Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/6

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viii LIST OF PUBLIC ACTS AND RESOLL TION S. Page. Publis lands, mining aasessrrwms. Joint Resolution T0 suspend the requirements of annual assessment work on mining claims during the years nineteen hundred and seventeen and mneteen hundred and eivhteen. October 5, 191T_ ... _ .. , ._ ... 343 Congressional empl0yees’ salaries, October, 1917. Jomt Resolution Authorizing the payxnent of October salaries to officers and employees of the Senate and House of Representatives on the day of adjournment of the present session. Qc_tcgber 5, 1912 . _  : Z . . . 343 Navy, air station aiu. A11 Act To provide for the acqu1s1tion of an an- stzmon site for the United States Navy. October 6, 1917 1 ... _ 3 44 Bridge, Little Kanawha River. An Act Granting the consent of Congrees to the G1lmer-Pittsburgh Coal Company to construct a bridge across the Little Kanawha River. October 6, i917 . . 344 Appropriations, urgent dejiciencnba. An Act Making appropriations to supply urgent defimencies 111 appro riations for the fiscal year euding June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and e1ghbeen, and prior Excel years, on account of war expenses, and for other purposes. October 6, 19i7 345 Immediate tram tation, Northeate, N. Dak. An Act For the establishment of Northeate: m the State of {gtk Dakota, as a rt of entry for immediate transportation without appraxeement of dutiable merchandise. ggtober 6, 1917 t ._ 384 Army, pay ullotvrwnts. An Act Making further pI'0\'1810D for the allotment of pay of officers, enhsted men, and civilian employees of the Army, and for other purposes. October 6, 19}7- . 384 Bridge, Little River. An Act To authorize the construction, maintenance, and operation of a budge across Little River, in Poinsett County, Arkansas, at or near the section line between sections thirty-five and thirty-eix, township eleven north, range six east. October 6, 1£}17.: . 385 Explosives. An Act To prohibit the manufacture, distribution, storage, use, and possession in time of war of explosives, providing regulations for the safe manufacture, distnbution, storage, use, and possession of the same, and for other purposes. October 6, 1917._ . _ 3 85 Bridge, Flint River. An Act Extending the time for the construction of e bridge across Flmt River, in the State of Georgia. October 6, 1917. . . 389 Navy, lost property. An Act To provide for the reimbursement of officers, enlisted men, and others in the naval service of the United States for property lost or destroyed in such service. October 6, 1917 ... . 389 Public lands, afidavits. An Act Providing for an amendment to section twenty-two hundred and ninety-three of the Revised Statutes, allowing homestead and other public land aiiidavits to be taken before the military commander of any person engaged in military or naval service of the United States. October 6, 1917 ... 391 Public building, Durant, Okla. An Act Amending the Act to increase the limit of the cost of certain public buildings, and so forth. October 6, 1917 ,... 391 Coastwiae lrad¢,fore@n regiahy vessels, ctc. An Act Giving the United States Shippin_ Board power to suspend present provisions of law and permit veyels of foreign registry am? foreigmbuilt vessels admitted to American reghtry under the Act of August eighteenth, nineteen hundred and fourteen, to engage in the coastwise trade during the present war and for a period of gne hundred and twenty days thereafter, except the coastwise trade with Alaska. October , 1917 . . . . 392 Navy, gratuity to retired list. An Act To provide for the payment of six months’ gratuitv to the widow, children, or other previous y designated dependent relative of retired ciiicers or enlisted men on active duty. October 6, 1917 ...,.,..,.. 392 Bridge, Mahoning River. An Act Granting the consent of Congress to the Trumbull Steel Company, ite successors and assigns, to construct, maintain, and operate a bridge and approaches thereto across the Mahoning River, in the State of Ohio. October 6, 1917 392 Army, ataf ojivera, Reserve Qarpa, etc. An Act To authorize the issuance of Reserve Corps and National Army commissions in the lower grades of staff corps and to remove the fixed age limits requiring the discharge of Reserve Corps officers. October 6, 1917 ,,,,_,,,_,,,,_,,,, 393 Mzvy, liquor, etc., prohilntizm at camps. An Act To promote the etiiciency of the United States Navy, October 6, 1917 ,,_,,,, , . , . , , , ,,.,,...,.,..., , ,_,._,.. , ,,_,,_,,,,,,,,,,.,,,. 393 Navy courts martial. An Act To provide for the service of officers of auxiliary naval forces on A nah;ai;tmrmhnO§mb<§ ik 1917 ,. E , . . 393 w-my, e p ‘m. ct u nn; ¤· a intment o cha lains at la e for the United States Army. October 6, 1917 ... ..,..,...,.,., ,_,__ , _,__ ____ _ _ ______ _ _________ 394 Patents, withholding {gnu, etc. An Act To prevent the publication of inventions by the grant of patents that pnght detriniental to the public safety or convey useful infomation to the enemy, to stimulate mveuuon, and provide adequate protection to owners of patents, and V for other purposes. October 6, 1917 ...,.,,._..,,,,_,,.,___ _ _____________________________ 3Q4 Bndge, Tug jhergr. An Act Granting the consent of Congress to the Wolf Creek Lumber Company t to mamtgm 3 bridge already constructed acmm Tug River, October 6, 1917 .,,,_.,... 395 Judwzal Code, State workman': oompemalion laws. An Act To amend sections twenty-four and two hundred and of the Judicial Code, relating to the jurisdiction of the district courts, scan to save to clamumts the rights and remedies under the workmen’s compensation law of any State, October 6, 1917 ,,,______,_,_,,,_ , _,,__,_,,___,,_,_____,_,,,_,_,,____, 395 Obsolete ordnance, North Carolina. An Act Authorizing the Secretary of War to donate to the State _ of North Carolina two brass cannon, with carriage, October 5_ 1917 _______________________ 396 Bridge, Arkamna Rwer. An Act Granting the consent of Congress for the construction of a bridge and approaches thereto across the Arkansas Rwer between the cities of Little Rock and Argent; Ogt0ber6,]9]_7________,, ______ _______ ____ __ ____ ____,,,____,,____,, _,_,,,____ 396