Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/449

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sixrY-F1FTH 0oNGREss. snnn. II. ons. 6-9. 1917-1918. 431 dates of retum thereto, and where and for whom he was epgaged in farm labor during such period or periods of absence: Provid further, q,§,‘§,'§““°”· °’°·= "* That nothing herein shall excuse any homestead settler or entryman from making improvements or performing the cultivation reolriired by applicable law upon his claim or entry: Provided further, hat the Bp*1§,'f§’§,?s*1*°P”$°”* provisions of this Act shall apply only to homestead settlers and entry- men who may have filed their application prior to the passage of this Act. The Secretary of the Interior is authorized to provide rules and regulations for carrying this Act into edect. ‘ Approved, December 20, 1917. · CHAP. 7.—Joint Resolution Extendinzuthe commision provided for in the Act DF? riibiizg i {gil entitled "An Act making appropriations _ the service of the Post Office Depart- ment for the fiscal year ending June tlurtieth, nmeteen hundred and eighteen, and " ‘ ‘ for other p ," approved March third, nineteen hundred and seventeen, with the same authorities, powers, and provisions until on or before March first, nineteen hundred and eighteen. Resolved the Senate and House Re esentatives ey the United {Z‘§f,""°"’§°f· _ States of Ago.!/er·ica in Congress assemlizd, Hat the personnel of the ¤¤rv:j¤S;xi.i¤iir¤¤t¤•ie=iii1$ membershi of the commission created and provided for in the Act i°X°irmn°i: $m°°d entitled "i£n Act making appropriations for the service of the Post V°’·“°·P·‘°°“· Office Department for the iiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and eighteen, and for other pur oses," approved March third, nineteen hundred and seventeen, ancfauthorizedi and directed to investigate the value of the pneumatic-tube service, their properties, franchises, and other equipment, shall continue with the same authorities, powers, and rovisions for expenses until final report is made to Con ess, which) shall be made on or before March first, nineteen htmcired and eighteen. _ Approved, December 26, 1917. _CHAP. 8.—Joint Resolution Extending until January first, nineteen hundred and l??l1{•g,1wl nineteen, the effective date of section ten of the Act entitled "An Act to supplement existing laws against tmlawful restraints and monopolies, and for other purposes," ' approved October fifteenth, nineteen hundred and fourteen. Resolved by_the_ Senate and Hmts;ze3_f Representatives of the United Annmm Act, lm States of zlmenca in Congress assemb , That the effective date on and h,§§§,m°,{‘8§g§*°’ RQ; af ter which the provisions of section ten of the Act entitled "An Act corpomginn mg which to supplement existing laws against unlawful restraints and monopo· °°}s°§Zi§’?§r°3§S,‘ exlies, and for other p oses,’ approved October fifteenth, nineteen *°§,*}gdi,8 ,3, hundred and f ourteenljlshall become and be effective is hereby deferred Vo1i39;iii>. sn, mi. and extended to January first, nineteen hundred and nineteen: Provided, ’I`hat said section shall become effective on Janua eighth, {'“°§gum to my nineteendhundred and eighteen, as to any corporations thereafter wiplinimuns. organize . Approved, January 12, 1918. cnn-. e.—An Act Amending section tnimawn, redemi Fm Loan Aa, np- "“"E§Y%é?sim‘ proved July seventeenth, nineteen hundred and sixteen. Be it enactedby the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Federal Farm Loan F¤<1¤¤¤1 Farm LM Act, approved July seventeenth, nineteen hundred and sixteen, is A°fini§‘n.ss4,mnnuth?l·eby amended by adding at the end of section thirty-two the °"· · 0 owing: - "The Secretary of the Treas1u·y is further authorized, in his dis- {l`§,'“,,‘{§‘,E’}"‘»,¥’,;,,,. 010191011, 1111011 tht! request of the Federal Farm Loan Board, from time ¤rr¤¤¤