Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/1414

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INDEX. xliii Carson Indian Hospital, Nev., Y¤8°· Cattlc—Cq¤t@nued. _ _ P°8°· C approgrriamionl? mamlgzuijnce, etc., of 564 appmpixatttoisfor emdurating southern out- 978 son axiom: crest, . ex., the `c · restrictions . .. agp ropriation for maintenance, etc., of 986 for diffusing, information as to inégply, Cartigzdqe, N. C., prices, uprkets, etg., of, amjip _ 1002 °"“ °'i*“°df°““»‘i2‘é.§.?`2ff‘}¤'(§£EE°1{2 °“"* 396 f°' i?,°£§$‘L`.§° °§"%"?§3J`§ d"££éi‘L“g’ ms ma, or I1 . n ... Cartridges, Small Arm: or Shotgun, tick infested, otgarrvvise sound, etc., may restrictions on manu{;a.ct{)1{e, etc., of explo- 385 b6§HlP0!'t€gg0l'ilZDD16dj8tBBl8ughDé¢.;‘5 1048 sives, not app 'ca, e m. ... at emgnat ports . , Caruthersville, M0., _ _ _ _ - from •C0l111t1’i€S pgviug foot:-and-mouth deficiency approprmtxon for public bu11d- , grohib1ted.: . 275, 1048 in"; ,,.. .,...,..,. : .. . - - . . 466 gem; 1us&eci:115>11 regulatmns to govern C Gr R `n, riz., cs - ... ajgpmimuomm custodian . 144, css suugumgom 1;$m ng mélytirgagrwerilid. 1049 Cascade County Mont. exports m irgin an s 0 'co townsite101.s’in Simrns and Fort Shaw, Sun permitted ... . . 1049 River irrigation project, gmnted to Cattle T1.c§a, :S‘m¢tiwrn, _ _ C d i%°“mM"°l ‘}iiv“i“?‘ 6 ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ lm “”°‘£"Z‘°.t0ck“°“ "2{§.".§"‘°“..m‘§1.%·;.r(;;»;‘;,;.‘,-’1T"·1°"‘*’ e a ores , reg. v e approlimriatiou for ma.iuwmu;ce, etc., of 986 lealsegl areas . _ ... 978 Cass an Itasca C0'lL7lQ'|:68,_ Mfvm., restnchon gn use of pmtermls, etc 978 Cmayé bridge pp1 R1ver ... 341, 341 C I demonstrsuons at hun, etc .. 978 ass ount , . awa ry y‘ _ _ _ X O . may bricslge Wébash River, near Logsms- may Be orgaruzcd gs provmwmxl regxments port __,____,,,__,_,,___,__,,,_,.., 249 ¢;g1e1d Art1.I1@tc:·sInfAntry: .. E.; . 398 C s Lake Indian Reservation, Minn., resto to regular on n Cajpproi>ria‘;.Ii¤n for bridge mms Narrows in. 160 Ccd B of ggacégeucy ... , . ... , 398 L , n., ar ay . . (;;;pr(;;:riati:>y;1 for im roving road between appropriation for improvement of channel village of andplndjan school, from connecting Thoroughfam Bay sud,. 1278 Indian funds ,., 572 Cedar Bayou, Tex., _ · _ local} goopemtio?) 6 {E]; . 572 C:£¥>1§phi,at.?>u for mpmvemcut of . . . . 257 Castle Pea rngatakm roykxt, , a _ mpa, _ _ _ qualiiiad homestead entrymeu allowed appropnsiuon for public bmlding . 101: lmve of absence until water avail- Cement, etc.; · _ _ ’ · — C Bublé, etc ...··. Z ... 1210 appropriation fo;} investngating Bt|,'l1C ~ iz astcr cans. mate . . .. 59 appropriatio? for production and utilize.- 1046 deficienliyizl appropriatic;11 for testing struc· ’ tiouo . . .. t matenl 0 . -...-. 495 Casualty Hospital, D. C., _ Cemetery Campania, Cooperative, ~ · . appropriation for care of indigent paments. 946 exemznt from i¤c0mB tax. . 1076 deficiepgf appropriauou for cam, etc., of Cemors ip, C H 1}: igeut patients ... S24 powerpf, clgnferred on the President durasucz y nsurcmcc lngt GWSK. Ov t Comm u.0!18YD revenue tm: on ;;olicies oi; oléects statgd. . 1104 foreign countxges, by mail, cable, war revenue tax on licies 0 ; exempuou. 316 radio, etc . 413 CaLulogue_ oflScien¢%0 Lwemture, Intema- by vessels, aw., to or from any foreign {wm: , country . . . 4 I3 apfropxjution foréazilpenges, preparation of E2, punishmengd for evasions, violations, or prmuu an indu§ .---- · 5 usin c es cbc 413 CataI·»g~e of Tgle Enlrirs, opyraght Office, ’ Cevwarship) eg., 1 C aswpreyirhxtiou fum;1’b1%a.t%gn 0 175, 701 appropigation for gzpensois oiiengvrcing by ar [mm zcnue, .,_ . . _ ostmaster nera un na dezicieuvy approprizmon foxjextendxng; re- and '1‘rading_wi}h the Egzmgpfcts? 800 C ih a.](;pr]gpr1at§»n . 822 deficiancytilppmprnauon for war expenses, a erwoo , ames . ., pos service ... - . 492 appointed gu Board of Managers, Volunteer use for ceqsoring mail from American C Ma Suwef Home .. . . 1175 C 8hEx-;;_e}i_it10¤m?r}lF<;`:·ce forbidden 492 at met, us, amor mpc oreign ai , appropriation {or improvement of harbor. 260 appropriation for expenses of . 749 Cattle (sg aL: Ipdmiitry) Bureau, authority to Cease 011 termination cf gp?. men 0 gncu ure , _ war . . 749 appmpxéxun for insyaecuon and quamntme 377 statemoigt of employees on ... 749 tore catiugsca. ies . ..-- 77 not in used mail fr E dg. §m· inspecting southern. . . : 37; C gtpmry lgprce ggnsored . . . 749 pr superyxsing transportauoxx . . 7 evwus, rector 0 , éor eniorctrxg hggngne trhciatment of export. gg? C approyipriation {git, statisticiana, clerks, etc- . 803 or execu mg - our _ w..-: .. 7 ensua, gurleen , ict §;1pp1;gm1t1;g céanbhggxonfs . uppropnatioq fogsalaries and expenses for 1205 or ves 1ga mg u rcu osu 0 amm . repanng ta.l¤'¤g, tg .. ' for tuberculgn anon testing oi. . . 9%7 censuspof populaggén, agricxilture, manupaymgnt or was mv etc .. . . . . 97 7 iwctures, forests, and mines and shipping fg&;{augY1te; cattle reacted 9 8 te ?l13.1’!'i€Slt(:l§§ takenin 1920 . 1291 0; Permi ····--—···-. . 7 Hi cry inc u in ... 1291 reqh1p{¤enc to owner of breeding and in Guam, Samoa, and Canal Zone by the weding .. 978 governors thereof ... 1292