Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/593

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SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. C11. 86. 1918. 575 NEVADA. N¤v¤¤¤· Sec. 12. For sup ort and civilization of Indians in Nevada, in- d,§;'g’§n°¤· °*°·» 0* I¤· cluding pay of emplldyees, $18,500. _ ’ ' For supgrrt and education of two hundred and ninety Indian °°”°¤Ci*Y S¤“°°*· pupils at e Indian school at Carson City, evada, including pay of superintendent, $60,000; for general repairs and improvements, $10,000; in all, $70,000. For the improvement, enlargement, and extension of the irriga- v_§;{)’,§m*dL°k°R°S°*· tion diversion and distribution system to irrigate aptgroximately Exténdingimgauou three thousand three hundred acres of Indian land on e Pyramid °y”°"“‘ Lake Reservation, Nevada, $25,000 to be immediately available: Provided, That the cost of said entire work_shall not exceed $85,000; and for maintenance and_ operation of the improved system, $5,000; in all, $30,000, to remain available until expended, reimbursable from any funds of said Indians now or hereafter available _ _ That the unexpended balance of $11,996.13 of the a propriation lLihd°¤itii°}iin1°°€`¤p- of $15,000 for procuring home and farm sites and provigingagricul- ¤%•g·.¢¤{h tural equipment and instruction for nonreservation Indians in ’p‘ ' Nevada, and the unexpended balance of $7,611.23 of the appropriation of $15,000 for the purchase of land and water rights for the Washoe Tribe of Indians in said State for their support and civilization, contamed in the Indian appro mation Act for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and seventeen (Thirty-ninth Statutes at arge, page one hundred and forty-three), are hereby reappropriated ,,,§f'“'°””°PP'°P"‘ and made immediately available for the purchase of agricultural equipment, building material, and other supplies necessary for said Indians in utilizing the land purchased for them, and also for the expense of locating the Indians upon such land, including pay·of employees where necessary. Nsw mexico. _ N"' “¤*°°- Sec. 13. For siipport and education of four hundred and fifty Alb°q°°rq°°S°l*°°L Indian pupils at e Indian school at Albuquerque, New Mexico, and for pay of superintendent, $85,500;_ for general re airs and impiliovements, $8,000; for completing addition to mess hall, $5,000; in , $98,500. For su port and education of four hundred Indian pupils at the S"‘” F° °°h°°" Indian school at Santa Fez New Mexico, and for pay of superintendent, $76,250; for general repairs and improvements, $8,000; for water supply, $1,600; in all $85,850. For the pay of one special attorney for the Pueblo Indians of New géliki iiii~i$iZ°§ ra. Mexico, to be designated by the Secretary of the Interior, and for necessary traveling expenses of said attorney, $2,000, or so much thereof as the Secretary of the Interior may deem necessary. For continuing work on the Indian hlg Wlay extenduiifrom the ng2",{’;$s‘"’“““ Mesa Verde National Park to Gallup, N ew exico, on e Navajo Hi¤"'¤¥¢<><*¤¤¤r· and San Juan Reservations, $25,000; said sum to be reimbursed from any funds which are now or may hereafter be placed in the p,,,,;,,,,_ Treasury to the credit of said Indians: Provided, That such sums difnglgggmmt <>f I¤- shall be expended under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior ' in suph manner and at such times and places as he may deem roper, and in the emplqyment of Indian labor as far as 'phossible for the con- 1,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,d ,,, struction of said highway: Provided further, at not to exceed P¤3S;;=’·h9 981 $2,500 of the sum appropriated for the building of said road by the ’p` ` Act of March secon , nineteen hundred and seventeen (Thirty-ninth Statutes at Large, pages nine hundred and sixty-nine to nine hundred and eighty-one), to be immediately availab e, may be used for gxayment of expenses incurred during the fiscal year nineteen huned and seventeen in excess of the appropriation made for that yen- in the Act tr May eighteenth, ninemsn hundred and sixteen "°L “°·P-*“·