Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/559

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SIXTY—FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 67. 1918. 541 bage contractor; and not exceeding $50,000 may be expended for the pprchase of the prqperty of the miscellaneous refuse contractor: _ romkled, That the ommissioners of the District of Columbia are r.ese6rp1s¤¢¤,m, authorized to acquire by lease all or any part of the plant, equipment, °‘P"”`*’** °°°*'°°*°”· buildings, and grounds of either of the present contractors engaged in the collection and removal of garbage and miscellaneous refuse or pro erty used by them, or such other equi ment, buildings and grouing as may be necessary to carry out tlhe provisions of this . Act. · Sec. 6. That'should the Commissioners of the District of Columbia ;e%{’§g°{,i§'tL°}€$ ff; find that the garbage in the District can be disposed of in a sanitary §,,“g‘@§.,c‘g‘§,;’$,‘gu‘j§,‘{;;al’Y manner and as economicallyI by feeding it to pigs live stock and poultry on the land of the ome for the Aged and Infirm, located at Blue Plains, District of Columbia, or on the land of the workhouse and reformatory, of the District of Columbia, located at Occoquan and Lorton, Virginia, or both, or on such other land as the said commissioners may be able to acquire by purchase or lease in the States of Virginia or Maryland, the said commissioners are authorized to use either or all of said designated lands, or to p1u·•hase or lease land in the States of Virginia or Maryland for the purpose, and to adopt the ig, live stock or poultry feeding method of disposal. Sec. 7. That not exceeding $200,000 of the a propriatron author- °;§"Q§‘§'§_" p"°b“° izegl herein may be expended for the pmchase oi) pigs, live stock and o t . . P Sndiys. That should the Commissioners of the District of Co- °;§@*L?¤.‘J’L§j" lumbia find that under existing circumstances the methods of disposal of arbage hereinbefore authorized are inadvisable, they are authorized to secure for temporary use sufficient land, and to acquire theanpc H equipment to ury the garbage collected in the District o oum ra. ‘ _ Sec. 9. That eve person, corporation, association or institution g,$ °€§i 0qEl in the District of Cioiumbia, under such rules and regulations as the $°;,g{,§,{,f"° mr commissioners ma prescribe, may transport in closed metal containers fr·om the place of origin to places outside of the District of Columbia any refuse, including meat, bread, and vegetables, not in a decayed or decomposed condition, to be fed to poultry, pigs, or other live stock at any place where such feeding is not dprohi ited by law. sm Gm umodum Sec. 10. That products arisinifrom any metho of disposal adopt- by Coérmiéwnersed by the commissioners under the authority of this Act, may be so d, and the proceeds therefrom shall be reapaid to the then current appropqiation for the collection and dispos of garbage and miscellaneous re use. Sec. 11. That in order to put into effect and operate such method ¤er`i·r°gi§°1°t&(?:1ii$»i!i°§lrii of disposal as may be adopted by the commissioners under the pro- “‘°""°d· visions of this Act, the said commissioners are authorized to secure the necessary means of transportation, including the hire or purchase of horses and horse-drawn vehicles and passenger-c ¤ and other motor-propelled vehicles; additional equipment, builgngs and machinery; and to employ expert and other personal services and labor; and to pay traveling, maintenance, incidental and contm§ent expenses. A mu mo. 12. That for the purpose of carrying into effect the provisions ppm °°‘ of this Act an appropriation rn the sum of $620,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby authorized, one-half to be paid out of mu mm ,,,,,,,,0, the revenues of the District of Columbia and one-half out of any ¤¤v¤¤¤¤¤· money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated. Approved, May 6, 1918.