Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/1600

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INDEX. QQXXIX Revenue Act of 1918—·Co¤tinued. Fw- Revenue Act of 1913-Continued, Page. TUBE UI- WAH PBOBTQND EXCESS PROFITS TITLE ]x_ Exmgg •g•AxEg_ _ _ _ ________ _ _ _ _ ____ 1122 ·r.4x—coutmu . sales b manufacturers , ggigm; net inveapcd capital, items excluded . 1092 grticlcs . jg? .. 1122 determmatmp by Commissioner . 1093 computation if sold at less than market by cqmpgnson with similar business. . 1093 price for personal benefit ... 1123 reorgamzauons; 8X`1@C9 determmed . . 1094 works of art by other than the artist . 1123 tag: for fiscal year cuding in 1918 . 1095 mmm; wd pgymgnt of mx ____________ 1123 m 1919. ., ----·..---..----- _ ---··-- 1 095 sales b dealers; articles dyn` wd -···-· 1123

}3;saud personal semce cor- 1096 Jewgvelxy, 'g1Ill€¥i¢C€B, upti goods, etc. 1124

--·---.- · -·.----·----. movm IC um eases em ..,,,.,.,,,,____ yetums required of corppratiops, . 1096 sales b§%ca1ers;toi1e1;art:icles1 etc .,,, . xncomeiitxgtgg salesof mmes, ox] or gaawells 1096 and patent mochcinc, ctc. . . 'nlj-a;_S’§;¤¤*TA’”] TAX --··-··-·-·-··---·-··· mr-¤ x. ¤¥¤¢w· mus -.-.--.. li . . 1126 vaxg of Det mate ________________________ 1097 on cgpqrstxcns; dome¤t1c.. ... . . . . . uctious, ,_,,___ _ ____,_ ,_ ,,..,,,,,,.. 1098 :E§·l""" ' . ‘’’' """ _ mut_ msurmcc compumes 1126 §%2‘”m“*” }?“.1¥.L’?§§·§‘i;?F?::t;;:.::;i;;;:;: {lg? ·>¤¤~¤¤¤¤t¤¤»<;¤¤»·5-i¤¤·:b¤»k·»»» -------- ma mm v. mx on ·r1u:~xs1·0nu·r10>z Am ormmz mu. wr PmPn°°°”• °xc°P“°“' ···--···- · 1127 ncrmwxns . 1101 ·'· · ·.·: · · ·j ······ z ·--···- 1127 mmsportaticn; freight, express, and ° P . °*mbm°“¤ °x°°Pu°m ··-· 1127 passenger ___________,,.,,,,.,,__,. 1101 ”*“?°tf“” ········- c ·: ··············· 1127 Oil by pipe Hue! ____________ Z _____ Z ____ 1102 mel Ys, Y°°m$ ··---- telegraph telephone, gud {adm gervme, . 1102 . . 1 · °""‘*f" ‘'`'° ‘ ‘‘ cgllgcuopg 31*,;; ______ _ ___,_, ·,· ,,,,, __,,, ,1102 ndgg bil °“"° `°`°’ °""°" 1128 iggumpgg ;i1;§g_ _(i_ ________ , ,__,,_,_,,__,. V 1104 Q · em ‘ "’ L ' ° QQ; ° 1128 mann ., » dum]. •— . .d°*l°¥¤r · cm¤i;»...??..1?H‘? F3'?::i::; .. }%3*4 . ;¤_;_·;r¤»¤¤~¤¤— www ¤»v·¤··¤·i · mg returns to be made. ... 1104 ‘‘ I ‘‘‘‘‘’‘‘‘‘‘‘ . ‘ ‘ " '‘‘‘’ ‘ ‘°’‘ mz YL TAX qg BEVERA(}E§_ , _ , _ , , , . , , _ _ , , no <1~¤¢¤1e¤¤vi;gi ¤¤¤¤¤f¤¤¤¤¤·*» Produced 0* 1105 www ¤¤¤1e¤01pk¢°$$1"¤'§yw ms lmpo i----.--··'··-l--___--_·-· 9 ° suspension during prohibition ... 4 1105 °wn°r° f€f .%‘é·‘} ·‘‘·‘’ 1129 regulations _______________ _ _____________ 1005 I » ·» °‘ Pud er °m” 1129 rect1fi ,iritE·.-"•-···ll.-·•...·.·-··· dealaw••£(;•’·""":‘§""'E"°"" fermen liquors __________ _ _____________ Ugg emo °Ré¤ m suing fig? c’· Ed- · 1132 ngiuml wine dashed, ____ , _,_,._..,. 1109 °m""g€“?Y "“?