Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/1419

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xlviii INDEX. Chesapeake Bay, _ P°8°· Chickasaw Indians, Okla,-Continued. _ 1*38**- appropriation for aids to navigation, etc., sale of coal and asphalt deiaposrts rn mineral eastern shore of - .. 161 area of Ghoctaw_a.n ... 433 for improvement of waterway from Dela.- conveyance from chief executive on pay- ware River to .. 253, 1277 ment of prrce, etc .. . ... _ . . . 434 Chess Boards and Pieces, approprratron for expenses from tribal excise tax on, sold by producer, etc .. 1122 fnmds .. _ ... _ . 435 war excise tax on, so d by producer, etc. . 317 proceeds from, to be deposited to credrt Chester Ripe-, Md., _ _ of-.- 435 appropriation for improvement of. . 253, 905, 1277 Chwkasha, Okla., Chester iter, Pa., terms of court at .. 604 appropriation for improvement of - . .. 1277 Chief Justwe of the Supreme Court of the United Chestnut Tree Bark Disease, _ States, appropriation for expenses of controlling, 980 Ciip/pr-<;p7r1at;ori :1 . ( ... 8 12, 1264 tc ... u o oas r , rmy see t - Chew-ing zum, s lery, Army, Chief of). excise (pix on, or substitutes, sold by pro- 1129 Chebf of éS'ta_(7', grmy )(see also General Staff » 6% ··--· - --·--~—··-··--—··· -· 01'P¤ my war excgutax onzc and substitutes, sold by 317 appmlplrgladdn iigr Aimy War Collegg . . . i 40, 845 prod cer e . or ormatron section 40, 846 Ch erme and rirapahoe Indian Hospital, for obsetarvrirng war operations abigad? f). 40 846 cy Okla., for service schools . 41; 846 appropriation for maintenance, etc., of. . . 564 for_clerks, messengers, etc., office of 46, 852 CheyameNar•d Arapahoe Indians, Mont., deiicren apprlripfriatiori for contingencies, orthem, ' ormation . ,,,,,_ 33 appropriation for support, etc., of. . .. 574 for war expenses, military information or ‘1ine riders " ... 574 section ... . , 186, 355,839, 1026 Cheyenne and Arapahoe Indians, Okla., for observing waroperations abroad - 186 appropriation for support, etc., of - . .. 577 for service schools , ,,,,, 186 Cheyenne {titer Iruhan eservatiqn, S. Dak., for clerks, etc _ . t z ... 1 88 appropriation for school buildings on . 585 to be a general of the line, with with rank Chuago, Ill.,_ _ ’ enceoverall other officers 46 appropriation for assistant tneasuremégo 1235 to have , etc., ofgenenldrmng present 410 o ce ,. , em cy . . .. for public building, post office ... . . 107 Child Carirag , D. C., for public post office, _ etc., appropriation for ...,. , _,,,_,_ 947 modification of rmer appropriation de crency appropriation for , , ,,,,, 471 for roof ... , 635 Child Labor, for Confederate Mound, Oakwood Cemei 606 deficielrgcy appropriation for expenses regu-

31, " tmg, tc . , .,,.,.. 24

for mor l.iil:::“stat.ion and lights on Child Labor .D‘i’U‘?91:UIl·, Childrerfs Bureau, f new bros ter . .. 161 appropriatipnfor salaries and expenses; pay or_1mprovement_of harbor . _ . 258, 1283 restrrctron . 811 deficiency appmgrratwn for publrc build- Child Dmployment, _ mg, post office, etc ... _ . 1 024 approgrgatron for expenses, enforcing ...,. 1234 hospital construction contract with Shank Che La , Tax¢mEm loymmt of, Tat XII, Company, authorized .. 1304 Revenue Act cj? 1918, appropriation for ... 1304 excise tax on net profits of mines, factories omega, Crazwmaa and sam pta: Runway  » me <>1¤1d¤=¤ of pmmbimi ms Om _··•-·····...·..•·-.:.- time bddggkygmmi mm, computation of net profits; deductions sl- (:},,,,;,1,,,;],,1;,% g_ _, by _ _ _______ 1159 lowed from gross receipts ... 1138 me ,,5 pontoon buds; __________________ 1159 when sold ger personal beneiit at lessthan 1139 cttwyo Rher 111,, m”*°. P”°° ··-·-·--······-· : -····· appropriatibn for improvement of . 258, 1283 tax °°:5iIg°;°:?° mgplzg kms °°'° 1139 ‘°*’°"°*'“"'°Y‘¥*°“°'°°°*"”°°"· °*°·· "° punishment mx; megan? E6'}; L3 be made without delay ,__,,,,,,___ 267 cenmcaws · ‘· 1139

 _ and Chattanooga Nat·uma' lPark, S _ "   `````°``` f `· ````°``'

¤PP!°P§¤¤°¤ f°" °°¤i·i¤¤1¤8 ¤¤¤*·bu¤h1¤¤¤;__1 657 unuitr:tbii&n;§B 1t$::d})1lb)ie:ltbi§ _ ‘‘•• j ········•···· · ····~ ; --·~ I · ° · year returns to made ; Checkaaatp Ind'£_ar:;gl:1a. (sec also Five Crvil· ydetatigl required 1139 _ _ 11 , transmit , payment of tax, etc 1140 appropriation for cs °tn yment to, mspec' f f rem1ses` . b - em tas . 579 J§§ét¥..B ... :.i€‘EZ.·.?Z.'??.‘i’T‘f? 1140 gg; clgmmon gctiigik ... 3 , all . 581 puaishmenaggzggstriuwtnmg, etc . 1140 umy _ Agn ture taxa ear .. 1140 _ dormitories, from tribal .,.. 1 584 C7z·ildrmf C. ~ deficiency appropriation for paying mdem- appropriation for clinical care, etc., of, un- 1..·m.“i’}”§°'§i‘l‘s1.f}°£.§»°”“‘· ‘‘‘‘‘ 3*3* t~»..·a...·°°§..?""o ‘·‘·‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ °“ c o_ : . a epartment Laby- _ sdgudrested by Court o 0lanns... . . 583 appropriatioirmgr chief, assisttiifnt, etch., 811 1263 sdgustment by mutual agreement al- Kar experts, agents, clerks, etc ... 811, 1263 icwed ··-·--··----····.--·-·- · ·..-. 584 fvrinvestigmns we1f¤rs,¤tc·:i¤f¤¤t mr- ' landsof, tobesoldto0klahu1mforagame tality . .. .. .. 811,1263 preserve .. 582 { tem pam allotments excepted ... 582 or etc. . ji ... f?f?i?fFgl1, 1268