Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/153

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134 SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 27. 1917. with a sloping sandy beach in the Tidal Basin, and to install a proper Comm! em eqgipmentlfo lpuriifly tlpegvatep) eritplring the bri-rin 50 that It widl not ’ en anger the eat 0 t ose at g in it. e irection anc control of! said public bathing facilities shall be vested in the Chief of Engineers of the United States Army, who shall prescribe such regu- . . ¤ P 0 im latiqlns fog Itlheni) use as malyhbe neceisarjy tcilirilsrlgre theigrieate? benefit Rgfdcgm 0,, ,0,,,, tot e u 'c: r , atnoc arges a ema e 'ort euseof M the batgihouse or beach except that uniform fees may be collected for the liire of baghgng sriitsilsoap, towe? and succh other conveniences . as may e provide upon the request 0 persons esiring to use them. C°°S"“°"°°° To enable the Chief of Engineers to begin construction of the batheouse, beziachqand prfrggcationi pgrntiuliilqreirii provided for, $35,000, to e imme iatey avai a e; an the 't 0 cost of such construction Han Mm Dime, shsgllnqlz rigrcqedhthpt amount. d revenues- e a 0 the oregoing sums un er "Buildin and round ` and around Washington" shall be paid from th§Sreven§es of Still; gisgrigtsof Columbia and the other half from the Treasury of the - · m e tates. paiiwiigiinwior mm: Under ap_ri;>1priations contained in this Act no contract shall be made for ma g or relaying sheet asphalt or asiphalt block pavement at a higher (price than_$1.80 per square yard or a quality equal to the best 1a1 in the District of Co umbia during the years nineteen promo. hundred and fourteen to nineteen hrmdred and seventeen, inclusive, wg:°*Y tem *“°"'· and wrth same depth of base: Provided, That these conditions as to price and depth o base shall not apply to those streets on which, in the judgment of the Chief of Engineers, by reason of heavy traffic, pgor Cfplpndatron, of otherilicsiluses, a lpalwignenp of more than ordinary s eng isrequir ,mw c casete` ito ricem b d Gmmds mmutm to $2 per square yard. d P ay 8 mcmase atpmmnwsetc. or improvement cave an maintenance of d f t' degjxrtmeuts, $1,006. , groun s o execu ive ug;·dsucil1t;;1reeIs{bshmbst, plants, fertilizers}; and skillgg llabotp for the so e raryo onvressasma t ip - igriliiendent of the Library Buildings, $1,0050. 8 mqucs y 0 Super For such trees, shrubsfplants, fertilizers, and skilled labor for the grounds of the Cgprtol an the Senate and House Office Buildings as gqlagmbe request by the Superintendent of the Capitol Building, g,§,;`§,°§§"“’ Mmm l?0r improvement and maintenance of Executive Mansion grounds (wrthm iron fence), $5,000. ° Hnxiwr- For the employment of an engineer by the officer in charge of puphc builtaurgs andigrounds, $2,400. `or purc nase an repair of machinery and tools for shops at lx X ___ nursery, and for the re air of shops and stor h . $1 000. $..,`§`ti2.° M°°°i°°` _ Executive Mansion: Il'0r ordinary care, reiiahijsefdil refumishing of lnxecutrye Mansion, and for purchase, maintenance, and driving of horses and vehicles for oilncia purposes, to be expended by contract

 ~ °'§§l3°§‘§°§a§irJl3§ IZf}?§`·“’“‘ “§“y ?°“"  i3%°°°‘ r

music. ’ irs ani re urms <>· o xecutive Iansion. $60,000. ° · Fuel . ,_ ‘ For fuel for the Executive Mansion and greenhouses *6 000

  • "°°°°°“S°S‘ $9%%% care and maintenance of greenhouses, Executive; Mansion

,,,_. ·,, lforirepair to greenhouses Execut' M 3 itiilrwéiiigiil °f Fordtr3velin%·iexr(;~;2nses of the lgresidgrtit of1l1libO%Jn§ell)[Sltates, to be ezgpen e in s scretion an accounted for on his certificate . . so ely, $25,000. L"°°`°“' _ clgoréiiighting the Executive Mansion, grounds, and greenhouses, pgp , $§§,g.blOl1€C€EB8.l'y expenses of installation, maintenance, and