Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/1538

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INDEX. clxvu Mount Rafmkrr National Pqrk, Wash.—C<m. Pew- Murdock, Robert, _ Pease appropnatxon fo(1;£pmtection,etc 152, 678 exchanlée lands mth, to add to Cache K $$8322 ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ 152 M SZL2”T$b£3f”0} 12**** mm _ , c ., , urray sppmprisnnn for purchase, manufacture, quah, Okla., 6, etc., of ... ; ...--... 816 appropriation for donnitoriee, tmm Chickacouimctq authonzed . _ . 8 17 saw funds ...,, , ..,. 584 for ammumtirm for 817 Museums, _ contmctsauthorized .. 817 special tax on proprietor-; of .,,,__,,,,__,_, 1127 for ammllmtiou for practice . .. 817 places, etc., exempt .. , .,_, 1127 deiiciency appropriation for war expenses, 817 Muncgzl Instruments, Pur$h386, manufacture, etc., of; exmsetax on sales of by producer, etc... 1122 wlltnugm . 199, 367, 481 war excise tax on mechanical, sold by pm—· for ammlmrtion for .. 199, 367 ducer, etc . .. - 316 for ammumtiou, etc., for practice. - . 200 Muskegon, MMA. · additional contracts, etc., authorized for. . 1031 appmpmtion {or improvement of harbor. . 258, ammunition for . ... ‘ 1031 . . . . 909, 1283 ammumpou, etc., for practice .. . .. . 1031 for public building, rent, etc 636 authorizauons repealed; for purchase, etc., deficiency appropriation for public build— oi, 1919 ... . . . . 1171 _ ing, mnt . 348 for ammunition for 1919 ... 1172 Musketry, crt Bill, ONG.; Army Sdnool q/Q

 practice, 1919  . .. 1172 epgropriation for instruction expenses  41

balances 0 appmpriatinns covered in; for de cicncy appropriation for mstruction purchase, em., of, 1917, 1918, 1919. . 1171 expenses.-.r ... 186 for ammunition, etc., for practice, 1918, Muskingum River, Ohio, 1919 . . .. - ... . . 1171 deficmncy appropriation for refund of ior purchase, em., oi, for chemical war- · rentals to lessees 011. - .. ;... 10 fare, 1917, 1918, 1919 .; ... .. 1172 Muskogee, Okla., · · · Mmmm] Service Sdwal, Fart Riley, Kam., tennsofcourbst . » . . .. A 604 Army, clerk’s cflice. . 604 appropriation for instruction expenses . -L 41, 846 Mutiny in Military or JYa·val_Forcc:, deficiency appro riatiou forwaroxpensegu 186 for incitmg, m time of war., 219 Ilowing Picture Fxms (ue also Mot.1011 Pnc- ysnc, Coma., _ _ ture Films), appropriation for public building. ... 110 war excise tax on, not exposed, sold by Iystw River, Conn., ‘ 4 manufacturer, ctc ---·---·---··-- .- 316 approgrintion for improvement of .. 251, 905 positive, sold by roducer, etc . 316 Mymc i¤ger,_ Mau., _ Mumkripal Architect': Spice, D. C'., appropnauou for improvement oi . 251, 1275 appropriation for selzuies . 921 · Municipal Bcmds, etc., · _ N- exempt irom stamp tu ·---···--···- - -··. 1133 Names, Busmm, _ _ warmveuuegmm tax, _,___,,, . .. 319 aseummg, other than used at begmmng of Municipal Court, D. (St, tlxe war forbidden, except under gp rgpdatinnforgglgrig _...,,.. .,.-...-. 943 IICBIIQG .. -.· ----····---- ~··· ·-·· 414 1}:11- rent.; contingent expenses . _ . 943 Namemongl Ipwer, Vg., deficiency appropriation for eqmpment of sppmzlnatxon for nmpmvemeut of. 254, 906, 1278 new quarters, moving, em .. 8 Nancwo River, Del. and Md., _ for contin nt ex enses ... 351, 823 appropriation for improvement of, mclud· Munabipal Logéing Hpmue, D. C'., ing Northwest Fork . 253, 905, 1277 appropriation for expenses .-·~··~ 948 Nantucket, 1{aas., _ _ _ Municipal Ojicials, appropnatxon for establmhxng fog mgm! exempted from selective draft ..- · · · · · 79 bali -··-···- · ··-··-· · ··--··-···-·- 682 Munizirm Factemks, for improvement _0f lmrbor of refuge. . 905, 127o Zona may be established about, to prevent deficiency apgroprmtxon for fog sxgual, on sale, etc., of intoxicating liquors. 958, 1047 harb0r . Z ... 496 Munitzbn. Manufacturer! Tax, electnc fog signal, mstead of wlustle, to appropriation for expenses of collecting. . . 779 be installed on past brmlrwater; apdegciency appropriation for assessing wd _P1'0P1’131710¤ ¤V¤13b1€ ·--··~·---··--- 607 collecting _.,,,. . .. 4 Napa Rwer, pal., _ for 1917, reduced to ten per cent .. 308 appropriauon for xmprovement of. . 259, 914, 1280 repealed from January 1, 1918 ... .. 308 Narvotiu, _ _ _ _ Munizirm Wcrkm, nppropnatron for expenses restuctmg rvvisicns for hnusing, etc., of -...----·--- 550 vale, etc., of. ...·.-...·--.·~-.. 1234 Mpumkiam, importers, manufacturers, ddeulers gmc., deficienc s. riation for iDV@CIgB· tions 0 'um, coca eajres, an prepare ons of Y substances for War tlxreoi, 120 regnster with collectors material; __,,________,,,,,,,. - . 491 · of internal revenue _,_,__,,,,_ Z ,,.. 1130 Munit/iam of War (eua1;oArms, Munitions of regmtry and proportmnate tax of so War, ctc.), engaged January 1, 1919 . . - 1130 lands for manufacture of, etc., may be ac- gubsequently_engaged ... z ... - 1130 uiféd by condemnation, etc .. 519 Epecnxl tax on desrgnated occupatrons . 1130 Jlurderbgl River, Del., efinition of importer, manufacturer, and appmpriaiiou for improvement of .. 252, 1277 producer. . 1130 112460°-—v0L 40-·P’x‘ 1--96