Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/598

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580 SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 86. 1918.· R°¤“**“‘°”»°*°- to be_ made under such rules and revulations as the Secretary of the §g”,§{,§'m Imiam Interior may prescribe: Provided, That in cases where such enrolled members, or thexr heirs, are Indians who by reason of their degree of Indian blood belong to the restricted class, the Secretaby of the Interior may, m his discretion, withhold such payments an use the Emm fm pmt same for e benefit of such restricted Indians: Provided further, mais. That the money paid to the enrolled members or their heirs, as provided herein, s all be exempt from any hen for attorneys’ fees or of no other debt contracted prior to the passage of this Act, except that the ,°°b,’°“"’,n,,s,ig§,°d‘;’¥;’Q,{ Secretary of the Interior is hereby autlhomzed and d1rected, within thirty days after the passage of this Act, to mvestigate claims not to gzggeed $1fo§£ grb>wing}out %_i1¢iontra{f_tsLaHeged toAb‘ehin eyxistence ween 0 a vin ray, 1am . ancaster, t ur ennin and Clbyde Jennings as enrolled members of the Choctaw and Chic? asaw ations, an l·Ienry_'W. Blair, Kappler and Merillat, James K. Jones, Charles M. Fechheimer and Eugene Hamilton, as attorneys, and in case such claims are found to be valid and the contracts bpproved in accordance existing law, the said Secretary of the nterior may, in his discretion, agp y any amounts, not exceeding $1,050, that may be found due. un er this ppragralgh to the aforesai Not to my other enrolled members of the Choctaw and Chic asaw ations to the pay- pqymmes. ment of such fee, but the amounts due hereunder to other enrolled members of the Choctaw and Chickasaw Nations shall not be held Distribution 6x_ in abeyance to this_c1aim, but shall be paid promptly without referpass. ence to same:_Pr0mded further, That the Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized to use not to exceed $8,000 out of the Choctaw and Chickasaw tribal fnmds for the_expenses and the compensation of all necezary employees for the distribution of the said per capita pay- men . S°¤**¤°’°°· That the Secretary of the Interior be and he is hereb authorized e ca t 1 r¤il¤r¤¤bliifluI$°hll!il°¤ to pay to the enrolled members of the Seminole Tribe of Indians of Ok ahoma entitled under existing law to share in the funds of said tribe, or to their lawful heirs, out of the Seminole school fund, or any · moneys belonging) to sand tribe in the Ilmted States Treasury or deposited m any ank or held by an ofHc1al under the jurisdiction of pmaoiim etc the Secretary of the Interiogil not to exceed $100 per capita: Pro- · ended, That sa1d payment sh made under such rules and regulations as the Secretary of the Interior may prescribe: Prmnded urther . . . { . v mamma rnanm. That in cases where such enrolled members, or their heirs, are ndians who belong to the restricted class, the Secretary of the Interior mag, m his discretion, withhold such payments and use the same for the d_§,§¤¤¢ ¢r¤¤¤ 1>¤<¤ benefit of such restricted Indians: Prmaded further, That the money paid to the enrolled members or their heirs, as provided herein, shall be exempt from any hen for attomeys fees or other debt convex?-·¤*i¤¤ ¤¤- tracted prior to the passage of this Act: further, That the Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized to use not to exceed $2,000 out of said Semmole school fund, or other money of said Seminole Tribe, for the payment of salaries of all necessary employees dth f thdisfbt' f `d py Cr kg an Tip theg; expenses or E ri u ion 0 said per caggta payments. Pegechbm mmm a e Secretary of the Interior be, and he IS here v, authorized from mea uma;. to pay to the enrolled members of the Creek Tribe of Indians of Oklahoma entitled under existing law to share in the funds of said tribe, or to their lawful hens, all monelys excerpt $150,000 belonging to sand tribe in the hands of the Ilmted tates_ easurer, or deposited in any bank, or held by an officnal under the jurisdiction of the Secretary of the Interior on June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and eighteen, the Shprgsuanizsaxoa or payment to be made in such a way as to equalize the pro rata ° share rece1ved by each member of san tribe, either in land or money of the tribe, taking into consideration the value of the land hereto-