Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/263

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244 SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 40. 1917. m;}§•“¤**‘°*°¤‘**d herein provided for shall not apply to any person under the age ' of twent —one ears or to any person above the age of thirty-one ,$?“°°“'“"d“"°‘ years: further, That the grades_of chauffem, nrst class, and . chauffeur are hereby created m the Signal Corps. The pay and allowances of a chauffeur, iirst class, sha be the same as a sergeant, P¤Y»¤·¤k»¤¥¤· first class in the Signal Corps. PK and allowances of a chauffeur ` shall be the same as a se eant in e Signal Corps. All chauffeurs ' while serving as such sha? rank with qcgiporals of the Signal Co and shall be subjecti;¤t;o£:11oéi)on and uction to any other grid; now author1zed° in s. Tactical units to be Sec. 4. That the President isrherebfy authorized to appropriatel °'“°‘°'”°`i‘ officer and organize the personnel o the Signal Corps into such number of divisions, brigades, regiments, wings, squadrons, battalions, comnlanies, and flights as may be necessbgrdy, and to increase or_ decrease t_ e number of orgamzations prescri for the divisions, b des r ents, W1 vs, s uadrons, attalions, com ames, and P? » 6g*m _ De q _ _P _ fhg ts, and to gnescnbe such new and different organizations and personnel for visions, brigpdes, regiments, wings, squadrons, attalions, companies, and flig ts as the eiiiciency of the service may . uu·e. H°**’¤¤*¤°¤| ml mThe President is further authorized to organize such head uarters ii.{°$ii:°$z¤»-¤¤1a.d°i°dP and headquarters detachments for divisions, brigades, regiments, wmgs, squadrons, battaliom, companies, and flights as may be necessary, and to prescribe new an different organizations for such htengquarters and eadquarters detachments whenever the efficiency o ~ e service may require. · ¤p(irg$diiEl$q¥'§¤b§ Sec. 5. That the President, by and with the advice and consent of aueaucy- the Senate, is authorized to appoint for the period of the existing emergency such mugeneral officers of applropriate grades as may be necessary for st duty and for duty wit snch brigades and divisions

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'*`g¤ 0 ¤PP°*¤*· Vacahcies in all grades of the R lar diihi , National Arm or

 mud National Guard resulting from the ttghlporary aglpointment of oiilicers

_,,,,,,,,,,_ 8,_82_ thereof to_lugher grades shall be filled or vacated as provided for in sections eight an_ mne of the Act authorizing the President to increase temp0rar1ly_the military establishment of the United States and approved Mag eighteen, mneteen hundred and seventeen. m·}1;*;¢L¤d_¤d we Sec. That officers detailed m or_ attached to the aviation section of the Signal Corps may, when quahiied therefor, be rated as junior cmumcs of (mm military aviators, mihtary aviators, jumor mjlitniéy aeronauts, and ¤,,_,,,,,,,_ nnlitary aeronauts, bnt no person shall be so rat until there shall E i nave been issued to him a certificate to the effect that he is qualified ¤¤¤¤¤¢ ¤¤¤- for the rating, and no certificate shall be issued to any person until an eigamining board, wh1ch shall be composed of two officers of gzéiiénernzgaanlf ggqgwcayion sggtilqnxpf th§S1gnal Cplrps gnld one mediqnl

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pggsqnppcbzyéne Sepretagy of War and published to the by smh mqmmumf th t_ p Inxen , an s all have reported him to_be qua_ Bed M ¤¤,,g,_ 0I' _Q I'8 mg- 0 person Shall receive the rating of military aviator ggagisiliagagg ngngxtgéxintd hqlnnill have served creditably for three _,;;·»»·i¤·»¤·¤·»·»· or as msg of » ju¤;S$”£E’nay°§Z$.'}£.€.3{,“J§‘.§;‘,?§ ’£“i3`Zf£”${."3E2tEi war any officer or enhsted man who specially distinguishes himself gm*;‘;?‘§_ E§;V1¢¤ 1;71¤{, uppcnl recommendtmi of the Chief Signal . , . , e ra as a umor `tar aviator milit hmm &V18$gl’, ]\1m0r_ mthtary aeronaut,] or milit yaeronauti withellg mma mk, mt Lnilar to examination or to length of service iugromkied That junior memes. tary aeronauts and military aeronauts shall be entitled to the '§*m¥° mQF9¥¤$6 111 rank and pa as are now authorized by law for Junior military aviators and mihtary aviators, respectively: Provided