Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/423

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404 SIXTY—FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 105. 1917. °"”‘*”" °' "°"'*"· In the case of a woman, to a child or children: . (d) If there be one child, $5. (e) If there be two children, $12.50. (f) If there be three children, $20. _ _ _ (E) If there be four children, $30, with $5 per month additional for eac additional child. c,£;{{¤°¤“ “¤°°’ Sec. 205. That family allowances for members of Class A shall be cnmaeauen. paid only if and while a compulsory allotment is made to a member or members of such class. The monthly family allowance to a former wife divorced shall be payable only out of the difference, of any, between the monthly family allowance to the other members of Class A and the sum of $50, and only then if alimony shall have been decreed to her. For a wife living separate and apart under court order or written agreement or to a former_wife divorced the monthly allowance_, tqgether with the allotment, if any, shall not exceed the amount specific in the court order, decree, or written agreement to be paid to her. For an illegitimate child to whose support the father has · been judicially ordered or decreed to contribute, it shall not exceed P · ·· °h§““‘°‘“°£¤f—‘r°d if mi °"li"°’d°°“’°‘ bers r 01 a asu be ¤ mm ¤ °¤ °* mc. 206. at army a owances to mem o ass _ Capel?}. ou. granted only if and while the member is dependent in whole or in part on the enlisted man, and then only if and while the enlisted man makes a monthly allotment of his pafy for such member or members equal to the amount of the monthly amily allowance as hereinabove specified, except that- R°“"“““""'“‘ (a) The maximum monthly allotment so required to be madeto members of Class B shall be one-half of his psig!. (b) If he is making no allotment to a mem of Class A, the minimum month] allotment so designated to be made to members of Class B shall be $15 per month. (c) If he is making the comlpulsory allotment to a member of Class A, the minimum monthl a otment so designated to be made to members of glass B shall lie one-seventh of his pay, but not less than $5 r mont E““‘*’“°“ "“‘°‘· (g the enlisted man’s application, or otherwise for ood cause shown, exemption from this additional allotment under Class B as a condition to the allowance may be granted, upon such conditions as mmmum to Cm may be prescribed by regulations. _ s,au¤wm». Sec. 207. That the amount of the family allowance to members of Class B shall be subject to each of the following limitations: (a) If an allowance is paid to one or more beneficiaries of Class A, the total allowance to be paid to the beneficiaries of Class B shall not exceed the difference between the allowance paid to the beneficiaries of Class A and the sum of $50. (b) The total monthly allowance to beneficiaries of Class B added to the enlisted man’s monthly allotment to them shall not exceed the average sum habitually contributed by him to their support monthly during the period of dependency but not ex year immegiately preceding his enlistment or the enactment of t amendatory - ct.

    • ’*’°'“""“‘°°'· Sec. 208. That as between the members of Class A and as between

the members of Class B, the amormt of the a.llotment and family allowance shall be vaipportioned as may be prescribed by regulations. m}}§,°°{,’P§; a¥,{§>"§$_*§§ Sec. 209. The ar and Navy Departments, respectively, shall · gepartmepx dgmglae pay over to the Treasury_ Degartluent m0¤tl1ly the_ entire amount ·#n uenifmy of such allotments for d1str1 ution to the beneficiaries, and the ‘· iallo§eréts aérd family allowances shall be paid by the Bureau to or · or e ene cranes. mg<;{gf¤¤¤°¤ °* ¤¤°*· Sec. 210, That upon receip: of any application for family allowance nmsrxga¤¤¤s.e:¤. the commissioner shall ma e all pro r investigations and shall

  • ’°"· P- "“· make an award, on the basis of whiclrc award the amount of the