Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/63

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4-1 SIXTY—FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 12. 1917. connectin commercial telegraph or radio companies for the transmission oig Government radiograms or televrams over their l1r1es, and to this end, under such regulations as may be prescribed by the Secretary of War, it can present vouchers to disbursing officers for payment or file claims with auditors of the Treasury Department for the amount of such forwarding charges. Telephoneservicefor Coimnnorsn Tnnnrnonn snnvrcn AT _CoAsT Anrrnnnnv Posrsz C°““A'“‘l°'f‘ For providing commercial telephone service for official purposes at Coast Artillery posts, $8,500. P¤y<>ft¤¤-\rmY- PAY OF THE ARMY. Q¤¤’t°'m¤S‘°’C°"P$~ QUARTERMASTER Conrs. 0¤°¤¤€*S°“h¤“¤¤· ornronns or mn LINE. $3;,%;- For pay of officers of the line, $12,500,000; Provided, That no part raymstiamm. of this appropriation shall be paid to ang officer of the line of the Army who shall be appointed or romote in violation of an of the crg1§;°§}j§h?j,§,§;QQ§j terms next hereinafter specinedz That of the whole number ofy officers cremems. of Cavalry, Field Artillery, Coast Artillery Corps, Infantry, and of Engineers serving with the enlisted force of the Corps of Engineers vom, p_,82_ necessary to ill vacancies created or caused in said arms of the ' service by reason of the second increment, authorized in said arms by Act of Congress approved June third, nineteen hundred and sixteegj notlmore tpan horgegourth ghlall be apgpoiqtfd or prvmgtcd un , exc usive 0 en s e men _ eonging said arms on une thirtieth, mneteen hundred and sixteen, at least one-fourth of the second increment of enlisted men authorized for said arms b said . , Y Act ihall fhagie beerilslnlisted; not néore than oneihalfpf sind whole num er o_ officers s e appomte or romote unti at east onehalf of said increment of enlisted men slilall have been enlisted; and not more than three—fourths of said whole number of officers shall be appointed or dpromoted until at least three-fourths of said increname orpmmouous. ment ofdenliste 151en shallhhave been enlisted. And all officers promote in accor ance wit the terms of this proviso shall take rank, respectively, from the dates on which their promotions shall fggggjergfvgefeme Mt have become lawful under the terms of this proviso. Additional im. as, p. `rszQ pay to officers for length of service, $2,000,000: Provided, That the ‘”“°""°"‘ hrst palrt (oi thi second paragraph of section twenty-four of the Act · entitle ‘ i n . ct or makin further and more effectual i `jon for the national defense, and for other purposes/’ approiiddvifrine third, nineteen hundred and sixteen, down to the first proviso in said paragraph, be, and the same is hereby amended to read as fol- _ ows: ?§§{’§‘l0l‘°§‘§j?§,",Q°Z?,;, "l/'acancies in the grade of second lieutenant created or caused by ¤¤g;;§;£S_ the increases_due to this_Act, in any_ fiscal year shall be filled by pmt, p. appointment in the following order; (First) Of cadets graduated from the Lmted States Military Academy during the preceding fiscal year Euustm mem for wklliolmdacanciels digdnog. becoéne aylmlalile during the fiscal year in w c _ ey gra uat · secon un er the provisions 0 existi gw of enhsgecil mep, mchidinlg cggcersfof Philippine Ecoutisi, betweiig e ages o wen y—one an rty- our years w ose tnoss or M,,,,,a,,, s,,mm_ prcémogmn shkall haye {:»?n detfrgrmmed tbyhcorgpetitivedexamination; an o mem ers, inc u 1 officers 0 the anize Milifa the ` National Guard, or Navaxllghlilitia, between thdg ages of twerity-one and thirty-four years who have had at least ninety days actual Federal military service under any call of the President during the Omcm, Reserve calendar year nineteen hundred and sixteen, and whose fitness for Gm-p¤,¤¤c. promotion shall have been determined by examination; (third) of members of the Officers' Reserve Corps between the ages of twenty-