Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/1510

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INDEX. cmix

 Bureau of Permanent Court of P¤8¢· IntemedBel`figerentAlie1;,a, bmi wi P•s¤-

1- um, arrest turn f vmg' ts thappropriation for annual contn’bution. . 524, 1330 git plecrmimigri, 1;: . 223 Intematwnal Bureau of Weights and lleaaures, punishment for aiding escape, etc 223 I appropriatigi for amiual gtion. . 523, 1329 Intermed Persons, etc., ntematwnal rea·u.¢legru'm2m `tjf fdN appropriationufor slime of expenses. . 526, 1332 app¤?PII1l;pe?1I1irn(ei1i?§1??????.€ F . . 705 Internatt;mal Catalogue of Scnenta,/ic Laura- I deficuincy appmpéiation for Far expenses. 203 ure nterpar mmenta mmoti btappropriation for expenses, preparation A1;b'litnratfqe:>.1t, ng f of. . . .51;, .. Eg, $33 I appiopgauon for cl<;_nt¤·ibutj1c_>¤ . 524 or prin an in g .. , ’ tary num, { Con- Intematwnal ommieaion on Table: of Con- umu stunts, appmgriation for expenses of .. 527 appropriation for contribution to ... 524, 1330 Inwrpreters, Census, International Committee of Weight: and New- I allowed tnbafist enumaerlgtors; pay, gte 1297 ure: nre;-yum; ‘ (MMM conwhy ,,-my appropriation for expenses of member,. 807, 1259 gp fm-] tion gm, p6mi¤_ 529 1327 Intematwnal Cor;/erenee ofabnerican States, gg kgk, _ _ ____ ________ 520; 1327 appropgiggion or expenses of delegates $6 1332 for itiigent, Chim., Japan, and 327 _ • -·--------·· _ -·•· · -·•-·=-•· €y·--··••··-····-·····••~~···- 71 Intemattonal Congress against Alcoholism ’ yam ti alma ______________ 52], 1337 appropriation for expemes of . . . 527 for qua:te1§’snf¢$ri:Japan and Turkey 521, 1328 Intematuguzl Dr%£a’·nd Congreu, Lethbridge, I wgggg c°¤m];g,._ a"§;‘29, 1334 midday 1 Tl G OTGQB · I deficiency gpropriation for ... 32 mime on, ’ ntematwnal xchanges deicien ]M’.I8UD• fo pensss..‘..- 25 $PFI'0p!'i£tZi0!1 fo1’ OXPQDFGS. . . . . . . . . . . . . 122, 651 Inlgrgfqfg thex or_printing and bmdinfg for .. 175, 700 time exten ed for bridging Fork of deficiency appropriation or expenses of.. . 2 Big Sandy River, Ky. tds W. Va., jnwrnmjmml godgtfc Aggpqmgbn or Meagure- by ____________________________ - ____ 295 ment of the Earth, Interstate Comrneree, aptpropriattzon for American delegates to.5%g3iggg appropriation for expensesregulating, etc- . 123, or quo 648 maintenance of observatory at Ukiah, , 11,;,;;;,;;, qyqmwnx Cqmyyigfon, I _C¤hfii i'· ·; - ; ·-·····--·-· 527, 1333 aptpmpriauon for salaries .. E 1231;:48 appropriation for expenses, ,Uui1¤ed Stafgc 332 or ex ting uccimn n Mk ¤9€ti°¤ ········-······-····--·-- 1 f $tlbl1Bi11Dg· 'f system f In¢v~¤¤t=?¤z·¤l_Irw¢i¢~¢¢ of Ayriodtwe. ’ or counting by . reins, 649 I ¤ppr¤pm?¤nrf91Lq¤29;’¤n xd - - _524.1331 rm- enforcing safety appliances mg-uu;.23 649 71¢€"M¢1°’W 0* ***10** andwll tions Bountgary lggttersie _ ’ t f for reports, etc., of accidents. _123; 649 ’°"“‘$,¥,..§§“mv2?£Z°t122°¤°ii0£. ‘°' ’§J’..“,,0°‘§“‘“t§..E’.°E£“g““‘ ‘“"’ 12s 649 tree! ¤¤G<;e{·¤k¤ 0¤¤¤’i¤ for wm- 1290 pr phyncnsxsuuedon oi sw going v s .. {ning ‘ gi Inzernntiogtaff Latitude Observatory, Ulrich, for nlggdqlfm 5, .;; U;. . . 128, 649 a 1 ., 5 appmpnaggn or mamum; ~p»gé7 lm f°’ $$55,, .?. . E. 2 . ET?. Yin, ag me -·-··-·-------····--·-·--· » · or printing an indi? or .. 175 701 Inzrrmtaijfnal Law, Commission on Public and d 6 cost report·form glanf s ... , 701 ’ri utc e ciency ro ria on or compensation appropriation, for expenses of representa— f two :gd>itignal Commissio§8%r·s5éé.éi1 133 tion ..., . ... 527, 1333 or expenses . .. , International Office of Public Health, for physical valuation of railroads, eti:. . , 824 approprialgion for agnual quota 525, 1331 for gxforcing safety appliances regula- 825 I te t' P ‘ mum 'ons .. naprgrzpzizagldonrzuinangilmqlwnuibudon . 524 for compelling use of safe locomotive International Rodabtelegrophu: Convention, . boilers, etc ... Z 825 appropriation for share of expenses 526, 1332 boards of referees to determine just com- International Sanitary Bureau, _ pensation be carriers taken over into appropriation for annual share of ming;) 1331 edergfl cnoexgrrol ... . . . .. :05: tenan ... . , powers co e ... ' International Sigimwlogmzl Association, agreement authorized on basis of report. 454 appropriation lor annual contribution. - 525, 1331 suit in Court of Claims on failure of. . 454 International Trade Mark Regirtratwbn Bureau, car service rules and regulations, etc .. 101 appropéialigion for quota for expenses of, at 1835 cooperagon pigbedfugleddent gperatgion, Z. ana ... e . 0 contro 0 c8l'¤elB, deficiency appropriation for annual pay- I of .. . . 456 I dnipnt. ... . 1023 enlarged to consist; of nine members; com- 270 nteme - wm pensation, etc ... . . deficiency appropriation for detention, etc., appointment of new Commimioners . 270 under mmigrauon Bureau . 216 terms; vacancies, etc 270