Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/44

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SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 3. 1917. `25 Joint Committee on Interstate and Foreigp Commerce: To. carry C(f,Qfg;r‘g;m"“*‘°° °“ out the provisions of Public Resolution umbered Twenty-five, Engpenses. Sixt -fourth Congress, creating a joint subcommittee from the mem- V ‘39*p‘387‘ bersliiip of the Senate Committee on Interstate Commerce and the House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce to investigate the conditions relating to interstate and foreign commerce, and the necessity of further legislation relating thereto, and defimng the owers and duties of such subcommittee, as extended by Public llesolution Numbered Forty-four, Sixty-fourth Congress, to be available during the fiscal year nineteen hundred and eighteen, $20,000. . _ House gflice Building: For maintenance, including miscellaneous ing? mm mum items, an .for all necessary services, $3,000. · Statement of appropriations: The statement of a propriations, $°°F°“‘°”° °‘ a¥’P‘° and so forth, for thi; lgst session of the Sixty-fourth Congress shall xé:¤i;fr;ma’2dS€sS"64th include the Army, general denciency, Military Academy river and ,,;§E,§§,§’,'§S,$,§‘§d§$,$`_ harbor, and sundry cigil sgppropgagoéi Acts as pasgegu at t%e extraor- . din session o the ixty- t o ess; an other a roprieiltiibns made at the latter session shggrbe compiled and publiigied with the statementhtoge prefpfaiecé of the appropriation Acts for the second session of the ixty- t ongress. Capitol power plant: For lighting] the Czgmitol, Senate and House §°,,‘§,°§2,,§,,°§'§’ p1"“°‘ Oflice Buildings, and Congressional `brary uilding, and the grounds about the same, and so forth, including the same objects specified ‘ under this head igrthle siéndry civil appropriation Act for the fiscal ear nineteen un e an seventeen, $8,000. y For fuel, oil, and cotton waste, and advertisin for the power plant F“"l*°"·°*”‘ which furnishes heat and light for the Capitgl and congressional Pummm mt M_ buildings, $24,900. This am? the two foregpin appropriations shall sewzeawsuppiycembe expended by the Superintendent of the Capitol Building and "““"°‘ Grounds under the su ervision and direction of the commission in V0, 34 13% control of the House Cfiice Building, appointed under the Act ap- veil ae} [il-531. ' proved March fourth, nineteen hundredp and seven, and without reference to section four of the Act approved June seventeenth, nineteen hundred and ten, concerning purchases for executive departmBDtS° . . . Balance available. The unexpended balance of the appropriation for the Capitol power plant for the fiscal year nineteen undred and sixteen is reapgogriatgd and made available during the fiscal year nineteen hune an seventeen. SENATE. S°°°°°‘ To pay Sallie M. Clarke, widow of Honorable James P. Clarke, late l»'§'Q,‘°€0P,;,(;jl§§,’f°‘ a Senator from the State of Arkansas, $7,500. _ Omcm To reimburse the official reporters of the proceedings and debates of the Senate for expenses incurred from July first, nineteen hundred and sixteen, to March fourth, nineteen hundred and seventeen, $3 ,300. _ To pay Dennis M. Kerr for extra and expert services rendered to §,§'$,*‘§Q[‘ K°"‘ the Committee on Pensions during the second session of the Sixty- fplurgi Congress as assistant clerk to said committee by detail from t e ureau of Pensions, $1,200. . For driving, maintenance, and care of automobile for the Vice 1>rii§Iii°Llii€m°f°r vm President, for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and seventeen, $300. P,g,,__ For complensation of officers, clerks, messengers, and others in the service of the Senate, namely: Sixteen pages for the Senate Chamber, at the rate of $2.50 per day each during the session, from April second to June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and seventeen, $3,600, or so much thereof as may be necessary. _ _ mmnmmmsmms For miscellaneous items, exclusive of labor, fiscal year mneteen hundred and sixteen, $1,000.