Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/649

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SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 108. 1918. 631 For the repair and restoration of retaining walls along the line of R°*°*'“¤¤ “““· the Poplopen pipe line, $3,000. mm d awk For carryin on the development of the general plan for improve- °° gr ` ments to roads and grounds on the military reservation of West Point, designed nmder contract by authority 0 the Secretary of War, $3,000. _ _ _ _ _ mbmybummg For repainting the mterior of the library building, floors, walls, ° and ceilin , repairing lead frames in windows and plastering walls of towers ggrmerly used for the location of astronomical instruments, $2,950. For repairs and necessary alterations and additions to the cadet °"*°‘“°‘P"‘°’· hos ital, as follows: Flin materials for rebronzing radiators and piping; material for waxing and polishing floors; suitable incandescent lig ts, droplights, mantles, tubes; for carpets, furniture and appliances; for repairs of damaged articles; and or miscellaneous expenses, $120. For purchase of flowers and shrubs for hospital grounds, $100. . cadet For necessary re airs and replacements in steam-heating system m°“° and steam lines and) cooking apparatus, cadet mess, $300: rwided, That this sum be, and the same is hereby made immediately available. For repairs to cadet mess building, $2,000: Provided, That this appropriation be, and the same is hereby, made immediately availa e. For repairs and improvements to the West Point Armiy mess building, including supplying and renewing furnit1u·e and ttings, $2,500. mm mmm For the construction of ‘fireproof sheet-metal shed for housing P ` material of the United States military e§il1ipage employed in the instruction of cadets of the United States `litary Academy, $5,000: P,,,,,,,,,_ Prmnlded, That extra pay, not to exceed 50 cents per day, may be E¤¤-1>¤y¤¤¤w¤¤¤¤- End enlisted men from any item under Current and Ordinary xpenses, Miscellaneous Expenses, and Buildings and Grounds, for labor involved, when in the opinion of the superintendent this will result in economz to the Government and the employment of enlisted men on suc labor will not interfere with their regular duties. For repair and upkeetp of quarters of the sergeant, first class, Hospital Corps, at the ca et hospital, $50. cmtbsmcm Repairs to cadet barracks: For repairing and renewing plastering, painting, and calcimining, repairs to woodwork, reilooring, rearranging rooms, increasing sinks, baths, and other incidental repairs to the buildinv, $15,000: Prmnkied, That this appropriation be, and the same isliereby, made immediately available. For maintaining and improving the grounds of the post cemetery, $1,500. For continuing the construction of breast—high wall in dangerous Pl¤€9S, $1,000- Rosas, sidewalks, For broken stone and gravel for roads, and for repairing sidewalks, ewroads, paths, and bridges on the reservation, $10,000. Mmmm, om For repairs of boilers, engines, dynamos, motors, refrigerating and ' other machinery in the cadet mess, and the replacement of same, to be expended without advertising, $1,500: Provided, That this appropriation be, and the same is hereby, made immediately available. For the repair, improvement, and maintenance of the cadet polo field, and for the purchase of blackboards, gongs, and other necessary msiiterial for the sam? $600.11 ad b h I or wate roo the ost e uarters, ac e or, and gymnasium buildings, _ P q For care and maintenance of organ in cadet chapel, $250. For general repairs to the bui dings of the Coast Artillery firecontrol system, including necessary exterior painting, repairs to steps, roofs, etc., $100.