Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/583

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SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 86. 1918. _ 565 places of employment: Provided further, That where practicable the R°P°Ym°¤*· transportation and expensw so paid shall be refunded and shall be returned to the apapgopriation from which dpaid. The provisions of -““k°P“P“S- this section shall 0 aplply to native In an pupils of school age under twenty-one years 0 age brought from Alaska. PER CAPITA COST. P°‘°°*’““°°S‘· That hereafter, except for pay of superintendents and for trans- p¤Ifiiil`t°° °m°`mtp°r portation of goods and supp es and transportation of not more than $200 shall be explpnded from appropriations m e m this Act, or any other Act, for e annual support and education of any onpupupil m any Indian school, unless the attendance in any school sh be less than one hundred pupils, in which case the Secretary of the Interior may authorize a per capita expenditure of not to exceed P,,,,,,_,,,_ $225: Provided, That the total amount aggrropriated for the support R<¤¢¤¢¢i¤¤- of such school shall not be exceeded: romded furtlwr, That the t N number of pu ils in anyaslilchool entitled to the per capita allowance avnge. hereb providiad for s .be determined by the average attendance for the entire fiscal gear and not ani actional part A Daum to nm, thereof: Promkled further, That e foregoing also apply to yufmis. expenditures for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and eighteen. INDUSTRIAL wom; AND cans or rmsniz. ""‘“"*""'°"‘·°“* For the purposes of reserving l.lV1I1g· and grow1ng' timber on Indian. eaiimb°rpl°°°rv°ti°°’ rewrvations and allotllnents and to educate Indians in the proper care of forests; for the employment of suitable persons as matrons K““‘“"· to teach Indian women an gu·ls housekeeping and other household duties for necessary traveling expenses of such matrons, and for furnishing necessary equipments and supplies and renting quarters Agrkumm, mm for them where necessary; for the conducting of experiments on m ¤¤,¤¢c. Indian school or aggncy arms designed to test the possibilities of soil and climate in the cultivation of trees, grains, vegetables, cotton, Fmm md mab and fruits, and for the employment of [practical farmers and stock- mm. men, in addition to the agency and sc ool farmers now employed; for necessary traveling expenses of such farmers and stockmen and for furnishing necessary equipment and supplies for them; and for superintending and directing farming an stock raisipg amen mm mmm Indians, $475,000, of which sum not less than $75 000 sh be used rmvem. ` for the employment of field matrons: Provided, That the foregoing “£[’"°"‘i"°° R°S°"'°" shall not, as to timber, a plz to the Menominee Indian Reservation Fammtohavemn in Wisconsin: Promkled fdr! er, That hereafter no money shall be pmncyanmmws. exlpended for the employment of any farmer or expert farmer at a sa ary of or in excess of $50 per month, unless he shall first have procured and filed with the Commissioner of Indian Affairs a. certificate of competency showing that he is a. farmer of actual experience and qualified to instruct others in the art of practical agriculture, such certificate to be certified and issued to him by the president or dean of the State agricultural college of the State in which his services are to be rendered, or by the president or dean of the State agricul- Ex tm tural college of an adjoining State: Proznkled, That this revision up ' shall not apply to persons emplo ed in the Indian Service as Farmer or expert farmer rior to January iiist, nineteen hundred and seventeen: mm employees And promdedfiirther, That this shall not a ply to Indians em loyed or Expmmmw 1,,,, to be emdployed as assistant farmer: A1»d)pro¢v·ided further, ll`hat not md. to excec $25,000 of the amount herein appropriated shall be used to conduct experiments on Indian school or agenc farms to test the poss1bil1t1es of soil and climate in the cultivation ofy trees, cotton, grain,