Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/517

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SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cns. 29-32. 1918. 499 CHAP. 29.—Joint Resolution Authorizing the assistant to the Secretary of the In- March 28, 1918- terior to sign official papers and documents. Z ed by the Senat and House of Representatives of the United ‘P"°`R°°`N°`2`5`] Reso v e _ States of America in Congress assembled, That the assistant to the ,,§,‘f§{°*°”’ °f uw 1** Secretary of the Interior be, and hereby is, authorized to sign such t01gg¤§j;1ggiggS;£;¤r¤;* official papers and documents as the Secretary may direct. em. ’ Approved, March 28, 1918. CHAP. 30.-An Act To permit the use of certain refined products of petroleum u“l§1}1?i6lilm` RS stores 011 steam vessels carrying passengers. [public, Nm ug_] Be it enacted ln; the Senate and House 0 Re esentatives of the United States 3/ America in Congress assembéd, That section fortty-four . ;. hundre and seventy-two of the Revised Statutes of the mted "°I{$§g',§‘,;§’4’;’2’j‘p}E,‘gs‘l; States of America be, and the S8.I¤9 is hereb , amended bi adding errgvgdgsd- mr VOL thereto the following provision: "Pro·mHed Lwwa, That erosene :14, &;2(i4?Vo1. sv, p. and lubricating oils made from refined products of petroleum which ‘°‘{g,,°‘;Q,,§;P駧‘§· ,,_ will stand a fire test of not less than three hrmdred degrees Fahren- 1¤w¤<1¤¤¤¢¤r¤s- heit may be used as stores on board steamers carr%ng Hassengers, under such regulations as shall be prescribed by the oar of Super- ‘ vising Inspectors with the approval of the Secretary of O0II1I.D.61`C6.” Approved, March 29, 1918. CHAP. 31.-An Act To provide for the disposition of the effects of deceased per- ual§I}3%9ll18· sons in the naval service. » [1>¤r»11e,N¤. 111.] Be it enacted by the Senate and H mm Representatives of the United States rj America in C ess assemb , That hereafter all moneys, {}l,'§§{,;,,,,,d ,¤,,,t, of articles of value, papergnkroe akes, and other similar effects belong- f:g°i?;ftv1;%';°°*;*;s*° b° ing to deceased persons in Ee naval service, not claimed by their P ' legal heirs or next of kin, shall be deposited in safe custody, and if any such moneys, articles of value, a ers, keepsakes, or other similar effects so deposited have been, or hereafter be, unclaimed for a period of two {years from the date of the death of such person, such articles and e ects shall be sold and the proceeds thereof, together “*'°·°°°· with the moneys above mentioned, shall be de sited in the Treasury PWM, to the credit o the Navy pension fund: Promkltbd, That the Secretary Inqumeiwbemade of the Navy is hereby authorized and directed to make diligent f°' h°"°’°°°‘ inquiry in every instance after the death of such dperson to ascertain the pr ereabouts ofb his heirs or next of kinilarii to prescribe such regu ations as may e necessa to carry out the oregoing rovisions: Provided further, That claimsrymay be presented hereund)er at any S°°"°m°°t°f°l°‘m" time within five years after such moneys or proceeds have been so . deposited in the reasury, and, when supported by competent proof in any case after such deposit in the Treasury, shall be certified to Congress for consideration. ‘ Approved, March 29, 1918. m¤·exm,ro1s. CHAP. 32.·——An Act To amend section fifteen hundred and seventy of the Revised 1S·°‘°°·1 Statutes of the United States. [rc¤1r¢,N¤.nz.] Be it enactedby the Senate and House of Representatives of the United N States of America in Congress assembled, That section fifteen hundred Blvd] see. ism, p. and seventy of the Revised Statutes of the United States be, and it is °°°""‘°°°°°‘ hereby, amended to read as follows: (muon, t "SEo. 1570. Every seaman, landsman, or marine who performs ¤ei¤¤¤,s¤e.,se1¤ifii¤;ag the duty of a fireman on board any vessel of war shall be entitled °'°‘“°'“· to receive, m addition to his compensation as seaman, landsman,