Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/580

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562 SIXTY-FIF TH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 86. 1918. the cmrent and contingent expenses of the Bureau_of Indian Affairs, for fulizilling treaty stipulations with various Indian tribes, and m full compensation for all offices and salaries which are rovided for herein for the service of the fiscal year ending Jime tiurt° ieth, mneteen hundred and nineteen, namely: SURVEYING AND RESERVATIONS ,,,§§,‘Z',§,’§§“€·,§,,‘}°‘**”‘ For the survey, resurvey, classification, and allotment of lands in Vo1.24,p. ass. seveeightydruggier t(}i1e prgvisions of(t1l1e Act of Felbrgary eighth, fighteen un an e1g ty-seven wenty— ourt tatutes at e page three hundred and eighty-eight), entitled "An Act to Kprdivriiie or the allotment of lands m severalty to Ind1ans," and un er any B,,,,,,,,,,,t_ ptheg Act or Actsbprovidicpg for themvey orfallotrxligniti of Indian an , $50,000 to e re ai proportio out 0 any `an moneys held in trust cir otherwise by the United States and available by law for §u§h115eir:)1Q?é1;1dsarl1z{;a purposes agd tgi remainhaalirgilable cgugtil elifptao. pene: ro atno artosaisums euse orte ,,g%,.'§,,¥, s1n·vey, resurvey; classificat£m, or allotment of any land in severalty on the public domain to· any Indian, whether of the Navajo or other tribes, within the State of New Mexico and the State of Arizona, who was not residing upon the public domain prior to Jime thirtieth, nmeteen hundred and fourteen. ¤£'F°"°“°“'“°"* 1RmGA·r1oN ON I1_E2$s.ERvAT1oNs ,.:;,,,,,,"°“"""’,,,,""‘·_, ,,,§ For th: Fonstruction, repairgulangl of irhrigatipin `sys- · temsau orurc orren oirrigaon ana ances watei· rights, ditches, and lands necessary for irrigationpii1n·posesi for Indian reservations and allotments; for operation of irrigation systems or zplpurtenances thereto, when no other funds are applicablebgr lavds tble fog the p11g·po§e;(§or diiainagp and protection of " ean rom amageyoosorossowaterditsuon mntmms ,0 d,__ ltiireiglhdian irrigation projects named below: ng , P vim, Irrigation district one: Ahtanum project, $23,000; Satus, Toppemsh, and Simcoeviprojgcts, Yakima·Reservation, $3,000; Stranger Iarsh project, _Col le eservation, $5,200; total, $31,200: Irrigation district two: Shivwitz Reservation, $1,200; Moapa River Reservation, $1,000; Western Shoshone, $9,500; Walker River Reservation, $6,800; total, $18,500; Irrigation district fom-: Agua Caliente Reservation, $3,000; `gorongo Reserve.tionk$2,000 Pala Reservation, Pauma , eservation, $5,000; incon eservation $4,000; R ervation, $S00;$Papago Reiprgation, San Xavier, $2,000; misceligneous projects 10,000; tot 46 800; Irrigation, district five: Southern Ute Reservation, Pine River project, $9,000; San Juan Reservation, $22,000; New Mexico Pueblos, $12,000; Zum Reservation, $5,000; Navajo, miscellaneous projects, mcluding Tes-nos-pos, Moencopi Wash, Captain Tom Wash, and Al _ tm EL Reid Lake, $20,000; total, $68,000; _ _ pam. or_ necessary miscellaneous expenses mcident to the general adnunistratiggiiiof Indian irrigation projects, including salaries of not to exce ve supervising engineers: CMI}; Indian igrigaggn diigriplt 0;% (grggon, Washington, northern A ornia, an no ern a o, , ; Ut?] Oirrigation district two: Southern Idaho, Nevada, and Y 7 I In Indian irrigation district three: Montan W m1`n , . I South Dakota, $8,000; 3, Fo 0 im