Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/1436

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INDEX. lxv Crime.: and M tinlued. *8*- Crime: egg M tinued. P¤•· pumshme' nt ornonoomp ce ycommon punis ent or ill l termina n- carriers, officers, etc.,_ with orders tracts paysbizgilnlnmumetélaligmcsse for transporting supplies, etc ... 273 by persons in military service .. 443 failure to answer food survey questions, persons violating provisions of Act placetc ..·· _ ... 273 ing carriers under Federal control,. , 457 agents or employees of the United States embezzlement, etc., by officials of car~ inducing contrtéaéztis; etc., if pecu- 276 riers under Federal coasltrol . 457 ’ y interes erem ... purchasm’ gpropertyfrom 'eucuswdian ifapartytheretoorinterestedinproits with wrongful intent . . 460 thereof . . .. 277 making false statem nts to brain ad·

 contracts, without dis- vances from Wa? Financg Corpora»

closing rnteresttherein . ... 277 tion ._ ..,.. , ,,_,,__,,__,,__, 511 _pa.r·tsc1paet§ga1n giving such contracts. 277 overvaluing securities to obtain such adviolating r tions for licensing traffic 278 K; .& ...,...,. yw. . .%:1. 511 m necemanes . coun ertin n s tc. ar- ‘- hoarding necessaries; exceptions . Z . . 278 nance 0o§·po1ation.?...l .? .. 511 ` destroying necemaries to increase price posing, etc. _, such counterfeits . 511 orrestrict supply. .. ... 279 alsely alte(151•s1g bonds, etc., of War Fi- 1 conspiracies to restrict supp , etc., nance tion .. 51 necesraries. ... 279 posing alterglxlrrdnds, etc ..,... 511 violating regulations or dealings in omcials of War Finance Corporation emnecessanes at boards of trade, etc.. . 280 bezzlmg, etc., therefrom ...,,.. 512 violatingprohibitionsagairrstnsingfoods, maldng false entries in` books etc 512 . . . » . etc., to produce liquor beverages. . . 282 drawmgorders,etc.,withoutauthonty. 512 assaulting, etc., officers executing duty violating provisions of War Finance Corkunder Food Conservation Ax A 283 wgoration Act ... .. 514 vio ting regulations governing an in etc. wi ent coke prices, production, etc .. . . . 286 own ,h igeons . 533 h estroying, etc., necessities intentionally m ering with United tt; 't supply or affecting price 286 §tates and associate nationsin ca1ry· 534 ereof ... - mg on war etc violating x for rectlfying dis- 310 destroyipt§c:ar’mater·ials, premises, and 534

 nnstamped instruments, etc . 320 injuring war material by defective makslupping unstamped parcel postartrcles- 320 ing, etc. . . Z ... 534

selling unstamped articles .. 320 making defective tools, etc., for war not canceling revenue stamps .. 320 material . : . . . : . 534 fraudulently removing, etc., sta.mps. 320 specified disloyal acts, etc., 111 time of reusing stamps . 320 war . ... 2 . 553 using insufficient or counterfeit stamps. 320 accepting unauthorized fees, etc., in war williullyusing washed, etc., stamps .. 320 risk msurance claims .. 558 posessing without lawful excuse, violating regulations restricting leaving washed, etc., stamps .. . 320 or entering United States in time 0 sellirgs stock certificates, etc., without 322 war. . 559 xm stamps . · · ‘ msu], ‘ * Di,. not delivering stam ed bills of sale, etc., Viol?-ixg °¥0(?0]?tugbi° ____ iw ____ 550 _ ali P¥’°d'·¥C€ €Xc£*m8€¤ -··-·-~·· · ···· 323 fraudulently receivin money, etc., violating requirements of War Revenue ii mviiicm ogwu Rjsk [Mm-. Act 325 un egypt 609 m11e§;asg;6£éagil`&£»t§z£A,'飢., without 333 vi.,;,?§; pgrlénggtlg ii,} 'Ji §&é§ 633 B ·-··-··---·-—-·······—···-· '1agara` . making false returns of dividends, names violating prohibitions of Migmwi-y Bird of swckholdom, etc., by corpora- 336 Treaty Act 756 tions . . caiiiig uni; , tc_ {5 ‘ dl ii violating provisions regulating mauuioc- W without gzllhdrityg . . 821 tl1l'€, B$l9B, 0tC. , of €Xpl0B1V9B. . of pngtitutiou nes]- making false statsments in warnsk insur- 402 caiimiimcms ______________________ 336 anc , tc., c aims .. . ... - · mguh · receiving (lamily allowance payments, “°l$£;lg from Aggln; w pgtecnfclggepun ’ 893 etc., after right therefor has_ceased, , 402 tmusfe Yessel t£“’§0mP receiving unlawful f°°* °t°" m Army etc in violation of Shlinpiug Act, and Navy insurance suits ... B . 410 191§_ ____ _ _ _ _ __________ ff _ ____ _ _ _; 901 ev clgdergllhltcif. . 413 restrictions on transfers of ships, 902 `l ` f Trad` `th . Pryudsvctc ·····- ····.·: ···•· :"‘ vw %1:gm§ _ in _______ _ 425 making slsewsltartgmsigts of citizenship of 902 making false affidavits as to transla.· FEBS? 0 9 v 9 - ··--· · ·······•·· tions of articles foreign languages, making SIB? SB}:l·?t°E¤°“E“ ml ?°°“’° °[g_ srgbmrtwd for pnnting, etc., during 426 $$318 €tl;Pm8 °’ 903 e war . . ,.,.,,... » --···- · ······ 3 •····‘· making, etc.,falseaHidaw·itsasromilitary receiving illegal fees, for Spamsh War, status of persons in service during etc., pension @888 ---·--· ;--;·- 904 _ the war . . ..,.,,,.,,,,,..,. 441 violating regulations, etc., as to shipping 1llegal_evictions from homes of persons in _ _ charters,_fac1.ht1es, etc: ... · 916 military service during the war . 443 failing to register for selective draft . 956