Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/317

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298 SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 62. 1917. Rim °¤°*¤¤i" ‘°' ther of, a pro ecting permit which shall give the exclusive ht my°m for E period iilit exceeding two _ years, to prospect for chloligiegi sul hates, carbonates, borates, sihcates, or nitrates of (potassium on E‘°°P“°¤· pgliihc lands of the United States, except lands in an adjacent to arles Lake, which would be described if surveyed as townships twenty-four, twenty-five, twenty-six, and twenty-seven south of ranggs fort;-two, orltygzrihgeeg, qahnd f<l;rty-four cast, llfoéuit Diablo ` menian `ornia: r att eareato eincu d` h Emma-ml permit shall not exceed two thousand Eve hundred and siixtly? seilrigg P mt to me of land m reasonably compact form. ua$pmm»3$”&°¤ia. thS1;_<g 2._ Thea; upc:11 sliciwiéig to thefsatisfaction of pho Secretary of e tenor t at v ua e eposits o one r more th b t enumeratedin section one hereof have begn discowiiaredcbsyil them? umm mittee within the area covered by his permit, the permittee shall) be entitled to a patent for not to exceed one-fourth of the land embraced m the prosgecting permit, to be taken m compact form and described by legal su divisions of the public-land surveys, or if the land be not surveyed, then in tracts which shall not exceed two miles in length, ‘ by survey executed at the cost of the tpermittee, in accordance with Imdwuthm rules an re ations prescribed by e Secreta of the Interior. . , TY _

i”£¤I;¤:uuuv:ria:g¤‘bgry gg othe1(ila·:;1ms;‘ eglscribed and gméilracedhlntzuch a pirospecltdiigg peruiit

m an e exercise 0 e t t _ distelovaixzé and rzlopgzovlirgeél by leaseslfxiay belldageld liigctlie Secrgtilrg 0 e nor, ug vertisement, competitive bidding, or suc other methods as he may by general regulation d t, d h R,,,,,,,m,,mm_ aregs as he sgnnall Hx, 11:;: twaol thontsaiégll tiiiia hiigidrldldsollxlid six acres, con ion upon e payment by the lesseeof such royalty as may be ecified th l d hi h hall be fixed by the Secretary of thdlllnteriorllin ailvijnsdeaiif dllerm the u a e pom o t ` $$2 2?dtiZLh‘$§“%“ ‘£°€tb° l°i“é°h?‘£;"° "°’ °°“E’,““i". °“ TF gm ············~··· $mau‘**°.?.mr;.;€.;·2:.%r:.#·:t¤¤€§°E"i€.ii:*.Zr ( 1 W C pe not less50than t2;5 cents pe; acaa for the first year thlareafter; not ess than cen 1- third urth

rrséhresp£fctt}1;r$ly;_?ai1cll?1cd: le; thiinsgcioflrlgi- acre ioi·0each,a.iL1llidcviidrt§

ere unng e contin th 1 ,,__,____,_,_P__,_, rental ar my ya.- eau be m`5§‘;$° £g.t.§t°&.’§’r€,’;,ii¥?a“h;'2T ‘€’iZy umm. accrue for that year. Leases shall be for indeterminate periods, upon condition that at the end of each twenty-year period succeed— mg tlie datel of ang lease such readjustment of terms and conditions mtgy e ma e as e Secretary of the lnterior may determine, UDJBSS p,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,_ 0 erwise provided by law at the time of the iration of such PM". a gatontee under this section ·ma;x£so be a lesscc= xa. 1;,,,, M , at the potash deposits in the public lands in and adjacent meager wand :0 Searlcs Lake m what would be if surveyed townships twenty- four, twenty·5ve, twenty-six, and twenty-seven south of ranges c:ltiy·two, forty-three, and forty-four, east Mount Diablo meridian E tgrnia, may be operated by the United States or may be leased tgis ;ctS6¢T6- P of the Interior under the terms and £1rov‘isi0!1S of nasagamand, . 1 · WWW, That the Secretary of the terior ma pwcmwmma issue eases under the provisions of this Act for de osits of otasll all public tlands in Sweetwater County, Wvoming,pa]s0 coniiainiu me M has in an- Sgxcgts 0 coal, on condition that the coal He reserved to the Uniwg ··¤·¤·¤=··¤··¤·¤.·¤¤— Sm _3. That in addition to areas or men miami land to be ini°;“§;* wmits or laasesthe sammy of the inua-ior, _tion,maymsuetoapeunitteeolessee thisAct the miasm right to .1 · · “"d°" tmctohmoccupiod “S?» umig life of the permit or lease, 8 in um for cam dgnmyml Publw land not exceeding forty act!-JS P , re mng works, and other purposes connected