Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/1613

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ooxlii INDEX. Secretary of the N¢wy—Continued. P . Secretary of the Treuury·——(} ed. , cash rewardigor su§ges§eg}_impmve{nents, age bond ii$1edof$12,O00,0<)0,000;tlllird1iber¢y Page may pm CWI l2·11 emp Oyees, n s rovisi ns ,...,,,,,,_ , , ,,_,_ 503 etc., by .. 718 of $20,000,&)0,000? fourth liberty bonds claims for damages, etc., by_ naval forces pmvisions_ _ ,.,,,,_,_,__,_ _ __,____ 844 to private property m European issue of $7,000,000,000 notes to meet ex.

uottcan enemy, to be settled 705 Fenditures, etc.; Victory Liberty

y; 11m1 e .. oan provisions , 1399

mleirliber 0§3Inrt(e;r<gep£¤;r¤nei;1cta1 886 designgtedalmlgmber oglnterclfpanmenml

ygxene oa ; u es, e . . _ oci ygiene oard; uties, etc. - 886 directed to a»c1;iup<;n reportstiof boards of 90 duties <¥a)i;1Hsale of silver dollars, purchase examim on or promo on . o ion etc .. 535 may advance payrnents popontractlors for War Finance éorporation .. . 506 supplies during existing emergencfg 383 farm loan bonds may be purchased in 1918 may designate officers exempt from app 1- and 1919 by; imitation, etc 431 cation of sea service requirement for 718 may makealrules, etc., as to igessels in terrimotions tori wntersin time o war, tc ,... 220 office grullldings in Potomac Park to be quarter dollardesignmn bemodifigd by. . 242 erected under direction of . _ . 483 railroad securities issuedy by carriers under contracts for heatiiuiauthonzed in heu of 483 iI£edeml conltrol to be held by, etc., temporary p an - . purchase ... 455 ordnance pmiing grounds, etc., to be ac- 537 to construct building for the Department, uired y . oeation, cost, etc. .,.. . ...,,,, 295 ap rllgpriation for._ . _. 538 to issue bonus to insurance companies, etc., regnnlgulcgis fgr p¤;ymgfr§60 to peirsons pbs- coyennrgd default of life insurance of c e c., m nova service registe ns mil'ta - sinclgilpril 7, 1917, to be made by. . 115 vice, during! 1:1;; . jill. 446 statement of temporary employees, etc., to to transmit detailed statement of expendi- _ be submitted by . :- 484 tures under deficiencies appropriatime extended {gr filing coulncts, etc., m 198 S tion}; for war expenses act; . 217 returns office y . .. ccretary o ar to appoint two representatives of the Navy appmprlfetion, for, Amistant, aaistsnt and on C0mI¤l.B8l0H for Standardization chief clerk, clerks, etc .. ... 783 of Screw_Thres»ds. .; 912, 1291 for Second and Tliird Awistants 783 mamigmin mstlcuégregul=]»tionsforC98st&nd 88 for, zxssiskigants, assistant and chief clerk, 23 enc urveymwarsefvxce . cer ec ,,...,...,,__,_,___, ,__, 1 7 to determine where and when no public deficiency appropriation for families of enquartéers available for Navy or Mw 718 lisied men entering military service nne rps . 6, etc - .. 11 to direct surgey gkvalue of vessels ofgxlien Assistant, Seconcgétssismnt, and Third Asenemies eu possession o in sistant, to a ted 515 United Sl38t·€8fj\1!lBdiQtl0¤ . _. z . . . 75 salaries, etc . . ...,... 515 W make F€%¤]*ti°¤” Or WMC? °f *·u¥1h**¥Y additional ordnance obligations not ex- 3*:;;* Opgffztgu °°“'t8 mmm! m 394 ceeding$100,000,000,sutl1orized by. 366 to transmit detailed statement of expendi- °€r°p1°m:?* Scttcu gg Igggeg gr war tures under deficiencies appr0pria· G flgem .lY» to tions for war expenses Act ., 217 . °“"“‘ 0* mm 1194 Secrelary of rhe President of the United States, , “°° ‘‘‘‘‘‘ { ‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘·····‘‘‘ # appmpmuouror .. 768,1222 ulrcmft p¤>dv¢¤¤§ f<>r_D:mr;:¤¤en; wdbe S I 0 the Smuzte, 8¥}P€I 21666 Y Mc OU ml 9 cgpginétiou {or, assistant, clerks, etc . 758,1214 direction. ew. of -··----··-·-.·-·--- 297 quarterly reportstolre filed by War Finance authorized to acquire lands for military S Corriorgtion with ... 512 use byi condemnagon, etc,} . I 241, 518 tam 0 the rmmry; _ nitrate p ants, man acture ex 0- exlproprcrtigu for, assistant to, Assists gives, etc . S . . . B . . 519 ants ... . . . 770, 1225 allow hotel to be built, etc., on Military for two additional Assistants, clerks, Academy reseirvsmon . . . 1348 t .. . ..: .. 770, 1225 issu 'ts f 1- `versi f ater m for divisions in Ojllqe of ... : . . 771, 1226 Fglls lor usglofcpovgver .. 633 deficiegcy appropriation for two additional prescribe regulations for using navigable - mismnts . . 347 ters ad' ent to tarvet, rac 'ce authorized to purchase second Liberty, and I lgtihcatiolgg, etc ... . - .. I 266 converted first L1b91'tV bonds until enforcement . 267 one year after end of the war ... 505 prevent prostitution near cantonments. . 886 ye9,r1y1in1ita.tlOI{ of purchases, etc . 505 rent any buildinghetc., in District oi fund to be set a.s;de for . ... gg Columb%)2.mi1or mihtary pigrpoées- . 86*1 appropristiou or ...-..-..·.. . requisition dmgs,' etc., or ar e- det§§egpreport to Congress of cperations 505 Eartment uses, m District of Colum· 82 un er . . .·---------—-·-· · --·... is . ... 6 bond imue of $5,000,Q00,000 to nieet e?en· take immediate possession of lands, congitures for national secuntyan de- 35 demned for river and harbor imnse, etc . . ...· . .-··---·--·... rovements ... 911 of $$,538,9%,460, adilitional; second tiskspoveiy buildings, etc., for hospital liberty bonds provisions ... 288 facilities ... . .,...,. 1029