Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/436

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SIXTY-FIF TH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 106. 1917. 417 or transaction hereafgper plciigorrned or qngageid in exiept asl ain1tho1i- ized hereunder whic wo otherwise ave een or e voi ega N 1 I - ht _ or invalid at law. No conveyance, transfer, delivery, playriient, O§g;;;a‘}1,t;gg?v,§fg%u,€?§Q; loan of mone or other property, m v1olation of section t ree hereof, ceases. made after tlie passage of this Act,_ and not under hcense as herein ""“*p· *12: prpivided shall config ir cme any right or remedytinnipect thepeof; By assignment, ml, 8,11 110 p8I'SOD. S y UB. 0 8Ily 8.SS1gI]II16I1 ll) QPSBIDBII 0I` unless prior to war or delive to him of any' debt, bill, note, or other obligation or cliose ““d°’h°°'“°· ' ry f b half f f f th b fit m action by, rom, or on e o , or on acclqunt o , order e eangh of an enemy or ally of enemy haye any rig t or reme y agains e debtor, obhgor, gr other person hgble to pay, fullfilk or perform tliie same unless said assignment in orsement or e ve was ma e rior to the bevinningbof the iwar or shall lie made unifer license as herein provided), or unless, if made after the beginning of the war and prior to the date of pass ve of this Act, the person to whom the same was made shall provealack of knowledge and of reasonable cause to believe on his part that the same was made by, from or on behalf of, of on account 0% orlgor thelbenelit nig an enemy or atlgaof Paymmsumwm enemy· an any person w o ow1 y pays sc a es or-sa es any such debt, note, bill, or other olihgation or chosergm action shall, on conviction thereof, be deemeclx to violate slectipaql three herecif: p,,,,,,_,,,_ Prmnkled That nothinv in this ct containe s prevent the C<>¤¤1>1¤¤i<>¤ ¤f_ ¤¤¤- c g,out, completioh, or performance of any contract, agreement, iiyszt g¤¤°1ii}°°i°i£ or obligation ori nally made with or entered into by an enemy or °'“’“"““°"°d· ally of enemy whlere, prior to the beginning of the war and not in contemplation thereof, the interest o such enemy or ally of enemy devolved by assignment or otherwise upon a person not an enerniy or ally of enemy, and no enemy or ally of enemy will be benefits by inph carfrrgymgbplrgt, completmnh or performance otherwise than by ease m o ation thereun er. . Nothing in this Act shall be deemed to revent payment of money erligtyiiléiimgrenemyitfg belo `ng or owing to an enemy or all`]? of) enemy to a person within °°i"°" P"°“°‘h° ""“‘· the @ited States not an enemy or of enemy, for the benefit of such person or of any other person the United States not an enemy or ally of enemy, if the funds so paid shall have been received prior to_the beginning of the war and such payments arise out of transactions entered into prior to the beginning of the war, and not mm, in contemplation thereof: Promkled, That such payment shall not be L*°°‘°—°° ’°¤“*”d· madedwit ougi tge hcense of the President, general or special, as provided m_t s_ ct. _ Nothin m this Act shall be deemed to authorize the rosecution relish ]Z§§Im°°u§?,, *21.; .g . . . . . . P . Y P of any suit or action at law or m equity m any court within the United °“§,f;e’;,';,'6n_ States by an enemy or ally of enemy prior to the end of the war, ;m,p.42o. except as provided in section ten hereo : Rromded, however, That an vriii$°°°`uce¤s¤ in enemy or ally of enemy licensed to do business under this Act may gingjg Stews WF prosecute and maintam any such suit or action so far as the same ` arises solely out of the business transacted withm the United States unzllertnuch lliqlednse anbgeslo long as islnch license remamsuin fpll force c,,u,,_,,,1au,,w€d_ an e ect: prof furt er at an enemy or a y o enemy {nay defend by counsel any suit equity or action at law which may e rought against him. _ _ Recei t ofb notice from the President to the effect that he has ,,¤fl,‘§,t}§,‘§"§,*§,,§{$$i,‘Z§‘,§§ E . . . x . Eii%Z‘§“S§Eiit‘L“§?ii§3 l’§t§2"§J%l?§§t“€}.’a*$l‘§”§£161$€2`Li£$§”ll...°§t2ll§ E5 W mi any suit or action at law or in equity brought or maintained, ori to any right or set—off or recoupment asserted by, such person and based on failure to complete or_perform since the beginning of the war any contract or other obligation. In any prosecution under section six- ;,,,_,,iu,;,,,,mam_ teen hereof, proof of receipt of notice from the President to the effect —"°*‘» P- *2** that he has reasonable cause to believe that any person is an enemy 112460°—vor. 40—rr 1——-27