Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/1411

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Xl INDEX. C. Page Califormkz Northern Judzhlzl District, P¤g¤· court moms to be provided in public build- Cabana, Oliver, jr., etal., ing, Sacramento, .,.,_.,,,,. 1271 may bridge Niagara River, Buffalo, N. Y.. 1185 Caloosahatchee River, Fla., tunnel in lieu of -.. 1186 appropriation for improvement of. . 255, 906, 1279 Cabarets, _ _ Calumet, Jlliah., ~ internal revenue tax on admissions to 1121 appropriation for improvement of harbor.. 258, war revenue tax on admission to, charging ]233 for seats, etc . . .. 318 Calumet River, I ll. and Ind., Cabinet National Forest, Mornt,, approgriation for im rovement of . . . . . 258, 1283 appropriation for maintenance, etc., of 986 Calvert treat Bridge, C., Cable Cars, ew., deficiency Stppmpriation for plans for new, 350 appropriation formai1transp0rtat;ionby_ 748, 1195 Camlmklge, M ., substitution of wagon service author- appropriation for public building . . 107, 635 ` ized ... 749 or improvement of harbor. . 253, 905, 1277 deiiciency appropriation for mail trans- Cameras, portation by 381 excise tax on, sold by roducer, etc .. 1122 Cable Messages, _ war excise tax on, sold gy producer, etc. . . 317 censorship authorized of, between United Cameron, Ter., States and foreign conmtries 413 appropriation for public building . . . . 107 unishment for evasions of, etc. 413 Camp and Gamhon Eq-uipage, Army, Cablg Servwbc, _ _ appropriation for . . .. 54, 860 revenue tax on messages by, m United de ciency appropriation for .. 11, St3t6¤ ------------···-·-----·--·---· 1102 30, 194, 362, 828, 839 Cable Systems, Marina, for war expenses, 1919 . . 1029 supervision or control of, by the President, Camp Beauregard, La. r authorized during the wllr ., . 904 hospital, etc., transferred to Public Health Cache Natrbnal Forest, Utah and Idalw, Service . ‘ .. . 1302 appropriation for maintenance, etc., of ___, 986 Camp Cody, N. Mez., · { exchange of lands for addition to, with hospitals, etc., transferred t0·Pi1blicHei£lth I§$8,CW l'£W§l'té James E. Hansen, 1204 C . . ’. ;. . 102 — and 'rn ,tewm·t ,,,..._ - amp emont, _ " ·, with C. Belling, Ferdinand Zollinger, jr., hospital, etg., to Public Health . Conrad Alder, Robert Murdock .. 1209 Service ... Q .. . . 1303 Cachous, Aromatic, Camp Grant, Ill., » war excise tax on, sold by producers, etc. . 317 bridge; authorized across Rock River at . . . 1042 Cacti. etc., Camp _ mwock, Ga., appropriation for investigating utilization hospital, etp., transferred to Public Health of _,,... . .. 983 Service 1302 Cadets (see also Military Academy), Camp Joseph E. Johnston, Fla,, appropriation for subsistence expenses at- hospital, etc., transferred to Public Health tending inaugural ceremonies ,.. 51 Service ... . 1302 for transportation expenses . 54 Camp Logan, Tac., for pay. . ., 90, 620, 1336 hospita , etc., transferred to Public Health mm of pay increased for fiscal year 1920. . 1336 Service . ,.. 1303 CaiyO_ Ltqypt, Camps of Instruction, Marim Corps, appropriation for agent and consul general appropriation for . 736 at __,. . ..., , ... 520, 1326 Camps of Instruction, Navy, Calmsieu River and Pass, La., appropriation for expenses, for Naval Reappropriation for improvement of. . 256, 907, 1280 , serve Force 713 Calwsicu. River, La., Camps, Panama Canal, Cantonment, preliminary examination, etc., to be made, appropriation for construction, etc., under for intracoastal waterway to Sabine direction of the Governor .. 819 River, Tex., and La., from . . 264 Canada, from Gulf of Mexico to Lake Charles, La. 264 appropriation for surveying and marking

    • CaZdera," Steamer line between Alaska and . . . . 523, 1329

mime of, changed to "A. T. Kinney " . 502 for markin% boundary line between Calyomth, { mu I lx d 6 United tates aicild .. L . - . 523, 1329 appropriation or surveyor gen , c er ·s, e ciency a ropria `on or expenses, pp pete . .. . 798, 1251 markingp boundary line between for support, etc., of Indians in . 570 Alaska and . - ... 380 for lan s, etc.,_for homeless Indjansinn 570 for expenses marking boundary line for naval training Station .. - . 712 between ’United States and . . . . 380 for naval training station, public works. . 726 importing birds, etc., in violation of laws deficiency appropriation for support of oi, as to killing, etc., unlawful . 756 Indians in ... 31, 1039 steamer pamage tickets to, exempt from for naval training Station. ., 205, 1034, 1166 internal revenue stamp tax ,_____,.. 1137 disposal of potassium deposits at Searles exempt from war revenue stamp tax 323 Lake .·--·-- - . . 298 war revenue tax on passenger transporta- Modoc National Forest, lands added to 1316 tion to any int in , ,___,___,,,,,, 314 Ca{§ormh Débris Commission, Cavmdian Boundary ggaters Commission, appropriation fonexpenses - 136, 661 appropriation for salaries and expense; 526, 1332 dggciencz appmzpldafien fo1' §XP€DS€8 . 30 requested to investigate improvement of CaZy'orm$a_ atwm Forest, Cali, , Saint Lawrence River, Montreal to appropriation for maintenance, etc., of 986 Lake Ontario, for ocean going vessels 1290