Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/177

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158 SIXTY·FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 27. 1917. PMN- northern district of Illinois: Prmnkied, That all persons emplo ed iizitdtiiiwingiixnés. imder section seven hundred and fifteen of the Revised Statutes sliall be deemed to be in actual attendance when they attend upon the '¥‘¤v·1.¤w-.¤=r¤¤¤¤¤ order of the courts: Provided further, That no such dpersons shall be °mdg°°` employed during vacation; expenses of circuit and strict judges of the United States aud the judges of the district courts of the mted V¤L¤¤.r-11¤- States in Alaska, Porto Rico and Hawaii, as aprovrded by section two hundred and fifty-nine of the Act aptprov March third, nmeteen hundred and eleven, entitled "An ct to codify, revise, and ¥¤rr¤=l¤·¤¤•- amend the laws relating to the 'udici "; meals and lodging for jurors in United States cases, and of ba%s in attendance upon the {,”°,*§{’*;~w_ same when ordered by the court, and meals and lodging for jurors ` ` in Alaska as provided by section one hundred an ninety-three, Title H, oi the Act of Jnme sixth, nineteen hundred; and compensa- Jm unmumas. tion for jury commissioners, $5 per day, not exceeding three days for any one term of court, $250,000. _ ' ‘“¤°·”¤¤·°°¤ °*· For such miscellaneous expenses as may be authorized lg the Attorney General, for the United States courts and their officers, including so much as may be necessary in the discretion of the Attorne§ Generalhfor suc? (piréenseshm the §_)istr1ct of Alasksg $$50,000. ¤¤¤v¤¤¤· orsu `es, incu` exc angeo t writ' an admg' machines foiiliehe United States courts and judicisillifiicers, to be expended under the direction of the Attorney General, $37,500. S¤rm¤n¤¤1¤¤¤¤¤· For support of United States prisoners, including necessary clothing and medical aid gratuities provided y law and transrtation to place of conviction or place of bona fide residence in the Uonited States or such other place within the United States as may be authorized by the Attorney General; support of prisoners becom-

 insane during imprisonment, and who continue insane after expiration of sentence who have no friends to whom they can be sent;

ship{}1n_g remains of deceased prisoners to their friends or relatives in the mted gates and interment of prisorglers whose @1% areun ·expenses1ncurredm1ent'y1ng` an urs ° esca prisoners and for rewareb for their recapture; and notldxcem $2,gOO or repairs betterments, and improvements of United States jails, in- Pmmmm —c11}d;ng sidevlrpgks, $725,000é hm _ F _ _ 1 _ vm · avenwo , as, em traryz or subsistence, 1110 udmg izii°¤sa1aa'°:•.°h'K“° supplies from the prison stores for warden deputy warden, an physician, tobacco or prisoners, kitchen and dimng—room furniture and u seeds and implements, and for purchase of ice if necesc1¤¤w¤¤·¤sp¤m» Sagzir clothing trans rtation and traveling ex enses inc1ud1ng' tc. . ’ . . . . J . ¤°°' ° materials for making _G§f•l.`l.I.Il5]8$ the pemtentiary; ggatuities for prisoners at release, provided su gratuities shall be furnished to prisoners sentenced for terms of imprisonment of not less than sh: months, and transplortatgon to place of conviction or place of bona fide residence in the United States, or to such other place within the United States as may be authorized by the Attorney General; expenses of shipping remains of deceased prisoners to their homes in the United States; expenses of pemtentrary_ofHc1als_while traveling on official duty; expenses incurred rn pursuing and identifying escaped prisoners, and or rewards for their recapture $50,000; ’“'°°““"°"°· For miscellaneous expenditures in the discretion of the Attorney Generalil fuel, forage, hay, lfht, water, stationery, fuel for generating steam; _B8h1D:g Zgparatus urmng bricks and lime; fo e for issue to p he anim , and hay and str·aw_for bedding;]-laignk books, blank formsixtygawnting snpplres, oils and memorandum books for guards, for use rn chapellriaper, envelopes, and postage stamps for issue to prisoners; labor an for re ' steamheating plant, electric plant and water circulation,  ;