Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/1650

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INDEX. gglxxlx Urbana Crjeelq, Va., _ P¤Ze· Whiclesfor Indian Service, Pere. appropriation for improvement oi. . . . . 254, 1278 amount available for maintenance, etc. . . . 567 Urgent qicumczes (see Deficiency Appropn· purchase of horse drawn; motor ..,. . ... 567 ations). Venereal Diseases, Uruguay, _ _ _ deficiency Igplpropriation for contml of, apppgpngugn for mlnigtgy tO___________ _ near ta~YyY&rVati0¤B···•·•·•· 468 Utah, creation of Interdepartmental Social Hy- appropriation for surveyor general, clerks, 8}****6 B9“'d 0* P'°"°”ti°¤• P'°**°°‘ etc .. . , 798, 1251 tmp esamst, remedies, etc .-····--· 886 for nlrpport, etc., of detached Indians in. 586 V”*”“§l D”°°•¤» D- P'-, _ Cache among] Fgrgt, hud, added to, by deficiency appropriation for dispensariss exchange .,,,,,_,_, ,, _ , 1204, 1209 for treating; personal services. ··..·. 823 me Indians, cméamm new tm V'mm¢¤¤._ _ _ _ appropriation r support, etc,, of , _ _,___, 533 appropmhqn for uumster to ... 519, 1326 or gpyment from princi al funds ot, to V¢""“h°"*; 0Z"°» _ ' gvglg Baudpiu C0]0md0_ _ _ 586 8pp1'0pI.’l.8tl0lZ\ fol’ 1II1pl'0V0lIl8llt of hif- Umtab, ste., Bands in Utah . ,.,,,,,_ 5ee bor-_ ·--·--------···----···· 257. 909. 1283 Southern Utes in Colorado ... 587 V¢¤¤·1¤m_Rw¢r. M, for promoting self support from accrued 9·ppl'3?¤£tl0D fol' Improvement of .--- 1% interest .,,,,, _ 587 Vermeg _, _

 gtgtgmgut of expenditurx _ _ _   8dd1t10D$1 mr revenue tax levied ms • • •·• ml

for imgatxng metres mas . 587 Vevwk UM _ _ _ Ute Mamma Banu of rmmms, ¤1>p¤>1>¤¤¤<>¤ fer public buddies --·-- 111 appropnation for payment to, from tribal V"""°'”· 1:"’·: . . . funds of contsamm Buns ts. ser ·r>t>¤>1>¤¤¤¤¤ fer pebhe b¤¤1<1¤¤s --·-- · 111. 686 Vessels (seg¢:,1ls0 SIQIPPI-¥}§)p _ _ { _ » “PP'°P‘T!“ 9** . °‘I m"*¤$“. °mK¤ v' gnscrimmations Bw Vacation lsjdzoals ¢mdPlaygro1mds, D. G., for securing uniformity in admsssur— alppropnation for expenses, etc . .. % ing . . . 805, 1257 Va wes, __ authority of the President to order, operexc1se_tax on, bought for use . . ... 1123 ate, etc., during the war 182 Valparaiso, Ind., arms, etc., to foreign; belligerent, ,;ppropr1ation for public building . . 111, 636 uring war in which nited States V uatim1_of}’roperty of Camera, _ is neutral, forbidden departure . 221 appropriation for expenses of determin· employment of Army, Navy or to _ ing .. . . ,. .. 123,649 compel departure 0 foreign, not Van K1rlc,_ Mrs. Susu A., entitled to remain .. .. 23 appropriation for payment to, for death of to detain vessel if not entitled to depart. 223 son, ensign national Naval Volun- rules and regulations governing movement, teers. . ... 727 etc., of, in time of war ... ... 220 Vanadium, Vessels, Ameruwrn, provisions for increasing supply, produc- issue of war risk insurance on, cargoes, tion, etc., of, for national security crews, etc ... _ ... _ . . . 102 and defense .. . 1009 olhcers and crews of, to be insured against Vancouver, Wash., loss of life, etc., from risks war, appmfpriation for puldic building . . . . 111 b by owners}. .. . . . 108 useoa roriatnon ortargetrangenear, ySecretaryo e'I`reasuryon aiurs mggiliped . 58 _ ofowners ... . . . 104 Vannater, Frank N., liability of owner, etc. . .. . .. 104 payment to . . 5 punishment for placing bombs on, etc., to Vaults and Sa_/Es, Public Buildings, cause ini or anger .. . .. 221 appropriation for, equipments, etc -. 114, 637 Vessels Cqnstructedu-xr [Van urposes, deticiency appropriation for . . ... 468 deduction for_ amortization cost. etc., in Vegetables, computing taxable income of inappropriation for investigating and certify- div1_ uals .. 1067 ing soundness of, at markets 274 corporations  :  : . .: . . 1078 effect of certificates as evidence .. 275 Vessels, Fmugn cmd Domestic (see Shipping for investigating maturity in .. . . . . - 991 Act._ 1916). _ for distributing information ot supply, Vessels ¢y'4lu·n Enemies, market prices, etc., of . . 1002 in jurisdiction of United §tates to be taken for investigating condition of, immediate posssion of. . ..·.. 75 at central markets, etc., and certi- except nn igrgm Islands..,..., . 75 fying it to shippers thereof; fees 1002 to be opera , etc., by Shipping Board, eEect of certificates - 1003 etc. .. . . . . Z .··· I .--·-··- · · 75 for conservation and utilization of. 1046 value oi, to be determined by survey, for market news service on. 1 . . . 1047 etc . . ...·····---- - - ; · · 75 Vegetables, Drying of (see Perishable Edible Vessels, Sterrgn (see Steamboat Inspection Products). _ SOTVICQ). Whicles, D. C'., { and Watennanavnéef Army, { 47 853 appropriation or , etc., motor a ro na on for o reserve . , pp Pima mn.? ...,.. 924 ptgrgsy of rsurgii, .. 4:1,854 deficiency appropriation for tags, etc., for _ deiicsency appropriation for war expenses, business ... 300 pay of reserve . . ... 189 112—160°—vo1. 40-vr 1——103