Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/628

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GIG SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 104. 1918. - conscientious obje¢&tor, or a dpserter, or céf mutiny, tgasoni s ying,. or any o ense mvo mor 1 u e, or an grsistent misconduct shall.terTd11igi1ate any inmspurancevgranted on the life of such person under the provisions of Article I , and shall bar

1:; arr:/y compensation under Article IH or any insurance

un er e . · '*`“'°°‘*°"’°°'“'°"‘ A "S1•.:c. 30. That this Act may be cited as the war-risk insurance ct." ¤p.“‘d.%“‘““ sm. 3. me section we hundred of said Act is hereby amended to read as follows: d,f§§d°'“"'°° '“°“*“' “SEc. 200. That the provisions of this article shall apply to all 1¤¤¤i¤~r f¤¤=¤= •*· enlisted men in the military or naval forces of the United States, °°•dé, p.m,m¤d. except the Philippine Scouts, the insular force of the Navy, and the °°é 1 H t Saénoan naiiiige gutlard and lziand of g;;(l{Tavy." hs f tl °¤*P° my ° ° · nc. 4. at e secon an aragrap o section wo mm` hundred and one of said Act are hereby ariiended to read as follows: t,§;¤*¤ °‘ °°¤*P¤°°· h "The monthly céompulsofrly allgtmint bed$15. For :1] wife 4ia,p.m,ame¤d- 'vin se arate an a art om er us an un er court or er or °d‘ writtin P eement, orlfor a former wife divorced, the monthly compulsory iiilotment shall not exceed the amount specified in the court m°¤*’*¤°'=¤=*m·**¤¤· order, decree, or written agreement to be paid to her, and for an illegitimate child, to whose support the father has been judicially ordered orddecreeg to contribute, it shall not exceed the amoimt fixed in the or er or ecree. . . v°§c°;¤¤ Wm di- "If there is a compulsory allotment for a wife or child, then a naziwum. former wife divorced who has not remarried to whom alimony has been decreed shall not be entitled to a com ulsory allotment but wi . P . ,,» shall be enti ed to a. family allowance as heremafteraprowded. _d{'•*¤· P- *°°»=¤¤¤d· Sec. 5. That section two hundred and three of said Act is hereby U amended to read as_follows: ,,,,**,2,% §‘§,'°,,,’2,*';g'§ _ “SEO. 203. That 11}.0lSB one-half of an enlisted man’s monthly pay gm? * °‘ ¤¤¤¤¤¤ is not allotted, regulations to be made by the Secretary of War and the Secretary of the avy, respectively, may require, under circumstances a.nd_cond1tions as may be prescribed in such regplations, that any propiegrtionpf such one-half pay as isnot allotted all_be deposited to credit to be held durgnlg such period of his service as may ¤,§"“‘°" ”‘° "‘°‘”' hp béiugh ldepo?t shim bear inteiigt atdthe game ratifns me a on earor same r1,an,wenaae, shall be paid principal and interest to {lie enlisted man 5 livin , otherwise to any beneiiciaig or beneficiaries he may have designated, or if there be no such bene ciary, then to the person or persons who, under gre laws of the Statefof histresidpnce, would be entitled to his on ro rymcaseomesacy. ‘ §’*,,‘§,‘ff,'_‘}},,,°’j'?,§,§;,_ pages. iii) Thiit the third and fourth paragraphs of section two •·*é,m A_ hundred and four of said Act are hereby amends to read as follows: rewueaademndred. _"C1ass A. In the case of a man to his wife (including a. former wife divorced) and to his child or ch11dren— . " (a) If there IS a wife but no child, $15; " Cb) If there is a wife and one child, $25; " (c) If there is a wife and two children, $32.50, with $5 per month additional for each additional child; " (d) If there is no wife, but one child, $5; " (e) If there is no wife, but two children, $12.50; " (f) If there is no wife, but three children, $20; " (g) If there is no wife, but four children, $30, with $5 per mom]; Fam! We di_ additional for each additional child; ,.,,,,,.,d_ " (h) If there is a former wife divorced who has not remarried and to whom alunonihas been decreed, $15. {§,',‘§§,*f.;,,,,m,_ "C1ass B. In the case of a man or woman to a grandchild, a parent, brother, or sister- " (a) If there is one parent, $10; " (b) If there are two parents, $20;