Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/1500

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INDEX. cxmx Income Taz, 1918-Continued. _ Psze. Indemnity, Lost Mad Matter, Pm. returns to be made by all persons paying appropriation fox, registered, insured, and {early to others $1,000 or more . 1086 collect on delivery domestic 749, 1196 by nited States ofllmals .. . 1086 for registered international .. 749, 1196 details required ... _ . 1086 deiiciency appropriation for, registered of interest on corporauon bonds, regard- international .. 1041 less of amount _. - ...·... 1086 for insured . . . . 1041 of collection of foreign dividends, etc. . . 1086 Independent Establishments Government (ace names and addresses of recipients on de- also Government Iémfployees), mand ... . ·.·.·.·.- 1086 prvhibiucns against mms ers of departfor 1918, and each year after . .. 1086 ment employees extended to ... 383 obligations oi United States excepted. 1086 Emergency Fleet Corporation included . . 383 tax returns to be public records .. 1086 extended to government of District of inspection restricted ... _ . Z . . . Z . . 1086 _ Columbia ... . .. 498 access to officers of Stats miposing in- Independent Treasury, come tax . ·· ..-. .- - - 1086 lpfropristion for conlingent expenses". 119, 642 by minority stockholders - - -: ... : . . 1086 crsalaria, assistant treasured offices 780, 1234 punishment for dwulging mformstwn deficiency Aappropriation for contingent unlawiully by , .. i .._ ... 1086 einlpenses ... 4, 30, 825 list of income taxpayers to be keptm dice for sd tional guards, amistsnt treasurers’ of collectors, etc". .·.--·· -· -·—-· 1087 omcsv,. 184 statistics of income, etc., taxes, to be pub- Indah Rubber, lished annually . 2 ... :. . 1087 appropriation for developing standards of licenses required for collecting foreign uality ein,} of ... 808 dividends, coupons, etc". .: . - . · 1087 Indian A}‘aira,; of regulations to obtain information, etc- 1087 a progriation for, auistant, clerks, ew. 794, 1248 punisliment for col%>e<;ungtw}tt:1l1out..· 1087 InaEa·n' gmoiesk _ __ citizens o pomesions, u no c} 20113 of a prop¤a' tion orc0nstm,c'¤` °on etc. residents of United States liable only P of buildin at . { . `. .’ I 564 on income from United Still! heat and to employeés’_gnartérs, sources . .-.:... ··- _-:-·;··· 1087 not includedinlimit of conipenar collections in Porto Rico and Pluhppmes tion .., . . £.-, .. 564 by insular ofligers .. 1087 for agricultural experiments on farms. . . 565 returns required 5 l1m1l8i.l0DB ...-.-- · 1087 deficiency appropriation for buildin? . 31, insular corporation income tax not al- $0,840,1039 lodwgd as etc .. -.: -···-- - 1088 Indian Albtteea, f tc d amen ent,e ., y ures a proprih `on ca·hea¤ngs' ,e .,to eteti authorized .. , . . . . . · 1088 P mine heirs of ... 567 punishment for unauthorized dlsclcsmg, emlgoyment of additional clerks in etc., iniormauon from returns of 1146 dim Office . - . . . 567 questions relatinrlg to to be submitted to Osages and Five Civilized Tribes ex· Advisory at Board .·····---- · ···- U4} cepted 567 Becomes. Sources of, _ Indian Commissioners, Board of} detailed returns of fixed gains, p1‘0Hl·¤, Gm-, n pro riation for expenses of .. 566 paid to other PQISODI, etc., to be I1IdPl:01| gourts, made mmutlly f1’0m ell. lf $$00 OY appropriation for judges .. 566 more, 1917- .. . ..--- - ·····- 337 de iciency appropriation lor judges 31 as $1,000 or mm, 1918 . . ... 1086 Indian ptyammm, Ineorparamma, I?. C., _ appropriation for Commisionsr, animtants, repealed, National G01'm£I1-Am8|'1C&¤ Al· atc., Indian 0Ece . ... .. . . 794 liance . . .. . .·-· - ·-···- 917 for expenses of the. . .. 561 Increase of the Navy (see also Naval Eetab- for surveying, gnmjng, etc, of buds in d 6 hshment), _ t_ f u severaltyi . . . . . 1. 562 e ciency spproprm mn 0I 6} 0¤¤ re ent mm n ian moneys; avai - construction, etc., of additional t0r· glilenuntil expended ... . .. 562 pedo boat destroyers .. : ..·.- 37} use in Arizona and New Mexico re- Iimit of cost. increased of forty-six subma- guricfgd _,___ _ _,___________________ 562 rines .. . ·. · 2]-6 for irrigation expenses; amounts for Incurred Obligations, Amyy Eqwrgmcy 1.918, designated pmjects 562 payable from ap_propnate items ot Army for administration expenses of districts,. 562 gppropnauons for 1919, ,,.. . ..,. .878 for cooperative stream gauging ______ 2 , , 563 ]·,ykbged»,us,h?¢:1m;;gq};, ben ed to be for unxgcsgg encgmeers, etc., traveling 563 lists b o , to persons ev Q » 9 ·-···· ; -—-·····----·· menimfes __________ _ ______ _ ,,,_,,,,, 416 amounts available until expended 563 on Feb,-uuy 3, 1917 _ _____________ _ ____ 416 systems excluded .. . Z. 563 erroneous names to be stricken 0E .. 416 payment for Hood damages, etc.; hmit 563 Iyulgbggdnggg, Eqyidgnpgg 0j_ for suppression ofhquortrallic .. _ ..-·- 563 regulation, etc., authorized of transfers ot, possession evidence of unlawful mbobetween United States and any duction; gnnmhment . ...-. 563 foreign cmmtry _____ _ ____,,. . ,.,... 415 for relieving istrem; preventmu of ¢0¤- compulsory testimony may be required. . 415 tagiousdisesses, etc": ...···-.·-- · - 563 Indemnity Bands, construction of new hospitals . stamp tax on ...,,_,_,_,,,,,.. 1135 use for general trestmeui, QW- .---- · · war revenue stamp tax on _,,.,. , ...,. 321 allotment to Hp€C1E€d· l10€P1l·$·l¤» etc- · · 5L·$