Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/1447

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lxxvi INDEX. Department of Lab0r—Continued. P•¢¤· Department of State·—O0nt.inued. P¤8¤· appropriation for investigation and inspee- employees allowed, in District of Columbia Pp Ption service 696 may be paid from eme ncies fund 522

 696 pa¤portregulations,etc.,m§‘ified ..   227

fortrainingand dilutionservice 696 passports required for citizens leaving or fm- Secretary soffice-, . 696 entering the country after issue of for printing and binding ... _ . 6 96 proclamation to_that effect . 559 deficiency appropriation or contingent ex- Department of the Intmor (see Interior Def penses 24, 32, 34, 376, 381, 601, 841, 10;; D partment). ( E D8- or t . . epartments Executi e see ti for tion Bureau... 24, 32, 381, 841, 1040 partments, D1iC.). xecu vc for £p;l?ureau, detention of in— 216 Depart1zr'e1=¢r_£r¢r°ri1)0ze United States (see Foreign .. . . . . ... . V , got Childrengsugulrmu . . .f 2;§10‘g20 Dependent llsaamilka, etc., be fm or rin illdlllg- or ... , rsons vin ted $01- §i tion Bureau . 32, 376, 381, D pe mi1ita%%erIi·1fge . .. 79 or °ti wa en ... 7 eporitarka o oem Property for Commissioners of Conciliation . . 375 banks, etcfto beg ted as ,.,,_______ 423 for egfpensee, *1:101:18 Standardization 376 Estcdi, g deposited with. . 423 8 . -··-·-·· · -··- C0 011 0 , mcome, etc., for furnishing additional information on from .. 423 employment of wage earners 376 money from, to be paid into the Treasury 423 for war expenses, advances for transport- bonds required from ,,__, _ ______________ 423 mg wage earners to employment 496 Depantariea, United States, pcpargming 0 gmk, internal revenue stamps to be sold by; appropriatifm for Secretaxz; Assistants, Di- bond. ¤t¢ -·------·····.. .  : 1135 rector of the ccssu Service .. 760 ¤¤¤y¤¢¢•¤fi¤¢¤i¤zc¤¢¤f¤r¤¤1¤•¤d dchvcry for Secretary, Under Secretary, Asist· vf bonds, GW ·---·-··-.- ._ ... 845 mu ______________________________ 1224 maybedesignated abroad for-dispuieement for Director of the Consular Service, of- f°!' ¤¤¤¤d f¤¤>¢¤, •>¢¢·, until after the I iicers 0{1 drafting work, ?tc._ 1224 fm WV; · ·~·--··-— ; --··— -·—~- -t§92. 505 orCounseor,officenon oreignrela- ¤¤ • tb etc ______ _ __________________ 769 stab exchange .,,,,,,,____ _ _ _ _ 956 for atziliziant solicitors, chief cl0r_ké9 1224 f°* l:f’:•;¢y‘;¤'$¤¤ P•Y¤bl¢ only in 505 e - --····-·-·-... . for chiefs of bureaus, clerks, etc . 769; 1224 "¤'!’*?V¢¤“° tl}! ¤¤¤¤P¤ to b¢ wld by, etc. . 321 mr tatuuomn force . vas 1>¢z·~·¢¤·q Pybiw Hwy:. L·¤¤1017$m, for Iurtlier additional force . 770 ¤PP1’§P¤¤*·Y9<>¤ f¤1‘ ¤xP¤M¤¤- 142, 667 for adeinqgilalncmuzcncy ¤¤\Pl°Y°$$P‘Y 770 Dz’)°,Q° “’?""“, é A°’;‘V· cy 77 {QU! 0 ...,.-... _ _ mgaq ·-·· for temporary employees; pay re¤t.ri<> D°P°* $10**9}* DWM A••°3§¤¤M•.

    . .*6; ..   1224 ¤¤•Y ¢é>1¤¤¤¤¤°ugh¢f, _¢w·, lkc t;cmss Depot 1041

se-vices in Washiggton, D. 8 170, 1224 $l¤wF•._0r¢v.. _ `````` for passport bureaus, ew York and Sen 0 §\¤l·h01'¤¤d Scum, in Lincoln County. 1041 t.,.c£"'€E‘..°?,,Z°.}1‘.;;,;.;.;;;; ·1.Z,Z°·"" ”‘ip”r$‘p”§2t{2”¥a. timed.-.., M u , _ .. mere, etc ... I . 770, 1224 Dwgeta Nupwnal Erm, Ong., for lgooks, periodimls, etc., for the 12:) D¢:g:f¤P¤¤l·1¤¤ fg! maintenance, etc., of ,,., 986 .. , ..4 Z0} E‘M¤cs_ _ for lit%1¤er, etc . _H 770 ¤¤¤¤¤w¤ of tgneéor making final pmts, or misce eous expenses .. 0, 1225 illg if 0 P¤¤d1ng° prior for rent . . . 770,1225 _ W _ 4, 1915. . 458 for diplomatic and comular service. . 519, 1325 ¥·'{{m€¤1·¤ mclqded . .. 459 for printing in the .. . ., 521, 1328 not su xcct to forfeiture, etc., for failum to for contribution to Interallied Commit· @$6 8¤¤\¤\l Ptyments While serv~ tee for Reeducation of War Cripples. 635 193 1¤ Pf€¤B{1t war. ._ ... 250 for printing and binding for .. 174, 700 ¢°¤d1U025g service specified ... . 250 • • • ~ • ws, “°““°£0°§,§Y§’r’¤em°”’*.?.§¥¥‘ZT€‘T?¥?’ff“%$§‘?·,4,346, ¤·~=~¤¤·>¤ €¤>·¤,j<>rf·=i¢··¤= cr new um, 380, 382, 462, sos, 840, s4s, 1023, 1040 ;c°§“"°dd . Y P*?¤°¤¤l m ¤?h¤¤’ wv- 448 for relief, etc., of American citizens Datum Wgmm (mg Sicmd, D ’(j '‘‘'°°‘ · for c*$1¤Z°di;' °¤* —·-·· KQ; 3 _ appropziatiou for paymeri;3 tolabiindoned, - ““§" ¤ P°“P°’* • _ e c ..,., : .,,,,________ _ _____ 945 for ,}§§Yt.g°£‘  ; : : 1 1 :: ii;:;: ; : :: £ °°“¤·*§,¤y,,¤,gg,*g¤;*;,¤¤¤ *2 ¤c=·¤¤¤¤ ¤> 35, E"' ":;§xP°¤§°°» °°€ ···-··-····-· · · 462 Dem-mmm of Wm ilaggn-iq? `````'`'````° °" , tw °mP °Y°°°? P“Y 1* i punishment for willful tc, ' uDu"'°""""'°‘°°""°‘• timcofwar Y me yul 534 for c¤utmge' ut expenses .. . . 462,1023 I Demimi Ofceri Lg}; Q`,] `Q, ``'``'``````` for investigations under control of, by detail; to avigrgm uchém Signal Corp, D°P“`¤¤°¤*· ¤f ·¥¤¤¤¤5> ------· ; ·-·~·· 493 authorized tron .,. 43 for QD}l’l@ll\d 596 Detroit, Hath., _ epartureq spsazrci ‘tion¢¤·‘g],,m, · details from Secret Service Dxviucn, Tun- lppmprpzvomenu. ... 686 nry Department, allowed 120, M3 for nver postal service ... . .. 747, 1193