Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/1636

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INDEX. cclxv Tqrmiml Fqcilities, etc., _ _ I Pass. Tvyfbgdguzj Lan hm mvmgggs, Gm. 0% 111 mwrwt <>fmw1- 269 T}=;§>5r§pr1ation gr public buildin? . 111 prxonty of servxce to vessels at, may be pre- appropriation for, chief clerk; superin- Bcnbed ~--··-·-----------------·--- 915 teudeuts of divisions ,,_,,, _ _ gm 1253 , Terminal Storage and Shipping Facilitks, for postal savings division . . 801, 1253 _ Amy, _ _ for stamps division ...,...,. , , , , 80]:1253 d¢6¢1€¤§’}f $P€1’0P!'!3U0¤ for ordnance. . . 353, 481 for iimmce dwmion _________________ 801, 1253 _¤ddm<>¤¤ contracts authorized ... 353 for ciamificstion division _,,,,,,,,,__ 301 1253 Termgnak on Waterways, etc., for registered mails division . 801, 1% pvhcy declared oi necessitg for, in comme- for mane ordem division .._,,,,_,__ 80]:1253 111011 with nver and r improve- for poem? service offico of ... 749, 1196 T m¢¤¤¤ ---·---- · --·-----·-----···-- 1286 for stqmps, postal cards enc . 749, 1196 erm Cong, _ for gluf, steamboat, and way letters. . 749, 1196 appmprmmou for study of processes, etc., for m amnity, lost registered, ctc., mail, _ m manuf3,ct,m·e of. .. ; .. 808, 1260 _ domeqtic . .. 749, 1196 Tem¢0ruzZ_Dgkgat¢.¢, _ mtemamoual . 749, 1196 apgymprxauon for compensauon 761, 1216 for travel and miscellaneous expenses. 749, 1196 or .. . 762,1216 Pcsgul Savings System, officc of for clerk ,,.,.,,,...,. . . _,,,,.,. 764 _ Dlfééwl . ,.. 749, 1196 clerks to be placed on roll of employ- Tlnrd Liberty (scc also United States eee; appqiuuneut, gu: ,...,...,,,... 764 _ Third Liberty Bonds), for clerks to; restriction .,... 1219 7#!’0VlB%0DB for lssuing bonds, etc., under. . 508 for mileage, lst session, 65th Congress, ml Lcberty (sec aloo United States immediately available .. 1 SGCHIQUEB, Liberty Bonds), deficiency appropriation for .. 430 tax cxcmppgn on mterest on $45,000 of; Tcrntonhl Homes for Disabled S0 a and cpud1t.10u. .: .  : 965 Sailors, addxgxonal tocpnnr exemptmm . .. . . 966 appropriation for continuing aid to. 140, 665 Th0m¤·Wd]¢. _N- ·, _ _ _ Terntones! appropriation for publnc bmlding . 111 appropriation for government in the . . . 799, 1252 Thonufn, _ _ arms, cbc., to be issued to home guards of,. 181 provisions for increasing supply pmdgcbouds of, exempt from stamp tux- .,..,... 1133 twn, ctc., of, for mmonsf security from war revenue stamp tax . . .. 319 and defense ·.. . ..-...- 1009 designated 05cem of, exempted from se- T}•0‘P'01l9l\f§f6_B¤y, C., lgctjvg d_;·gft_ _,___________,_____ _ _ _ 78 appmpugugu for nmgmvgmgut of chumgl draft boards for emergency Army increase _ WDDWVDS B¤Y md ·····-·-· 1278 _ created in; duties, etc . 79 Tlzlifi Stamps, xssue of search warrants by courts of, for Vmces W Pm Omce D*=P¤¥¤¤¢~>¤¢ f°¥ violations of ¤peci£ed Federal laws, mk Infzxlwig (/<;*·$iie¤f -·-——-·--·-·~·---··—~· 1035 GTA`: .. · 228 , G 1 _ Teton National Fume, Wyo., vtherwyw ¤<>¤;¤d, ew-, my be mdpvywd for Tappropriation for maintenance, etc., of.. .. 988 puggcdmw ¤1““8h'·*¤' W °¤*8’¤¤‘g<g5 1048 gxag, ·•·•·••••.·•·‘-•••••.•¤•¤-··•. I appropriation for improvement nf mma fwm ,¤<>¤¤¢¤¤¤ }¤¤v¤¤x f·¤»¤·•¤<i-¤¤¤¤¤1¤ waterway on com of ______________ 257 pmhbiwd: . 275,1048 preliminary examination, etc., to be made ¤§€*“¤·’P°ct}°¤Y€€“l·¤°“*°8°V¤m· $75• 1049 of waterways in _____________________ 264 dmpoesl of laden _ .. .. 275, 1049 Texas City Channel, Tex., slaughter 111 Pqrtq Ram may be deferred. l0·\9 apprgymmu sm improvement Or. . 256, 907, 1280 <·¤¤1><>¤¤ fmm V¤m¤ ¤¤¤¤¤d¤ w Pom Rm Toms Onjwm Judicial Dhhid, _ germxtted .. . .. 1049 deficiency appropriation for additional dis- T'“`l“Y·'» * Mama', €“`·» _ u-ict yudge 21 Stamp tax or; pause, fn fmvrgn ports; additional `udge authorized; when vacancy °XBmPU°¤ ··--······-·-~-·• ~ ····· _ - - 1137 in office of senior judge occurs, no W”·U`€V€¤“° wmv WX °¤ 19***8*% *0 fo¤¤8¤ succemor to be appoint/ed .. 1183 _ EQM; €¤€¤¤P¤°¤ ---·-·--·-·-··-··- 323 terms of com, Amarillo division . 1270 T wkfaw wr, La-. Texas Weszem Judmhl Dwlszrm, T'%P¥§P"!$·¤°¤i$gg1¥§Ea?$V°g*€gt °f ·-··~--·· 256 & · l . t i . .. . 156 a am',} 1 · -1 Tmggggpnanon for addlumml Judge T%>propria.tion for establishing, etc .. 133, 659 a. ' v l ¤ standards f '* , ppmpnuzgligg fggcfii i f) .. gos, 1260 appwpriativu f¤r Study ofprocesws, etc-.i¤ Thgyywg 604],7],,, . l!]$D1lf8Ct|1!°60f-... . -.-- appropriation for improvement of ... 251, 905 T *19hmm _I$lfmd» Hd-; The Hague, Netherlands (see Hague, The ;. “·PPmP¤$t1°¤ for 1mPT°V€m€¤t °f hu"


internal revenue tax on admissions to 1120 _ u¤€XP€¤d€‘d balance Y98PP¥°Pn°t°d·· 1277 special tax 011 proprietors of . 1127 T‘H“”'w°k,B‘}!’» OTC!-v pmces, em., exempt ... 1127 ¤1>pr¤p¤¤¤<>¤ for ¤;¤1>r<2v¤m€¤¢ vi-~ 26*% 9107 1285 War revenue tax 011 admissions to 318 PY€hmm§YY €X*m`*m$¤0¤¤ 9**% °f» ud Theological Students, B-IVEX, to be mélde --·~·-·- · --•·-·~ 265 exempted from selective draft 78 Tillman, Benjamin R., late a Senator, _ _ Thermos Bottles, etc., deficiency appropriation for pay to widow excise tax on, sold by producer, etc .. 1122 of ..-.· 1037