Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/1495

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cxxiv INDEX. Hughes, William, late a Senator, _ ?¤8°- Ice Mach·lnes,_ Army, _ P¤¢¤· deficiency appropriation for pay to W1d0W appropriation for operation, etc..-, ... 51, 856 of ,,_,_,,,_.. . . 497 deliciencty approprlatiorggo; operatgpn, eg . 828 Hugo, Okla., receipts rom sales to eposi m e terms of court at ,.,,. . 1184 Treasury , . 2 1 028 rooms to be furnished _,,,,,,,,,,.,... . - . 1184 sales of S'l11’p1l1B product permitted ... 52, 857 Humboldt, Calf Idaho, _ _ appropriation lor improvement of harbor. . 260, appropriation for surveyor general, clerks, 910, 1284 _ etc . Z .. 798, 1251 Humboldt National Forest, Nev., ‘* area mcreued for lands designated for enappéopriagtionkigr maintenance, etc., of 986 _£arged hpmestepcdd by ... H , , residence no requr ..

irncislZiax7zii, sogld by producer, etc .. 1122 annual cultivation requirements reduced 275

Tl I , . Z.’2"¥’7.,€' é.m.,o“"‘”°'i“°H““g°“’)‘ o§222’.Z“.%°ii’o}l§’o{E“"é2T$£?o§*‘o,;,;_,"‘;s;,; 276 excise tax on, sold by producer, etc .. 1123 I Ncut, etci, lzimbpr in...l ... I . 1321 H ntington, Ind. atwnal orest, daho ldppropriation for public building 108 appropriation for maintemince, etc., of 986 Huntington, WZ Va., Ill ame, Houses of, _ appropriation for public building, . 108 suppression of, near military camps etc., deficiency appropriation for public bu1ld— 1024 dhuxrgngtpgesentlwgglir, authorized . mg rent . . pums en or vm a ons .. . Huntley Irrigatidn Project, Mont., extended to camps, etc., under naval appropriation for maintenance, etc., of.. 148, 674 jurisdiction 393 school fecgon igirilwed Montana in lieu of 958 jgymk,

  • 1} W1 ----·--··-·--·—·-·-·-·- appropriation for Great Lakes training ste-

Huroo, OFM. . tion .. . ... . . 713 appro riation for aids to navigation .. 161 deg · · · rorgpmvommtormwr ... 257,909,1%*84 °‘°£§,’Zoi%’&‘T?rZ'€li£Y. noo Hwang, out 0., low o Senator, Illinois censor Railroad compony doicioisz :¥’P"°P'i$*·1°¤ for my to kdm ¤¢ 497 my hgldgo Ilflittle Calumet min, moor. Hy<1~w1i¤_Enm_ °n~¤' -```- I `_ •`•`--` . rueooo Nanbl Militia; ````````````'```````' 1042 ¤PP!'0P¤$¤°¤ W ¤1·¤¤d”d1¤¤8 ¤PP°·¤t“¤» deficiency appropriation for ship for; limit · °*c --~···--··-·-·-··---··-~---· 808. 1260 of cost increased. .o . J .. 205 , HydTM*¤1>lr€¢E1•9ir·{¢¢f¤, _ rmnoa 1zroo,1u., erode of. and Juror ond aids. ¤¤t¤b1¤¤l¤>d appropriation for improvement or. .. . . 258 1283 in C0¤¤t¤¤d Goodotic S‘¤'V€Y§ Pal'- 163 preliminary examination, etc., of, to be I Hvdrooronloa Office Ny Per>¤mM¤¢» mode, omwo to use . 1289 9·PP1’°P¤3t1°¤ for d1¤°¤¤1 1°mP°m’Y I llinoie State Centennial 1°’°° ···-·-······-----····-···· 788»1242 coinage of fifty cent dilver pieces in comfor engineers, draftsmen, clerks, etc. . 788, 1243 ,,,8,,,,),.,,,,,,,, of _ ______ _ _ _ 594 f°' m?°°'1“1“· °°° ···················· 788· 1243 number legal tender quality etc. i l - • O - 594 for Pilot Charts . 789, 1243 ,,0 (,,0,,;,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,0,. gig, ‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘ 594 for expenses, branch offices. . ... 789, 1243 . . . '‘’°°'‘‘ Imitation Wines, f°:.:,,I;1,¥g:,¥,°:,°°°y,bm1;,.$01:,:,’,‘Hs6°$,°;,é;,é':` ° $33* additional war revenue tax levied on. . . .. 311 for printing moiioon, for . 1.iZ. 1711,700 , mggy 1;y¤¤¤¤ ¤=s¤¤r¤¤d,,<>¤.--,; ~-----·-- 111<> deficiency appropriation or storage facili- 1 mega 0 3*:é',:{Bm_ °'·§2 ties . . . 4 * . r ·• r add‘t' one . 2 2 ¢¤¤¥ Med dahvov ----—— ; ------··- 917 fgi··matiar1i( sgi? . 435 Gu · M“’· °“t'Y md d°1“'°*’Y ··-·· 1272

  • N N ba

for printing and binding .. 202, 498 ° 1% ko mtv ·············· 384 for war ex , materials, eu: 202 Q“"'°€°_§ ·. ·» °’1*"Y ·-·· · ·--········- 916 sor Pilot cm? ... 203 Imwmé é<·¢·<p··,,_, . M . lor additional clerks, ooo., 1919 . 1033 “Pl"°g'f,?“,’“ °' *}“°9'°· d·· b*¤1d1¤8- 106 additional details of naval officers to au- °r is °l°°d¤ bur1°img°· °tc · · ······· 169 thedzed ’ 38 for Elhs Island, repairs, etc . 695 _H,,d,,,g,·a,,;,,,, '`' ``''''' deficiency appropriation for Ellis Island, appropriation for continuing researchef 2 688 p,_,v,,e1é6“;1,;1m,§g,·£6 B; · · 2 · 24 111 . ... ‘ ., , , , 6 , v ' Hygiene Laboratory, Publ' Health Sew-vu' , . Qmmmt ----·---—-----···-··-~---- 170 ·p,,,»?p,.i,,t,,,,, {0,. m,,,,,t,:,,,,,c,, _____ _ _ _ f_ 120, 644 Immigration Bureau, Department of Labor,

§£§r;<3gpp1mpdation for maintenance. 836 “PP'°P““, VOD :°1(;,g “‘”° G¤¤¤1'»§l,0 1263

° d“‘g“· °°°·· “““‘°'“°‘1 ‘°'·· mg for niyasoo o¥1oro¤insoo`.'f ZZZZIIZ 810; 1263 L for etc., Ellis Island station, - -··-·--·-···----·-- . . . . . 169, 695 Ice ond Snow, D- C'-, _ for Philadelphia, Po., muon ,,,,,,,,__ 170 ¤PP1'°P{¤m0¤ fo1' i'€m0V1¤8. {mm ¤¤8¢i’¤, for expenses of enforcing laws .,..,,,, 170, 695 , mdowsiks. 3¥1d_K¤¢¢¢1‘¤ ·-··· ; ······- 928 station privileges not allowed by Gov- I d<Z’{;¢1¤¤¢?_r agropgouon for removing, etc . 469 omm out _________________ _ ________ 170 ceeam.ars,e. foM¤·€a]m ,,,,.,8,, internal revenue tai on sales of soft drinks, 1ex;i)eli1ses,ci)1stoc<`i3·r¢i!i1(il:1rr(iiag crews tobe 696 me cream, etc., at ... . . I 1116 charged against 1917 appropriation, 696