Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/657

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SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. C11. 113. 1918. 639 certain of said contracts due to increase in the limits of cost of certain buildings, except as otherwise specifically provided by law, and A including payment for the services from J y first, nineteen hundred Hua mm and twe ve, of the architect of the Hilo, Hawaii, building, specially v¤1.’ss,p. 13i3;V0l- selected under the provisions of the Act approved March fourth, 37****%* nineteen hundred and eleven, the unexpende alances of the approriations for architectural competitions, public buildings, for the igscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen undred and eighteen, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is continued and made available for said purposes during the fiscal year nineteen hundred and nineteen. ‘ PUBLIC BUILDINGS, OPERATING mxrmrsms. opmuugexpeum. O rating force: For such personal services as the Secretary of P°'s°““I”"‘°°" the Keasury may deem necessary in connection with the care, maintenance, and repair of all public buildings under the control of the Treasury Department (except as hereinafter provided), to ether with the grormds thereof and the equipment and including assistant custodians, janitors, watchmen, . laborers, and charwo en; engineers, firemen, elevator conductors, coal assers, electricians, dynamo tenders, lam ists and wiremen; mecgianical labor force in connection with said) buildings, including carpente plumbers, steam Htters, machinists, and painters, but in no case shgl the rates of compensation for such mechanical labor force be in excess _ of the rages current at tlhe in ézllieplace where such serviceshafs Prom em o e ,$3,500,000: r , at e ore appropriations · be gvalilable for use in connection with all under the aviiiiiiiiiiis mr mu control of the Treasury De artment, including the customhouse at Washington, District of Cldlumbia, but not including any other public the District of Columbia, and exclusive of mérine hospit , quarantine stations, mints, branch mints, and assay o ces. Fumiture and repairs of frmiiturez For furniture, carpets, and *`¤*’¤**°*°·°°°· repairs of same, for completed and occupied public buildings under ` the control of the Treasury Department, exclusive of marine hospitals, quarantine stations mints, branch mints, and assay offices, and for gas and electric fixtures and rezpgirs of same for completed and occupied pub `c bmldings imder control of the Treasury Department, including ma.rine hospitals and quarantine stations, but exclusive of mints, branch mints, and assay offices, and for furniture and carpets for public building: and extensions of public buildings in coruse of construction whic are to remain under the custody and control of the Treasury Department, exclusive of marine hos itals, quarantine stations, mints, branch mints, and assay offices, andp buildin constructed for other executive ielpartments or establishments oflzhe Government, $650,000: Prmnki , That the forego' {I,"f,,‘;,_,'?“ www ,,_ appropriation shall not be used for personal services except for wdiii mmddone under contract or for temporary job labor under e ncy, and not exceeding at one time the sum of $100 at any one builiiiiig: Promldedfurtluzr, That all furniture now owned by the United States in ,,§,’j° °‘ P'“°“’ ‘“"“‘ other public buildings or in buildings rented by the United States shall be used, so far as practicable, whet er it corresponds with the present regulation plan for furniture or not. M- Operating supplies: For fuel, steam, gas for lighting and heating iiimiv•¤¤r, pugposes, water, ice, lighting supplies, electric current for lightin °°°· an power purposes, telephone service for_custodia.n forces; removal of as es an rubbish, snow, and ice; cutting grass and weeds, washing towels, and miscellaneous items for the use of the custodian forces m the care and maintenance of comtpleted and occupied public bmldmgs and the grounds thereof under e control of the Treasury Department, and m the care and- maintenance of the equipment an