‘° ° ° '°P'?“l · · · - pmvmous contmued for collectang actax on stxll wmcs 1110 sparkling wines ________, _ _,,.._ 1110 °’“°d "“‘°‘· °°° ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘··‘‘‘‘··‘‘‘ 1133 HOO! mx ____________ _ __________________ {{11 uu¤b:x.(;·z·;¤1> nxzs. ... 1133 $128.111 rovisious ... . . . 11 on I1 ocumcuts, etc., in e . 1133 fortifyiggfpum swget {wines .. 1111 securities pxegnpt . ... . ..,. 1133 removal o domest1cwmes,for export, etc. . 1113 penalty for msuing unscamped Paper .. 1133 . production of nonbeverage spirits 1113 game! pcstshipments not ful y mm . 1133 punishment for evadipg tax, etc . _. . . 1113 ealing in articleu not fully mm 1133 fruit dmtilleriea; meters, etc., requue- using uncsnccled, etc. stamps . 1133 ments- . . . 1114 punishment for fraudulently removing, survey of dismilleries ... . .. 1114 etc., stamps . . 1133 tmngvorting alcohol in tank cars, ctc .. 1114 mqsing, etc., stamps .. 1134 fruit mmdy exemftiom. . .' .. 1114 umng lnsuficient stamps; counterfeits . - 114 gin may be bottle in bond without tax. . . 1115 removxpg stumgws for unlawful use . . 1134 penalty for withdrawing beer, etc., from pomwsgng was e<1, etc., stamps . . . . 1134 unsmmpcd packages, ctc 1115 forfe1tu.r9 of $:1’\1C1€B, etc . . ... 1134 Fermissable transfers . - 1115 csncellagxon reqmmments. : . 1134 so t drinks, etc. , tax on sales by producers, prepargtxon of Bli8·{¥1£;\Y1iX1!lg.. ._ Z . . 1134 etc ... _ _ 1116 pmmmuf lgy 0uts1_ contracts; pme llmxt. 1134 sales at soda. fcunmms, me cream parlors, 1116 general pw; sppgccable for uumtenuonal 1134 etc'-. , . GS, G . . ... ·rm.z vn. mx ox cmms nm TOBACCO .. 1116 sales of stamps by postmasters; asistant sales by manufacturers of cigars ... . . . . 1116 treasllrérs, ctc . 1134 cigarettes .,... 1117 scumming A. samnrr muxm ... 1135 abel requirements . . . 1117 bopds of ipdebbedues ,. . 1135 Eackgges for_ , . _ . . .. 1117 Iqdemhllz . . ... . . . . 1135 w mcg and snuff ..,,. 1117 capxtal stoc ;0ng1nn.l1¤mqs .. 1135 packages fm-. . _ . , _ ., 1117 sales og transfers; exceptnons . - . 1135 Hom mx for stock on hand 1118 ¤.f’dx1¤gSf¤·m¥>¤ . . _ ·--·-·--.-. 1136 cigarette papers and tubes ,... 1118 sales of produce or future dehvery at exleaf tobacco dealers, provisions regulating- 1118 chm§cs, etc . . .; .. 1136 Truss vm, 1.41; on Apmsswxs Asn mms". 1120 bills of sa e mqfgirecl, etc . . 1136 admissions; theaters, em .. 1120 pumshmen]: risglum t0_havc 1136 cabarete, etc ... 1121 cash sales fonmmcdlsw delivery exempt 1137 exemptions ,_.,_,___,_,,.._ 1121 drafts, prommory notes, ctc. ; excmptnons. 1137 dues; social, etc., clubs ,..,. . . 1121 rei} www CODVBYSILCGB; ¤‘¤¤t d6€d¤ GXBIPSK 1137 initiation fees ..,...,,,,,.. 1121 cuswmhouae entries; warehouse Wl - collection, etc ..,... 1121 d1'lW\lB ...·..·······-··-··---· 1137