Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/1421

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1 INDEX. Choctaw Indahm, Okla.—·Continued. Page- Cigars, Tobacco and Maméfactures of, Tax on, Pfizeclaims of J. F. McMurray against; adjust- 1918—Continue . ment by mutual agreement allowed . 584 label requirements for cigar boxes, etc. . ... 1117 lands of, to be sold to Oklahoma for game packages re uired for domestic cigarettes preserve .. 582 and smajl cigars . . .. 1117 allotments excepted - .. 582 stamps to be a.iHxed and canceled ... 1117 sale of coal and asphalt deposits in min- for imported cigarettes in addition to eral area of Chickasaw and ... . . 433 import stamps . 1117 conveyance from chief executive on pay- tax paya. le by manufacturer or importer ment of price, etc ... . . 434 on tobacco and snuff ... 1117 appropriation for expenses from tribal packages required for manufactured to- ·f1mds .. 435 bwcco and snuff. .. 1117 proceeds from, to be deposited to credit bladders and jars allowed for snuff 1118 ‘ of .. . .. 435 wooden packages for chewing tobacco. . . 1118 Choctawhazchee River, Fla. and Ala., _ marking required ,... 1118 appropriation for improvement of. . 255, 907, 1279 limitations not applicable to exports. . . 1118 Cholera, _ bulk sales of perique, clippings, etc., to appropriation for prevention of epidemic- 121,645 other manufacturers or for export, Cholera, Hog (see Hog Cholera). free of tax .,... ; ... 1118 Chopmnk River, Md., combinations permitted, of wood, etc. . . 1118 appropriation for improvement of. 253, 905, 1277 floor tax_on stoc on hand ..,,.. . ,... . 1118 Chosen, _ _ tax on cigarette paper and tubes to other appropriation for mterpreters at consulates than nmnuiacturers . . . 1118 · in . . 529, 1334 bond requued from lI18.I1l1.fB»CtUI81'B ,, 1118 for expenses of American prisoners- . . 529, 1334 leaf tobacco Hovisions ...,. . , 1118 Chrome (see also Chromium), dealers to e with collector statement of K settlement of claims for losses incurred in business; details . . . , .. . . ._. . 1119 producing, etc., for Government use bond required; number to-be assigned. . 1119 . during the war 1274 pertiiicate tube ksued; postinghn;. . . . . 1119 Chrmnium (see also Chrorne), mventory of stock to be tiled annually, provisions for increasing supply, produc- _ zetc. .. , .,.,. ,:.1.;,,.. . 1119 tion, etc., of, for nauonsl security mvomesendrecmrdsto bekept,. . rw;. 1119 and defense. .. 1009 monthly report of .~.· , .. 1119 Chugach Nazfonul Forest, Alaska, A sales restricted; phlpments only to other npprogiauon for maintenance, etc., of 986 dealers, registered manufacturers of C'Imrch eek, S. (L, tobmco, etc . . 1119 preliminary examination, etc., of, to be penalty tax for violations of requiremade . 263 gnents. ... 1119 Church Flats, S. C., pumshnrent for refusing statements, renprelimixmry examination, etc., of, to be der invoices, etc . . 1120 made . - - . . 263 unauthorized shipments ,,,_,_,,______ 1120 Cigar Manufnaurera, o fraudulent accounts ,.,.,,... . 1120 special tax imposed on sales by; rates . 1128 farmers or growers not regarded dealers Cigar or Oigarctte Holders, in own product .. 4 . 1120 excise tax on meerschaum, sold by pro— Cincinnati, Qhio, ducer, etc .. 1122 appropriation for assistant treasurer’s of- Cuyaretze Beetle, fice ... .· 780, 1235 appropriation for investigating 994 for marine hospital, repairs, etc .. . . . 112 Cigarette Manufacturers, Chcuit Court of Appeals, special tax imposed on sales by; rates .. 1129 apipropriation for circuit judges 812, 1264 Cigarette Papers and Tubes, or clerks. . . . . . 812, 1264 mtemal revenue tex levied dn, sold by for memenger, etc.! hth circuit 812, 1264 manxxinctruer or inlrfporter to other circuit judges author1z§ for. ... . .; . . 1157 than cigarette man ecturer 1118 salaries; residence. . . a. 1157 bond of manufacturer purchasing tubes service mcircuit court oi appeals; otherfor making cignretuee ,,,,,... . .. 1118 wise. ... . .. 1157 war revenue tax on ...,.. 314 Cimuic Judges, Cigarette: appropriation for . . 812, 1264 mternnl revenue tax on, by manufacturer or expenses, _______, _ _,__,,_,,,,,,, 158, 684 _ _ 01* IMPOTYH 1117 salaries of, increased . 1157 additional stamp tax on 1917._ _. . . 313 { Cimdating Notes,

 nuthorizexi; applicable to 1m— 313   issueauthorized; denominations . . 1315

_ ·--·· · -·-·-·-··--··-·--·-·-- ; written or engraved s` nat ' C_ on tax pad stock on hand; exemptions. . 313 Circusea, uma authorized 1315

  • 9*1**%, _ _ , Special tax on rietors of . . ... 112

eddrmmel stamp tax on, based on retail # _ required form State, etc 112; mpnqee, 1?17 ·-·---·-·-.---.. I Citizens of me United Scam,

  • 3**-*11118 <> Y6 ··-·--···-—~·-· _ --·-- p awports uired to ermit

_ on tax paid stock on hand; exemptions. . 313 Q entersghe countr;?a£ter 3`piqg Cum, Tobocoo ood Movwfocwru of, Tu on, 2 lamation to that effect,. 559 Title VII, Revenue Act of1{918, I Citizenship (see also Natura.lizationof·111ie1ie). tax payable by rnanuiacturer or importer, controlling interest OL in Shipping corpora; , °¤ °1€“m· ; ···· ; ····-··-·-···- 1116 tions déiined in Shipping Act. . - . l . 900 clgarshlgeed on retail price ---- - -·----- friendly aliens in insular possessions apply- GSUQ 9,1**39 ·-·-· · ·~-···-····~-~·· for ‘ men pnce defined -. mv 11i1:é¤wé§i{e??.??fY{l??..*{ N“`”° 84