Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/1443

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IXXH INDEX. dgdmcy A prum¢me' ’ or War Expenses, PMN- Dq/ickncy Agpropnatsbn Act, 1919, Fznt-— P¤8¤~ D TIn‘1}3 rgent, 191`§—Gontinned. Colmulwdfor Interior Department . . .-----·· 833 fo1' Navy D€P”*m°¤*» *°mP°m·"Y °m’ rnrnepnnnnenenxxmuce 833 p1<>y¤c¤ ----- - -—---·---·-··--···-- 1032 United States com-1; _____,,,,,,.. . . 833 contmgent; expenses ·------ - ···-- _ - - 1033 for Post onine Department. .. 834 Navy, c¤il¤¤¤¤¤ d@¤¤¤z·z¤¤· - - ·--········- 1333 Postal service _ ____ • ____________ _ _______ 8 34 Bureau of N a.v1gat1ou . . . . 1 33 for legislative, Botamc Garden employees. 835 Bumau of Ordnance ... 1 . 1033 H0u* Ogice Building ________ _ __,,,,,,, 835 Bureau of Yards and Docks, public Gapiwl P<>w¤r Plant ·-·-···--···------·- 835 w<>;k¤ ..·- - ---- _ --·-------·---·---- 1034 for Senate 835 hospxtal constmcuon, etc. . , . 1034 for House qi Representatives ·---··------· 835 N svn! Academy -..-·.----·.------·.--- 1034 for Government Ofxice . : . . 836 for Inter1or_ Department; Senate Office compensation of specuicd employees m- Bmlding _ .. _ 1034 creased during the war . 836 for Department of Justme; detectmn, etc., for judgments, United States courts .. 836 pi cnmes --., ,. 1034 Court of Claims . .. 837 for Umtgd States  ; clerks fees, Dm- Iudim dvpredstion daims ------ ; ------- 837 tl'1C1i0f_C0l\l!Db13 ... 1035 for claims cerfiiied by accorumng oiii- pemtentmnes o . 1035 com . .. I 837, 842 for Post Office Department; employees, etc. D;jcwyy;y' A ’ pn,] {em Act, 1919 First, postal ¤c1’V1c0 .. · ···------······-·- or war exgcpnzes and other purp:;>ses. . 1020 for Department of Commerce; wat¤er-oo0l- c¤¤¤¤1, etc-, of enemy dwp property by mg plan? -··----·- · -·------··------ 1035 Ahern Property Cusmdxan extended. 1020 Bureau of Lxghthopsee Z 1036 for Capital Issues Committee . 1021 Steamboat Inspection Servmo ... 1036 for Civil Service Commiaion .. 1021 Sigandqrds Bureau ..-··-···-··-- - · - · 1037 for District of Columbia . 1021 Fmhenes Bureau ·---···· · ···-· 1037 ‘“‘""‘“ ···················· 1; ···‘·‘ ni mz §°‘%’”“‘°·s1e.; ‘‘‘‘‘‘ 1; ta ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ " ifi?} Shi ‘ Bnnrmremergen s `pping V or ouseo pmgcn_ vv! ..·...- - pp m0dj_figd(i¥ ,,..,. . . . 1022 rm- Governxnexrt Prmting Oyice .. -, .. 1038 tn; Wu Industries Board . . ... 1022 public prmting and bmd5¤g ------·-·--· 1038 for Wu 1*;-nan Bnua - 1023 tn: judgments, Court of Clums . . . . 1038 for State Department 1023 tmc of Act._ .. ;  : .. 1038 ‘ foreign intercourse ... , ... 1023 forchims comiied lgy nccounting officera. 1038 ‘ Integxutional Trade Mark Registration 1023 District ofbfombm, a.pproprm1:;gn¤ Il}1, 1163 \l@\[.--,...,..,-,,,,,,,.----.,, 8 IQVGDIXCB QIBO _ forTmasury Department; Arlington Build- for uliggmum wage law, whole from its ing and annex- . Dc regenues ... 2 - - .i ... 1163 War Rmk Insurance uresu- ... . .- /iemu:y' ppm ion ct, 919, , public buildfngs. . . ... 1024 for District of gzmmbis. ._ . , . : . . . 1162 Interstate quangntino service ... 1025 for Employees Compensauon Commxsmon. 1163 ginlnmtino stauons ...,. . .. 1025 for Trea.snry_ Department . 1163 wi. Charleo J. Nelson . 1025 public bmldmgs. . .. . . 1164 for ar Department; contingent expenses. 1025 for War Department . . . . - 1164 national cemetenee 1025 for Navy Department .. . 1165 barracks and quarters, sescoast defenses- 1026 Navy .,... . .. 1165 New York Harbor . 1026 for Interior Department . . 1168 Morgan, N. J., explosion damages ... 1026 for Postal Semce . .. 1168 armories and arsenals .. 1026 for legislative . . . 1169 Army; contingencies. . 1026 for House of lhegresentstivu . 1169 military information ... . . 1026 for Botanic G en .. 1169 Gout Artillery School .. . . 1027 for Government Printing Office . . 1169 Signal Service . . . ... 1027 nnexpended balances o Army spyroprialinlitary Aeronautics Division _ 1027 tions covered in and suthonzutions Provost Marshal Genml’s offico .. 1027 repealed ... 1169 pay of oEce1¤ and enlisted men of line authority to muse proceeds from sales of gmd ltaff .. 1027 war suiplieo, repealed ... _ . . 1173 """"‘°"""'• '*'’ ‘°"°" I 1 ““.1‘§“"“°°"“‘°"""’“"‘°""*“"""°· 1028 “°‘Pifi,?1i“c0$§;‘2d°°.$1°£n’§“A"¥ti§‘5’r¥z’X%’i$‘n‘; general appropriation, re ed . . . 1173 Qoypq . .-· 1028 uaneferraolf Army military supplies to Dxsuplmary Barracks, Fort Leuven- Marine Corps .. 1174 worth, Kms ... 1030 nun of Ace declared . 1174 Med1c:1l Department . . ... 1030 Dehydration of Fruxiu, `Vegctublea, etc.,

 Department  ._. T  1030 appropriation for coofemting with operattmct8ce13§ps1rtment;nddxuond con- 1030   giants to etermme best meth- 1007

Su 0 .. 0 ,..,.,,,,,__,___,, Chemical Vhrfare §ervice . .. 1031 dimemimtiou of information . 1007 fortiiications; 8dd1t10DLl contmcu au- operating of Government lants to supthorized .. 1031 ply food to Army and glavy; use of Panama Cam;} fortiiicsdons . ... 1032 receipts ... 1007 { . e 1032 I Delaware Qag, f or _ ar, an svy psrtmen appmpmuon or Government ' Bwu1lding . - . . .: . ._ .. 1082 Lewes, Del ... I 252 temgnnry oice bmldmga, Potomac I for improvement of inland waterway from ark. ... . . 1032 Rehoboth Bay to .. 252