Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/483

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SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. SEss. II. Ch. 28. 1918. 465 ·rnEAsunEn’s ormon. "·`*°”'¤‘¤’°°m°°· For additional employees from March first to June thietieth, nine- ..,,§d‘m°”“l °""’]°" teen hundred and eighteen, inclusive, at annual rates of compensation, as follows: CIeris—three of class four, seven of class three, four at $1,500 each, fifteen of class two, five at $1,300 each, thirty-four of class one, twenty-four at $1,000 each, six at $900 each; expert co1mters—-eiglhteen at $1,200 each, four at $1,100 each, twenty-eight at $1 000 eac , twenty-four at $900 each; six messengers at $840 each; four laborers at $660 each; messenger boys—four at $600 each, five at $480 each, two at $360 each, in all, $69,700. Fmum to ' For purchase of furniture, labor-saving and devices, including ’° ‘ exchange, repairs, and miscellaneous expenses of mstallation, for use in the omce of the Treasurer of the United States, $20,000. sncnnr SERVICE mvrsrox. ,,;.,S,‘Z"°° S°"i°° Di"` For additional clerks from Mama first to Jime thaaaah, nineteen *"““°“'°‘"“· hundred and eighteen, inclusive, at rates of compensation, as follows: Clerks—one of class four and one of class one; in all, $1,000. 0mcE or THE summon GENERAL, runmc HEALTH snavrcn. ,c§°b“° Hmm Sam For additional employees from March first to June thirtieth, nine- pi.‘§l$;i°"°l °m°° °"" teen hundred and eig teen, inclusive, at annual rates of compensation as follows: Five clerks of class one; messenger, $840; in , $2,280. ormcn or- nrancron or umr. i ”*'°°*°'°“**°’“¤*· For contingent expenses of the Bureau of the Mint, to be ex- c°m-° g° °° ‘°°°””°° pended under the direction of the director: For assay laboratory chemicals, fuel, materials, balances, weights, and other necessaries, . including books, pamphlets, periodicals, specimens of coins, ones, and incidentals, $200. Mints and uuy mzwrs AND Assax 01v·1•·1oEs. ¤¤1¤¤¤- lDenver, Colorado, Mint: For wages of workmen and other em- D°°v°°c°l°' p oyees, $48 000. For incidental and contingent expenses, including new machinery ‘ and repairs, wastage in melting and refining delpartment and coining dipartment, and loss on sale o sweeps arising rom the treatment 0 b lion and the manufacture of coin, $55,000. Npw Orleans, Louisiana, Mint: For wages of workmen and other N"' °"°°“’·L* em 0 ees, $400. tghilhdegphia, Pennsylvania, Mint: For wages of workmen and Pw°d°lpm°’ P°' 0 er employees $340 000. For incidental and contingent expenses, including new machinery and repairs, cases and enameling for medals manufactured, expenses of the annual assay commission, wastage in melting and refining and m coming deqprtments, and loss on s e of sweeps arising from the treatment of ullion and the manufacture of coins, and not exceeding $1§000 in value of specimen coins and ores for the cabinet of the min , 185,000. San Frangisco, California, Mint: For wages of workmen and other S°°F"“"°"°°·°“'· em oyees, 82,000. Igor incidental and contingent expenses, including new machinery and repairs, wastage in the melting and refining department and in the coxmng department, and loss on sale of sweeps arising from the treatment of bullion and the manufacture of coin, $60,000. 112460°—voL 40—m— 1——30