mS ·-·- _ ·; ·-·---·-----··- 64 mjsce umu, expenses _____________ 61, 866 for ammunition for antuurcraft 64 incmasem personnel cgoggcm ______ __ 866 for artillery material for atwml 64 for hogggtal cate, Zone ga.ms0n.. 61, 866 for 6 ‘‘'‘' ·.* * ’ &· · · ;]·]é;_; for M cal Museum, library .. 61, 867 National Guard M for claire ozcliréleane Filipino and Porbom 8 mob etc for "`i‘"t;1[é 'can 'ers ., . ., , 67 ’ · " 64 for Engineer Department expenses, etc., mma' ‘ ‘ 1 ‘‘'‘‘’‘‘' . ‘ I ’‘' ‘ or depots Z . 61, 867 §,,“§,'§l‘g,`§.‘“§’,;f,"}‘ °°“2*’°'§"°“ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ Z 65 for Engineer School, Washington, D. G.; 10 mid` fo 1;;. “ ff,‘{?°·.tS°m 65 restriction 61,867 0,§,,g{, ,;,,,,,**,,1 ,0 ‘§§“, ,,*,},3** - for engineer equipment of troops .. 62, 867 mangwmre, co ti ¤°- ghw for iaervices oi civilians 62, 268 oi duty ’°x P ° ’ mw 65 873 for ngineer operations in c e 62 68 · `````'``'`' · `T ``'` ’ use of former appropriations .. , 62 msgs P**Y·*b'° {mm °’ppr°p"‘°°° '°' 65 ¤P¤¤¤¤ ¤¤ mmls *0* use ·—---·--··- 868 QV.-¤g§& 65 for €°!}m)H€¤€i€S the PhmI;Pi¤°5 ---- B2, 868 for ordnance authorizations previously f<>r1>¤u1d¤¤:;¤, Engineer Schw . ew-- ---· 62 designated . sys for military Surveys mw. etc -~----·- 62.868 technical employees allowed in Dissugsgtgnce per diem outside oi Wash-62 868 trict°?1f(’wun`bi$ hem(m,r_ ____ _ 873 , ,.,.. . . - . . . , b r- _ offices to www -------·---·---- - ----·- 868 m;:r¤rprsa$10£‘:i0mxi;1sp2{:P.?. . . sm amount for current obligations ... . 868 subsistence, eww allowed, civil anfor léthoggigh press rdfor Army schools, 868 ! ployees traveling on ordnance busiort venwo . . uoss . . 874 regimental ¢ tion, Engineer 868 for National Guard expenses; arming,65 Corps, band . equipping, training, etc ... , 874 volunteer Slavic Legion authorized; 868 for forage, egci forlérgsies .. . g com if n, etc ... trans er 0 rmy tan' loyal Aineerigan citizens of Austrian or for enlisted men for care of horses, etc. . . 65 German birth, may be commissioned for participating in Army encampments, in Army or Navy ... 869 etc., y, etc .- 66, 874 for Ordnance Department current ex- for attenggg instruction cam V, pensee ,.. I ... sa, 869 eu: ... I? ’. 66, sn for ammunition for small arms, etc . 63, 869 reimbursing Georgia. for encampment amount for purchases (B expenses, 1914 ... - 66 contracts authorized ...,,,,,,... . . 869 reim ursing Oklahoma for riile range, for small-arms target practice; ammuni· 1 etc., 1910, 1911 .. . . . 66 tion, marksmen’s medals, prizes, transporting Rcgulars to Nationsl66 8 etc .. 63,869 Guard instruction camps, etc .. , 74 issue to institutions, etc . 63, 869 I pay, ctc., Nacional Guard Reserve, at contracts authorized ,,,,..,.. 869 _ camps, etc .., 66, 874