Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/1661

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ocxc INDEX. War Risk Insurance Act-Continued. Pegs. War Risk Insuramc Act—Continued. H86- allotments; applicable to all enlisted men. 402 compensation to female nurses in lieu of compulsory, to wife and child . . 402 right under empl0yees’ compensavoluntary, to other persons . . .. 403 tion Act ... 408 distribution of amounts . ... 403 beneficiary of compensation to right retention of pro rtion if one-half of pay of action if other than Uni States not allotted)? ..,. . ..,,,,,. 403 or enemy liable for death, etc .. 408 family allowance granted on applicationn 403 enforcement, etc.; money realized to period of payment ,. , ,,,,.,.. . 403 credit of compensation fund 408 lass A to wife or child ... . . 403 widow’s pension for service in Civil War, Class B to other relatives .. . 403 War with Spam, or Philippine Inif a woman, to children . . 404 surrection not less than $25 a month testnction of payments in Class A .. 404 hereafter .. 408 in Class B; exemptions ... 404 allowance to children not affected .. 408 limitations to allowances in Class B 404 no reduction of present pensions ... 408 regulations to a lportionments to be administered, etc., by Commisléofween C ass A and 8 ass Bb .. 404 _ sioner oftggnsions. . . . 408 mon y pa ents to Treas epart- insurance gran on app 1ca ion, 0 - ment ing War and Ndgyy Depart- cers and enlisted men ... 409 _ ments, for distributions 404 female nurses in service included 409 investigations, etc., of applications for death or lpolicies; limit ... 409 family allowances- 404 premiums lpaya e ... 409 compensation to be paid for death oi time for app ying, after enlistment, etc. 409 omcers, enlisted men, and female application assumed and insurance nurses in service ... 405 granted if in service April 6, 1917, towidow and children ... 405 and disabled or die without makto widowed mother; limitations .. 405 ing ...,... . .. 409 burial expenses .. 405 payment to widow, etc., if dying before allowance during widowhood . 405 receiving installments . 409 dependent children, etc . . 405 limits of payments 409 termination, etc ... . . 405 terms and conditions of insurance conappowonment between widow and tracts to be published ... 1 ... 409 children not with mother . . 405 not assignable; payable to designated total disability 406 beneficiaries .. . ... 409 with_family dependents .. 406 payable in 240 monthly installments. . . 409 _ requiring constant attendant _. 406 alternative contracts authorized ..,, 409 specific oss, etc., at $100 a month 406 basis of calculations; deductions expartial disability; basis oi ratings ._ .. 406 cepted 409 medical services, surgical appliances, changes of beneficiaries; limitation 409 etc · ... 406 provisions if beneficiaries not desigmitgtary control ghile;) in servico. . . 406 d nated . 410 mon y _ paymen su 'ect to am y a ministrative, etc., expenses me _ conditions . .. 406 United States 410 applicants for compensation to submit to basis of premium rates .. 410 medical examination .. 406 term insurance during the war ... 410 €ff€Ct_0f_ refusal 407 conversion after the war 410 submission to treatment when re- regulations to provide for, paying quested .,,...,.. . . 407 premiums, etc .. 410 Gffevt of refusal . . 407 advance payments limited; mode of vocational education to be provided in making .,.,..., 410 _d1smemberment cases, etc. . ... 407 jurisdiction of district courts of disagree- 9¤l1¤*·Hw¤t}vhile taking . ... 407 ments between bureau and benepsy, family allowances, etc ... 407 iiciaries over claims 410 effect of refusal . ... 407 allowance for att0mey's fees; other comreview, etc., of awards ... .. . . 407 pensation forbidden. .. 410 time restnclzions for awarding death or I punishment for violations .. . . . 410 disability compensations. . .: .. _. 407 tem rary appointment of generals and no compensation for death in service xmtil lilautenant generals authorized .. 410 officially recorded ... t .. 407 amendments to .,.,.,,... 555 compensation while " missing " restricted . . 407 powers and duties of Director specified 555 no compensation for death for crime .. 407 limitation on fees for presenting cases; . . 555 _m1l1tary otiense, unless bi the enemy,. 407 attorneys recognized on y in contested in-

 etc., to bar all rig ts ... 407 surance claims before district court. 556

time limit for filing claims . .. . . . . 407 fees to be determined by the court- 556 extension permitted ... 408 limit and manner of payment. . .. 556 restriction on period_of payments .. -108 punishment for receiving, etc., uncompensauon not assignable; free from authorized . 556 hens and taxes; ... . 408 former provisions repealed . 556 no compensation while receiving service War Risk Insurance Bureau amendments. . 609 _ or retirement pay _ ... 4 08 term "parents" extended to parents gratuities, etc., for death in service and through adoption . . 609 in pension laws to persons in or punishment for fraudulently receiving who may enter service, not appli— money, allotments, etc, ,,,,,,___ _, 609 eablehereafter 408 payments not assignable, subject to debts, accrued rights not affected . . ... 408 nor taxable ... 609