Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/381

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362 SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 79. 1917. in fire—alarm systems; for the disposal of sewage, and expenses incig . . . . dent thereto, including the authorrned nssue of t§rleti)pnlpd¢Er; forfreplaglrs to water and sewer systems and p um ing wrt m ngs; or e of employees $23,886 500. m§‘§,Q‘r§‘,§,,f§,‘;m°I§,‘§’ CLoI*i·H1}i·:o AND CAM}; AND GARRISON nqUrrAon: For cloth, woolens, ` materials, and for the purchase and malrgufaclture of clognng for the Army includinv enlisted men of the egu ar Army _ eserve an retired enlisted linen when ordered to actrye duty, for issue and for sale at cost price according to_the Army Regulatrons ; for payment for clothing not_drawn due to_enl1sted men on rscharge; for alteprng and fitting clothing and washrngand cleaning when necessary; or’equ1- pa e, includrn authorrzed rssues of toilet articles, barber-s _ and ta.iIors’ materia§s, for use of general prisoners confined at mihtary posts without pay or allowances and applicants for enlistment while eld under observation; rssue of toilet kits to recruits upon their first; enhstment, and issue of housewives to the Army; for exipenses o packm and handling, and similar necessarres; for a suit 0 citizen s outer gothing, to cost not exceeding $10, to be issued upon release I d .t ,0, dg from confinement to each prisoner who has been confined under a strd1yel1ui:1l<iitblug,etc. court-martial sentence invo ving dishonorable discharge; for indemnit to officers and men of the Army for clothing and bedding, and so Earth, destroyed since April twentg-second, eighteen hundred_ and mnety-eight, by order of medical officers of the Army for sanitary easons $350 000 000. _ gg; www r Pmvilled, ’Ilhat7all the moneyihereinbefore apgnxopriated under the ¤¤<1rr¤¤;spi>rt¤¢i¤¤· titles Subsrstenceof the Army; egular supplies, artermaster Corps; ,,,,(,,l°g{§l’,%tl,‘}? md Incidental expenses, Quartermaster orps; Transportation of the Army and its supphes; Water and_sewer at military posts; and Clothing and camp and garrison equ}page shall be disbursed and accounted for by officers and agents o the Quartermaster Corps as — ‘ Supplies, services, and transportation, Quartermaster Corps, and for that purpose shall constitute one fund. §,‘§,'Z§°,°;,,s ,,;,,,,c_ Hnlnsms IQIOR CAIEALRY, ARTIL5m;Y, AND ESGINEERS go; tge urc ase of orseso ages, sex an size as may e prescrr e y the Secretary of War for remountsi, for officers entitled to public mounts for the Cavalry, Artillery, Signal Corps, and Engineers, the United States Military Academy, service schools, and staff colleges, and for the Indian scouts, and for such Infantry and members of the Medical De artment in field campaigns as may be reqpired to be mounted, and) the ex enses incident thereto, and for the hire of employees: f{ggfg,0m Provided, 'lphat the number of horses purchased under this ap- ' propriation, added to the number now on hand,_shall be limited to the actual needs of the mounted service, mcludrng reasonable pr·o— visions for renrounts, and, unless otherwise ordered by the Secretary of War, no part of this appropriatronshaél pepaid (glut forilhgses not purchased by contract after competition u y invite by the uarter— k t master Corps and an rnspvenxtron under the direction and authority ch2,2°§‘ mr ° pu" of the Secretary of War._ _ en pract1cable,_horses shall be purchased rn open market at all mrhtary posts or stations, when needed, at not _ _ exceeding a maximum price to be iix_ed by the_Secretary of War: $"‘“'*“"“°q“""“· Provided further, That no part of this appropriation shall be expended for the purchase of any horse below the standard set by Army Rggulatrons fo; Cavnlry_ and zirtilleriy hgrsies, ternipptijwligg urc ase as remoun s or or ms ruc ron o ca e s a e ·n1 P°*° P°'“°S· States lwlintary éggdgmy: Andi 31*0;/*ided_further,_That no paft o%$hin approprra ron s e expen e or po o onres excep or es Point Military Academy, and such ponies shall not be used at any other place, $40,000,000 Barracks Md qw- BA.nnAcxs AND QUARTERS: For barracks, quarters, stables, storetgyg . . . · . . ‘ houses, magazines, administration and office buildings, sheds, shops,