Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/1450

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INDEX. mix Distilled Spiriz.•—Continued. I’¤&•- D€.vt·ilZeries-Continued. Pm. ethyl alcohol may be used for Qovernment time restrictions modifed for manufacture, purposes or denaturation without etc., of ethyl alcohol used for other distillery time restnctwus -· - - - · 309 than beverages ,..,.. . . .. 309, 1107 shorter period allowed for tilling tubs. . 309 denatured alcohol . . ... 309, 1107 additional tax on amount m hands of re- on filling tubs, for other than bevtailers, etc .-.. 309 erages . . . 309, 1107 further, for beverages  ;.. i. . 309 Distillers, payment on amount in handsoi bank- additional tax on business oigwhers ruptcv court. ._.: .. . 309 forbi den by State laws, etc ... 1128 rectiiied spirits; additional tax on, except no immunity from penalty, et.c.. . . 1128 gin .. . . 7 . . . 310 Distinctive Paper Semrities, reduction of proof after rectifymg, un- appropriation for expenses, etc. 1.19, 643 lawful Z .. · -··.·... 310 number of sheets increased for currency reusing permitted .  : . 310 and internal revenue stamps ... 5 additional tax not_app1icab1e to tax paud revenue stamps, checks, etc .. . . 348 cordials or hqueurs ._.. Z- .. 310 Dwinguished Smdcc Gross, Army, blends oi pure yvines orstxaight whislues. 310 to be awarded by the_ President for exwbisky 1'€5tl’l.CY·l0DB.. .·-.-.·. 310 traqrdinary heroum in the Army uniform regulations for manufacture, etc., agannst armed enemy, since April 6, to bg; made ... . . ;.. D 1917% .. . ... ... ..- 870 for recti ying, etc ... istingu¤hed' ermiz Army, punishment for violations; double tax for to be awarded by the hmident br exevasions . .. . . . . _ 310 ceptionally mensgorious acts in the exchange of wholesale dealer’s andrectaiied Army, since Apnl_6, 1917 . ... . 870 stamps restricted .. . 310 to enlisted man holding csrtiiieste of ‘ designated stamps discontinued . . .. .. 310 ment., . . . . . ... .. . . .~. . .· 871 meters, tanks, etc., to be installed.: .. 311 Distinguibhed Samba Medal, Navy, business forbidden for noncomplranceu 311 to be awarded by the 1’residsmt hir excepentry permitted in bond of, shipped prior tionally meritorious service to the * to September 1, 1917 . - ... . . 427 Governmentin theNavysineeApril to be exported in a year ., .- .. .. 427 6, 1917 . . . 1056 foods, fruits, etc., not to be used in pro- Distviotiiztonieys, United States Courts, duction of, for beverages . z . . : . . 282 appropriation for salaries and expenses; . 157, 683 for other than beverages, or for forlzfying payment_to clerks, acting ss, durings sweet wines, pennitted .·..-... 282 vacanues ·.:l.:· ... 7, 683 importation of, forb1dden.. ._ .-.. . 282 for fees, District of Columbia . . . - 157, 683 licenses required for permitted produc- allowances for salaries . . ... 157, 683 tion . . . . .- . 282 for regular assishmts, appointed by punishment for violations . _ -.. 282 Attorney General 157, 683 commandeering oi, in bond or in stock, for for special amistants to . . 157, 683 Government uses . -·--···-. 282 deficiency appropriation for, and assistcompensation, etc .. : ..---····. 282 ants ... . .. 493, 843, 1040 commandeering of all, authorized for rs- pay of Connecticut, increased . 1183 distillation for Government uses 282 Dumb: Building D. C., com nsation to be determmed by the appropriation iorsolariss, cams of .. 919 §esident .. : ... : ... 282 or uel, miscellaneous supplies, etc 919 suit authorized, etc., if not satisfactory 282 deficiency appropriation for fuel, miscelimportation of, produced after _Oct,ober 3, laneous supplies, etc ... 6, 468, 1162 1917, for everages, forbidden. 1106 District Courts, intemal revenue tax on, 1918. . .. 1105 appropriation for ... 812, 1264 for beverages .. . . .. .. .. 1105 or judge, etc., awaii .. 812,1264 stock on and... -.- · ··-.··-. 1107 Porto Rico . .. 812, 1264 sale of, until end of the war, etc., unlawful for additional judge, Texas, western after June 30, 1919 .. . . . 1046 district 156 removal from bond forbidden except for for judge, Porto Rico district . . 156 export .. .. . ... 1046 deficiency appropriation for judge, Pom reyatjons to be prescribed for manu.fac— Rico._ ...,,. 21 ture, sale, etc ... . .. 1046 for additional judge, Texas, northern importing prohibited hereafter dunllg the _ district ... . .,...,.. 21 war, etc . .. 1047 jurisdiction conferred upon, over violations sxlggments en route excepted. . . ---.-.·. 1047 of Act placing carriers under Federal pu ment. for violat;ions-- . : 1047 control 457 prohibibory zones for, to be estabhshed jurisdiction in all civil admimlty and around coal mines, munition plants, maritime causes 395 etc . .. 1047 claimants under State wor·kmen’s compunishment for violations ... . . . . 1047 pensation laws .,,. - .. - 395 produced in Porto Rico prior to October 3, seizures ; prizes and condemnation 395 1917, may be admitted for industrial exclusive of State courts; restriction. . 395 purposes. .. . .. 1048 Army and Navy insurance claims suits- 410 beverages excluded ..,... . . 1048 given to enforce provisions of Trading punishment for violations; double tax for with the Enemy Act ... 425 evasion ., .. . ... 1048 testimony, etc., in war-risk insurance, Djgtflllgrigg, etc., cage; ,,,__,,,_,_,,,.,,,___,, , _ 399 fermented liquors may be removed to in· vested with jurisdiction for enforcing dustnal, without paying tax. . .. 311, 1109 Revenue Act of 1918 1148