Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/590

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572 SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. C11. 86. 1918. “"“’“°‘°· MINNESOTA. P‘P°““"‘° S°"°°‘· “Sec. 8. For support and education of two hundred Indian pupils at the Indian school, Pipestone, Minnesota, including pay of super- _ intendent, $41,650; for eneral repairs and improvements, $7 000; {§°$°¤i3°ciy,ezc. in all, $48,650: Provideci That funds heretofore a proprrated for V°‘·3"»P·*“· mechanical and general utilitiy sho building and fhr addition to hospital may be expended or reguilding laundry, purchase of laundry equipment and for repairs to heating and power systems at Pipestone School in an amount not exceeding $16,000, the same _ to be immediately available. •

 °’ “‘° For support o a school or schools for the Cl'1.1aZI?(&BW@S of the

§$j><{6,·p_m_ in Mmneséna garticle tinge; Jorgaty of M nineteenth, A ‘ undred an six y-seven , . 0,—‘§w*3',g’,§‘,;,,i,“},°‘{,’;§,§§;’f' mgfhe Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized to advance to the executive committee of the White Earth Band of Chippewa Indians in Minnesota the sum of $1,000, or so much thereof as may be rliecgsasigryr, to lge expendpd the arinual celeggtiggh of said band to e une ourteent , nmeteen un teen, out o _ the funds belonging` v to said band. v,,Y{§",f" Em R°“" For the comix etron of the enrollment of the allottees within the mggggggmmu- White Earth eservation, in the State of Minnesota, required by von. ss, p. ss. the Act of Jrme thirtieth, nineteen hundred and thirteen, as amended Lau by this Act, $3,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary. . F,i$§§_ mmI”d“‘“ Tlhgltfplpt tal iirhe frmds derived frorérr the sale of °¤*¤¢ » ·°¢-» tim nr e orest, esota un er authorit iéccrl pes. Emil umm of the Act of May eighteenth, nineteen hundred and sixteen (Thirty); sith 8.*;%*21 ";%¤L35§°*.§.'§°r2°°imhm“§ai‘Tf€;¤;“d M;°°§i$“}· {3.5 ,. 1 {LV 8. , 8- exphended by) the og the tIlr:te{·ior in payment of the expenses au o ysar ct, an m e ogging, oomrng' ,towing,an §;°,;§;’,;,,,,,,° mm manufacture of timber at the Red Lake Agenc sawmill: Prcnnkled, frmds That not to exceed $15,000 of said amount mayhe used to reimburse the tr1bal_ fund known as "Indian money roceeds of labor, Red Lake Ind1ans," heretofore actually expended in said operations. ufjss L°"" R°°°"¤· _Th8*· of the lmexpcnded appropriation of $5,000 authorized to be Eiga ggxg wittgicpawph from tire tpbal fpndsbofdghe Chrppegla Indians of Mélnne- "° so or econsrucronoa ri eacross eMrss1ssr"'i `ver `ii~iiiib,p.¤vs. on the Lake Resprvation byhthehgpidiand appropriiigop Act approve arc secon , mneteen un an seventeen, 4,000 may be expended for iniu-provir? the road between the Cass Lake In an School and the v` age o Cass Lake upon the condition that gre gg Cass andf }i·§ltria.mi,_in the State of Minnesota, shall e wr e cret o e nterror a written ement to reimbutrgntger United Szylitryies, for Ehcf beneggjpf ftht; tgiippewa Indians, wr o years to e exten o one- o e amount expende u on said road. ,,,€§f""’°”” °' M“”“" p'I`hat the sum of $10,000, or so much thereof as ma be necessary, Expenses or gms of the tribal funds of the Chippewa Indians of the Skate of Minne- °°““°‘*· sota, rs herebv appropriated to pay the expenses of the general council of said tribe to be held at Bemidji, Minnesota, beginning July ninth, nineteen hundred and eighteen, pursuant to the constitutxon of the gpneral council of said hip ewa Indians of Minnesota, organized in ay, nineteen hundred and thirteen and to pa the _ expenses of said general council in looking after the affairs of, said m;>g1¤{==m°°*° Wm- in e, rncludmg_t_ e actual and necessary expenses of its legislative committee in visiting Washington during the second session of the Sixty-fifth Congress; said sum to be immediatel available, and said actual and necessary expenses to be approved gy the president and secretary of the general council and certified to the Secretary of the Interior and as so approved and certified to be paid.