Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/224

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SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 29. 1917. 205 INSTRUMENTS AND SUPPLIES; Supplies for seamen’s uarters; and E¤¤iPm°¤'* ¤¤PP“°s· for the purchase of all other articles of equipage at hoing and abroad; mtmmml Bm and for the payment of labor in equipping vessels therewith and manufacture of such articles in the several navy lyards; all pilotage and towage ships of war; canal tolls, wharfage, doc and port charges, and other necessary incidental expenses of a similar nature; services and materials in repairing, correcting, adjusting, and testing compasses on shore and on board ship; nautic and astronomical Instruments and re airs to same; libraries for ships of war, professional books, schoolliooks, and papers; maintenance of gunnery and other training classes; compasses, comfpass fittings, including binnacles, tripods, and other appendages o ship’s comliasses; hggs and other appliances for measuring the shiopsis way, and eads an other appliances for sounding; photoigrap , apshotographic instruments and Gymompsss gleam materials, printing outfit an materi ; an for the necessary civilian am. electricians for gyrocompass testingrand inspection, $5,743,440. Ocean md mm mp Ocn£ANhANn LAKE sU}Qav(i·:rYs: Hg; ographic surveys, incgodiggaphe veys a o the necess o a `c surve ors, cartograp 'c ts- Eugn and recordersa}-yapldyf<‘3r‘·1%•tl`hcl>) purchaseyand printing of nautical books charts, and said `n ctions, $50,000. i . V Smi> For: ILL1Nors NA§’AL MILITIAZ The limit of cost of $125,000 miiiiiaums N° _°1 on the purchase, repair, and alteration of a ship for the Naval Militia c,g‘,§,‘;“dt,,;§°§ m` of Hlinois as iixed in the naval appropriation Act approved August V¤l-**9·P~ &9· . tv;en1‘tiy-ninth,hninei::;een hundred sixteen, is increased by $50,000, wic sumis ere appropriate.. ,1,.. NAVAL TRAINING §TA?l`¥ONI:CALII•`ORNIAZ Maintenance of naval train- rem 1i$ii.i°1£°E¤a, ing station, Yerba Buena Island, California: Labor and material· C"' buildings and wharves· general care, repairs, and improvements of ounds, buildings and wharves; wharfage, ferriage, and street-car Eire; purchase and maintenance of live stock, and attendance on same; wagons, carts, implements, and tools, and repairs to same, including the maintenance, re air, and operation of one horsedrawn assenger-caniying vehicle to be used only for official purposes; Hlie engmes an extinguishers; gymnastic implements; models and other articles needed in mstruction of appprentice seamen; plrinting outfit and materials, and maintenance o same; heating and 'ghting- stationery, books schoolbooks, and periodicals; fresh water, and washing; packing boxes and materials; and all other contingent expenses; maintenance of dispensary building; lectures and suitable entertainments for apprentice seamen· In all, $100,000. hmm Hub 0 r NAVAL TRAINING STATION, Rnonn lsLANn: Mamtenance of naval mma, 11. 1.

 s1g1t%p(pi;1Coast3rs llilarbor liiaipd, Rhpde I;1l]aud:tLa(§>io1r and

mater1;u an warves; cann ;exen gsea walls; repairs togzsausewai and sea w eral care, repairs,_and improvements of grounds, uildings, and w arves;wha:I·fage, femage, an street car fare; purchase and maintenance of hve stock, and attendance on same; wagons, carts, implements, and tools, and repairs to same, including the maintenance, repair, and operation of two horse-drawn passengencarrying vehicles to be used only for oflicial piuposes; fire engines and ext1ng1nshers;gymnast1c implements; models and other articles needed ID mstruction of apprentice seamen; printing outiit and materials, and maintenance o same; heating and lightin ; stationery, books, schoolbooks, and péoriodncals; fresh water, angl washing; packing boxes and materia ; and all other contingent expenses; lectures and suitable entertainments for Promo apprentice seamen; in all, $100,000: Provided, That the sum to be _ cieraeai, ea, sm. paid out of this a pro riation under the_direction of the Secretary m of the Navy for cllirical, drafting, mspection, and messenger service shall not exceed $10,000.