Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/365

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346 SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 79. 1917. D¢P¤**m°”‘°‘S'·°°°· DEPARTMENT OF STATE. m;\<1di¢*<>¤¤l °¤¤l¤Y· For additional employees in the Department of State, $85,000:

umn Prgvided, That npt more than two pe§gns shall be employed here-

“Y · . un er at a rate o compensation excee g $1 800 per annum. 0¤¤ti¤s¤¤¢ ¤¤v•=¤¤¤¤· For stationeréy, furnit1u·e, fixtures, typewriters, repairs and material for repairs, an miscellaneous items, including expenses of the passport office in New York, $25,000. . _ F°'°‘g“‘“‘°'°°“”°· Fonmeu rxrnncomzsn. ¤<2¤s¤1¤r1>=i=<>¤•=r¤- That portion of the Act making appropriations for the Diplomatic 1¤i§`$i%%il$;f4il.'iZ and Consular Service for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nine- ‘“§,§§f§‘,’Yl§?{0g‘§;8· teen hundred and eighteen, which (provides "that no more than 50 cents per dagl for the keeping an feeding of each prisoner while actual y con ed shall be allowed or paid or arg suc keeping and fleediiiiggalghiall iliptenbe operative during the cal year nineteen un re ei e . crass pt embassies For the emliloyment of necessary clerks at the embassies and ““‘""g"°‘°"s' legations, who, whenever hereafter appointed, shall be citizens of _ the United States, $88,000. Engg; lm 8* °°"‘ For allowance for clerk hire at consulates, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of State, $325,000. &§gS¤§°¤*°xP°m°¤· To enable the President to provide, at the public expense, all such stationery; blanks, records, and other books, seals, presses, {lags, and signs,_as e shall think necessary for the several embassies and lega- _ tions in the transaction of their business, and also for rent, repairs, postage, telegrams, furniture, typewriters, including exchandgre of same, messenger service, compensation of kavasses, guards, agomans, and_ porters, mcluding compensation of interpreters, and the mspsecnagums. compensation of dispatch agents at ondon, New York, San Francisco, D6 and) New Orlplaris, and for trgvieling and miscells;1ne<¥)1s expenses 0% P¤¤¤¤¤ i¤ Pm- em assies an egations an or printing in the epartment o mm' State, and for loss on bills of exchange to and from embassies and legations, and payment in advance o subscriptions for newspapers (foreignoand domestic) under this appropriation is hereby authorized, $132,00 . Ccutingentexpenses, Expenses of providing all such stationery blanks record and other °°“““‘“”‘ books, seals, presses, flags, signs, rent (so much as mag be necessary), repairs to consular bmldings owned by the United tates, postage, furniture, mcluding typewriters and exchange of same, statistics, newspapers, freight (foreign and domestic), telegrams, advertising, messenger service, traveling expenses of consular officers and consular assistants, compensation of Chinese writers, loss by exchange, and such gtherhmiscellaneous egclpenses as the President may think necess or the several cons ates and consular agencies in the transaicllaibnf of their business, and pagmient in advance of subscriptions or newspapers (foreign an omestic) under this appro nation is hereb authorized, $28 000. Traveling arrows. 'llim pay the actuairand necessary expenses of trans ortation, under P°"* "‘ M suazlh regulsitionsés the Se3re%arisof State§nay pregcribe, of diplgmatic an consu ar officers an c er m em assres, egations, an consulgtes, goipgkto égid return? frombtheir post? or when traveling un er or ers o the cretary o tate, ut not inc uding any expense _ incurred in connection with leaves of absence $7 5,000. ._,,,2}H§‘§,.,",,‘§§§°,,‘{‘€§’l,,`l§’,,’¥' Tlp engsable the Preilsident in his dgscretion and in accordance with .é\¤¤¤w¤¤;¤¤S 0 *¤¥di· suc re ations as e may prescribe to make special allowances b iérlm ° mpmamn way of additional compensation to consular and diplomatic officerg in China, including the officers at Hongkong, Sai on, Tsingtau, Dairen, and Vladivostok, in order to adjust their official income to the ascertained cost of living at the posts to which they may be assigned, $100,000.